This is a small town shop. The official road goes straight through the middle. The travelling merchants make it very prosperous.

After all, not everyone can be worshipped into the sect to cultivate immortal Dharma. Only a few of them can fly in the sky.

Most people are ordinary mortals, living a life similar to those of the ancients on earth.

So this small town store is so prosperous and full of market flavor.

When the man led the little girl into the town, the little Lori's eyes were almost out of use. She secretly lifted her cloak and looked at it.

Especially when you see those glittering trinkets, you can't even walk.

But she is very restrained, when the stall owner asked with a smile: "little girl, do you want to have a try?"

She shook her head. "No more!"

But as soon as her voice fell, the man on one side threw down a piece of gold, "pack all the things, I want them all!"

The stall owner was overjoyed and said, "yes, yes, I'll install it for you right away."

Just when the stall owner began to install trinkets, little Lori was a little impatient, "no, no, I don't want so many..."

The man patted her shoulder seriously. "You remember, as long as it's something you like, just open your mouth and give it to me. I'll give you the best. Don't be restrained and aggrieved like before. Understand?"

"Because you are Someone hurts The man said solemnly.

Little Lori was a little restless, until the stall owner packed the things, the man took over, and then led her to turn around and leave.

Little Lori is full of pain, looking at the happy back of the stall owner, murmured in a low voice.

"That's a big piece of gold. It's enough to buy half of the market, but it's too bad to get such a small ornament in exchange for it. It's a big loss and a big loser!"

"No, it seems that I will be in charge of the money in the future. Otherwise, it will hurt my heart to watch him spend money like this."

Little Laurie made up her mind.

Soon, they went through the busy market and came to a small restaurant.

Because the town shop is not big, even this restaurant has only two houses.

But because it is close to the official road, the business is very good.

Standing at the door, you can smell the food inside.

And when they walked into the restaurant, a pretty girl met them with a smile.

"What would you like to have?"

Before waiting for a man to talk, little Lori took the lead in saying, "what kind of food do you have the cheapest price?"

"Cheapest?" The girl was stunned, and then said with a smile: "the cheapest is the soup cake, three Wen a bowl!"

"Then a bowl of soup cake. Do you want the soup?"

"No money for soup, of course!" The girl looked at Lori, who was just like a little adult.

"Well, then add more soup and divide it into two bowls, will you?"

"Two bowls? Is that enough? "

"Oh, don't worry about enough. If we drink more soup, we'll be finished? I'm used to it anyway Little Lori said in a reasonable voice.

The big girl's eyes showed a touch of sympathy. In her opinion, the two people must be embarrassed to a certain extent, otherwise, how could they say they were used to hunger?

She just wanted to talk.

At this time, the man on one side slowly took off his cloak and said, "Yingluo, don't make any more nonsense!"

Then he looked up from the woman and said, "give me a bowl of plain noodles and a cup of tea."

Then the man took out a piece of gold and handed it to him.

But the woman didn't pick it up.

Because she was stunned.

Not only she, but many people in this small restaurant are a bit silly.

Because when the man took off his cloak, there was a bald man below.

But it is such a shape, but it does not damage the man's handsome, and even more a trace of evil spirit.

Especially the light tired color in other eyes added a kind of strange charm to him.

The people in this town have never seen such a beautiful and extraordinary person, so they are all stupid.

At this time, the man slightly raised his eyebrows and whispered, "girl!"

In front of this woman this just whole body trembles, wake up from the consternation, and then the face Shua, red to the root of the ear, low head faltering said.

"I I'll arrange it for you! "

After that, he didn't take the gold in the man's hand, so he turned around and ran away.

The man didn't care. He went straight to an empty table and sat down.

The little Laurie, named Yingluo, shrunk her mouth and murmured in a low voice: "is it so charming? Less common, more strange! "

Then he got close to him and said, "you don't eat meat. Why do you want to order so many dishes? Can't we just have something simple? "The man laughed and said, "I don't eat, but you can eat it! It's time for you to grow up. Of course, you should eat better! "

"I can eat as much as I like. What do I spend so much money on? I look heartbroken!" Yingluo said.

The man took a deep look at Yingluo and burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Am I not right? That's enough money for me to eat for a year Yingluo pursed her mouth and said.

"You! As expected, it has not changed at all! " The man said with a smile, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

"What has changed?" Yingluo is full of question marks.

The man shook his head. "Nothing!"

Just at this time, the girl who ran the hall began to serve with a tray.

I saw all kinds of dishes on the tray. Although they didn't sell well, they tasted delicious. The key was that the amount of dishes was obviously much higher than that of others.

After putting the food on the table, the girl blushed and said, "you look like you came from a long way, so I just told my father that I would cook more dishes for you."

While speaking, the girl has been peeping at the man, and his words are full of shyness.

The man did not have any expression, just nodded, "thank you very much."

Then he handed the gold.

But the woman waved her hand and said very seriously, "my father said that I can't take so much money from you."

The man slightly a Leng, but spin even with a smile put the gold on the table.

"Well, let's do it together in the end."

After that, he took a bowl of vegetables for Yingluo and put them in front of her. Then he picked up the plain noodles in front of him and ate them.

"How about it?" The girl asked eagerly, her eyes full of expectation.

The man nodded, "not bad!"

"Hehe, this is made by myself. The noodles are all made by me with eggs. There is no meat smell, but it is very fragrant." The woman is very happy to say.

Thank you very much

The woman's face flushed to the root of her ears. Eating Ai Ai said, "you're welcome Take your time, don't worry

She turned around and ran away like a fly.

The man looked at her back and fell into meditation.

Yingluo suddenly got angry and smashed the table. "Hey, uncle, your eyes are going to fly out!"

The man slightly shocked, immediately smile, also did not refute, but lowered his head to continue to eat noodles.

But there was a little doubt in his eyes.

Because just now, he suddenly saw from the girl that it was too thick to melt.

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