"Xue an?" Moon brake slightly a Leng.

Seeing this, Jin yuebin couldn't help but sneer, "what? Is it true that the immortal of Honglian dare not admit his own identity? "

The moon brake suddenly understood to come over, the consternation on the face then dispersed, and then light way: "yes, I am Xue an, how do you stay?"

After admitting his "own" identity, including Jin yuebin, all the people of Qingming Xianzong unconsciously stepped back.

After all, Xue an's reputation is so great that even ordinary immortal families like them have heard about his deeds more than once.

But for Jin yuebin's conviction that Xue an was seriously injured, he would not be able to fight again.

They are not even qualified to see xue'an.

Even so, many people's hearts are full of fear.

Jin yuebin's face changed, but he returned to normal, and then a burst of sneer.

"Good! As expected, he is indeed a top-level strong man who once dominated the sky, and has courage! Now you surrender and go back with me. I promise I won't embarrass you. What do you think? "

Moon brake light smile, "it seems to give me face, but if I don't?"

Jin yuebin snorted coldly, "then don't blame me for my impoliteness. Xue's name is Xue. I just said that I had expected everything from the moment you started. If I didn't guess wrong, you should have been seriously injured and nearly run out of oil and the lamp is dry!"

Moon brake or not moved, light way: "is again how?"

"Ha ha, so what? Xue, don't try to fool me with this mysterious attitude. To tell you the truth, you are the most wanted criminal in the sky now

However, you have been caught by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty Can I spare you? "

The more you listen, the more surprised you are.

Although he had been walking in the sky all the time, he was basically practicing in the human world and had little contact with the spiritual world. Therefore, he did not know what was going on. He just heard that many people were looking for Xue an.

So after hearing Jin yuebin's words, he could not help whispering.

"Nanwu Buddha, xue'an, what have you done? Why is it that the whole universe is looking for you

However, his reaction fell into Jin yuebin's eyes, but he was completely stupid, which made him angry.

"Xue, if you still have your strength, I dare not do anything to you. But now that you are seriously injured, you dare to kill elder Qingming and play tricks on me. I will let you know how powerful you are today."

After that, Jin yuebin's eyes suddenly changed into two colors, one black and one white, and one wave of his palms.


A black and a white two air currents like a giant dragon wrapped together, toward the moon brake will blow over.

It is the unique skill of Qingming Xianzong.

However, this move from Jin yuebin's hands can be more powerful than the elder in charge of punishment.

At least the breath is violent and powerful, I don't know how many times.

Moon brake face is dignified color, and then double palms close ten, quietly chanting: "if you don't move, still if you need to mend."


Around him, the limitless golden light appears, and directly collides with Jin yuebin's move Qingming Jue Qi.

Although there is no air in the void, there is no medium for sound transmission.

But the elders of Qingming Xianzong still felt that there was a loud noise, which made all of them crazy.

And just when they're scared.

But seeing Jin yuebin back a few steps, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Because he did not think that he could not even deal with a "xue'an" who ran out of oil and ran out of light.

You know, as the leader of Qingming immortal sect, although he can't compare with the leader of the void sect and Xinghai God sect, the strength of the top Dalao is not vulgar.

With such strength, he failed to shake "xue'an", and was shocked by the continuous retrogression.

Is there really such a big gap in strength?

But at this time, I saw a touch of pain on his face, and then the golden light around him showed cracks, and finally burst into pieces.

Seeing this, Jin yuebin was overjoyed and laughed: "Xue, I didn't expect that your Buddhist cultivation is also good. Unfortunately, I can't save your life today!"

With that, he rushed forward again, waving his hands with ten fingers, and countless Green Qi twined the moon brake like silk thread.

At this time, the two palms of the moon are folded, and they are still chanting the Scriptures.

Jin yuebin's eyes showed greed.

In his eyes, this is not a human being, but a treasure of endless power and prestige.As long as you control it in your hand, you have everything.

But at the moment when these green silk just touched the moon brake.

Moon brake suddenly raised his head, eyes deep like the sea, light drink.

"There is no sanmanduo in the south, and there is no cutting off Luo Nanhan!"

The chanting speed of this mantra is very fast, and it is finished in an instant.

Then he saw a statue of Buddha sitting on a rock seat with seven buns on top of it. His face was angry and his back was burning. He held a Vajra pestle in his right hand and a Buddhist statue in his left hand.

It is the original Buddha of yuecha practice, who is also known as Budong Mingwang!

As soon as the statue of Buddha appeared, all the attacks of Jin yuebin were shattered and turned into nothing.

At the same time, as soon as the supreme majesty appeared, Jin yuebin was shocked and retreated.

But soon, he calmed down and said with a strange smile: "Honglian xianzun, when did you become a Buddhist disciple? Even if you can suppress it for a while, how long can you support it? "

Sure enough.

As soon as Jin yuebin's voice fell, the immovable King began to shake, and there was a faint image of collapse.

Jin yuebin snorted coldly and simply picked up his shoulder and waited quietly.

But at this time, two golden lights suddenly appeared in the distant void.

Then the two golden lights flew towards this side, and at the same time, some people exclaimed.

"Good and good, I don't know where the great virtue is here, and can actually practice the emperor of Ming Dynasty."

In a flash, the two golden lights came to the scene. After the light dissipated, they were two handsome monks in white.

The appearance of these two monks made Jin yuebin one of the stunned, but immediately his face became gloomy and he said in a cold voice.

"Qingming Xianzong is in charge of business, so please get out of the way!"

However, the two monks did not even look at Jin yuebin, but kept looking at the moon brake with joyful and admirable eyes.

"Good and good, do not move, respect Bodhisattva, merciful, firm, unshakable, must have great courage and wisdom to learn, should be praised!"

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