Just at this time, along the official road came a long line.

This team is so powerful that even the guards are equipped with distinctive armor and are very powerful.

In the middle of the team is a large and exquisite chariot, on which stands a big flag, with a big Zhao character written on it.

The chariots were surrounded by people and rattled along, and the merchants and the people who had been walking on the official roads all retreated to the roadside.

The timid one even knelt down on the ground directly and didn't dare to lift his head.

The chariot rumbled through the dust and went to the town.

When the team passed, people on both sides of the road breathed a sigh of fear, and then whispered.

"Isn't this the Third Prince of Zhao? What did he do, and why did he pass from then on? "

"Didn't you hear that? This time, the third prince went to visit the mountain of Qingming Xianzong with heavy gifts. He finally moved an old immortal and admitted him to his family. Now the third prince is the inner disciple of Qingming Xianzong! "

"Hiss! Is that not to say that the third prince will become immortal

"Ha ha, not only that. It is said that the third prince may inherit Dabao and become his royal highness when he returns to Beijing this time."

This made the people around him silent.

A moment later, someone said with a bitter smile, "I was a nobleman of heaven decoration, but now I am a descendant of Qingming Xianzong. Now, the third prince will be more uncontrollable!"

As soon as this was said, all the people turned pale.

Someone whispered, "don't talk nonsense. The third prince is now a member of the Xianzong family. There are all kinds of unpredictable means. If he knows that someone speaks ill of him behind his back, we will all die!"

The crowd nodded and then scattered in a hurry.

The reason why these people are so afraid is that they all know how arrogant the third prince is.

Bullying men and women is a common practice, and he even enjoys killing people. These deeds have already made him a synonym for the devil in Zhao.

However, it never occurred to me that such a rogue could become a disciple of Qingming Xianzong.

Now, many people who had expected the third prince to have retribution were all disappointed.

While many people lament the injustice of heaven.

Zhao Jingsheng, the Third Prince of the state of Zhao, has entered the town with great satisfaction.

As the rumor has it, now he has been worshipped by the master of Qingming Xianzong and has become the inner disciple of Qingming Xianzong.

Although he had not officially started to practice, because the gift he gave was too rich, the elder in charge of punishment personally washed the pith of the book of changes for him and gave him meritorious service.

So now he has been very different from before. He has become a master of quasi golden immortal level.

Although this strength is only reluctantly entering the stream on this planet, it is quite different from the ordinary world and has entered the path of cultivation.

In particular, the elder in charge of punishment also personally gave him a Dharma sword, which made him more confident.

He had been arrogant and despotic, but now he has become so arrogant that he thinks that there is nothing in the world that can defeat him.

Therefore, he, who was supposed to fly back to the state of Zhao, deliberately made this battle in order to let the common people all over the world know his power of Zhao Jingsheng.


He played with his glass and looked out the window at the street view.

Because of his arrival, the whole street has been cleared.

All of them were driven to both sides of the road, standing close to the wall, afraid to move.

Zhao Jingsheng looked down at these people from a commanding position, and gradually raised his mouth, revealing a cold smile.

"It's a group of ignorant people who have never seen the world. They don't know how to kneel down when they see the emperor!"

His eyes flashed, releasing his own prestige and covering the whole street.


Although this Zhao Jingsheng is not the strength of quasi Jinxian, but this pressure is not the ordinary people can bear.

So after a scream, they all knelt on the ground and could not move any more.

Zhao Jingsheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Is that right? You will be punished if you don't kneel when you see the emperor!"

With that, he burst out laughing.

With laughter, the motorcade continued to rattle.

But at this time, Zhao Jingsheng suddenly stopped laughing and said in a deep voice, "stop

At an order, the motorcade stopped instantly.

Then an officer came forward in a hurry.

"What can I do for you, your highness?"

Zhao Jingsheng didn't speak, because his eyes were attracted by the woman who ran the shop and did odd things in the small restaurant.At the moment, the woman is cleaning up the table in the lobby, unaware that there is a silver evil looking at herself outside.

In fact, the girl is not particularly good-looking, the key is that the simple and beautiful temperament is intoxicating.

So Zhao Jingsheng was a bit dazed unconsciously.

As a subordinate of Zhao Jingsheng, how could this officer not see the way of it? So he laughed and whispered: "Your Highness? Do you want me to catch this woman... "

"No need!" Zhao Jingsheng grinned at the corners of his mouth, and a fierce look appeared on his pretty face.

"I'm a little hungry. I think this small restaurant should be delicious. I'll go down and try it!"

With that, he lifted the curtain, stepped down from the chariot, and then came to the small restaurant.

Such a big situation, people in the small restaurant have already seen it.

They all dare not go out, but pray silently in their hearts, hoping that the third prince like a demon star will leave soon.

However, unexpectedly, the third prince didn't leave, and he got off the car and came to this small restaurant.

Now, no matter the diner or the staff of the small restaurant are all flustered.

Yingluo naturally realized this, and could not help saying in a low voice, "uncle."

The man didn't even raise his head. He was concentrating on the noodles in the bowl. After hearing Yingluo's cry, he said faintly: "don't talk, and then eat!"

Yingluo's mouth shriveled, and then she was silent, but her big eyes kept rolling around, peeping into the direction of the restaurant entrance.

At the same time.

Zhao Jingsheng, the third prince, has already entered the restaurant.

Such as his identity and status, no matter where he goes, he always embraces the front and back, and this time is no exception.

The girl looked pale at the sudden influx of people, a blank brain.

She is just an ordinary girl, because her father opened this small restaurant, the small business can not afford to hire too many people, forced under the helpless, she began to show up and start running.

Therefore, she had never seen such a situation, and the whole person was scared to death.

At this time, someone had wiped the table, Zhao Jingsheng Shi ran sat down, and then gave the girl a smile.

"What? No entertainment? "

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