Faced with the neglect of the two monks, Jin yuebin could not help but get angry. "Since you monks are lining up to look for death, I will help you!"

With a wave of his hands, Jin yuebin turned the huge green hell into a huge net, and smashed his head and head toward the two monks.

One of the monks sighed, "benefactor, why are you so upset? It's just a smile to know everything in the world, so please let it go

With that, he saw a smile on his face, then raised his hand and pressed it down slowly.


All the Qingming Jue Qi turned into nothing in an instant. Jin yuebin felt that an invisible huge force suddenly fell on his shoulder. When he was caught off guard, he fell to the ground with a plop, even unable to lift his head.

"Lord!" All the elders of Qingming Xianzong exclaimed in unison.

At the same time, the Moon Temple, which has just scattered the statue of the Buddha, can't help but stare at this behind the scenes, "Tantra big handprint!"

Another monk heard the speech and said with a smile, "bhikkhu has good eyesight!"

Yuecha took a deep look at the monk and said in a deep voice, "are you from the Taizang realm or the golden gangland of Tantra?"

"I come from the Tibetan world. My name is Maitreya. This is my younger martial brother. I can't win!" The monk said with a smile.

Even the Moon Temple, whose heart was as firm as iron, could not help shaking when he heard that the monk had reported his family. He lost his voice and said, "do you have Maitreya Bodhisattva?"

"I don't dare. I'm just a Buddhist monk. How can I talk about the word" Bodhisattva " Maitreya said with a smile.

It's only a moment for him.

This is because the monk, who seems to be calm and smiling all the time, is actually one of the top experts in Tantra. His Buddhist accomplishments are unpredictable.

There is even a rumor that he has already testified to the Dharma and become a Buddha.

Here is a brief introduction to the secret school.

Since the creation of the core pure land by the Buddha, the disciples of Buddhism have spread their branches and leaves among the heavens, and eventually become a major school.

Basically all the Buddhist disciples regard the Buddha as their leader.

But Tantra is different, because the origin of Tantra is much longer than that of Pure Land Sect founded by Buddha.

In fact, even the Buddha used to be a disciple of the tantric school at that time. It was not until he went through the three thousand Tibetan scriptures that the Buddha became a Buddha. Then he left the tantric school and came to the heavens to establish a pure land Buddhist kingdom.

Therefore, Tantra has always held a very subtle attitude towards the Buddha.

In the tantric school, it is divided into two major realms, one is Taicang and the other is Vajra.

Doushugong is the top one in the Tibetan Kingdom, and Maitreya is a famous Tantric master for a long time.

But in general, Tantric disciples never go down the mountain, and they seldom appear in the sky.

So this time Maitreya suddenly went down the mountain and appeared in the sky. The Moon Temple was so shocked.

At this time, I heard these people of Qingming Xianzong suddenly screamed.

Then he listened to the Maitreya Bodhisattva's younger brother said with a smile.

"I see that all benefactors are full of anger. Obviously, they are greedy and angry! My Buddha is merciful. Why don't you come to me for a hundred years of meditation, so that you can get rid of the fetuses and preach the pure and pure way. What do you think? "

Although it sounds like asking for the opinions of Jin yuebin and others, along with his voice, the golden lights are like vines, which bind Jin yuebin and others one after another.

Not only that, these golden light seems to have some kind of inexplicable suction, constantly absorbing everything around.

Therefore, these people of Qingming Xianzong were extremely frightened to find that their cultivation was disappearing crazily.

Especially the patriarch Jin yuebin, but in a blink of an eye, he fell from the highest cultivation of Dalao to a real immortal, and then Jinxian.

This kind of high-altitude diving like the strength of blood letting Jin yuebin heartbroken, full of despair roar.


But it was too late.

With a wave of incompetence, a cloth bag on his shoulder suddenly flew out and turned into a golden bag in the air. Then he sucked at the people of Qingming Xianzong.


Including Jin yuebin, all of them even had no time to react, so they were sucked into the golden bag.

Then the pocket flew back to the hands of the incompetent, and the incompetent one weighed it, and then he was satisfied to put it on his shoulders again.

At this point, the Qingming Xianzong, who had just begun to boast, was completely destroyed.

The whole process was surprisingly crisp.

The monk, however, smiles at Maitreya as if he had done a trivial thing.

"Elder martial brother, do you think it's appropriate to deal with this way?"

Maitreya nodded and turned to look at the moon brake.

"Bhikkhu, don't you know your name yet?"

Yuecha took a deep breath and clasped his palms together. "Yuecha, a disciple of Dingchan temple, has seen two great virtues!""Tagalog?" Maitreya and his younger brother can not win a look at each other, and then Maitreya said with a smile.

"So you are a pure land Buddhist. How can you appear here and where do you want to go?"

Yuecha gave a bitter smile, but there was no positive answer. She just said in a soft voice: "I wanted to return to this temple, but I was stopped by these people. Fortunately, I met two people. Otherwise, I would be seriously injured even if I didn't die today."

"Good and good, bhikkhu is so polite. Although you and I have different sects, we should help each other for the same Buddhist practice. What's more, we're going to the pure land Buddhist kingdom. Why don't we go together? "

Then Maitreya looked at the moon brake with a smile, waiting for his answer.

There was a shock in the heart of the moon brake.

Are these two top Tantric masters going to the pure land Buddhist kingdom?

What are they doing?

You should know that there has been little contact between Tantra and Pure Land Buddhism.

But soon, the moon brake will be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, and then nodded.

"In that case, thank you very much."

"Why! What is this? " At this time, this incompetent rather curiously pointed to one side of the backpack asked.

The moon brake smiles, also did not conceal, directly unties the Buddha seal, opens the knapsack.

But as soon as the lid was opened, little Yingluo jumped out of it and hugged the moon brake, sobbing.

While crying, she also sobbed: "big Uncle, I I'm so scared, don't you leave me, don't abandon me

Moon brake is a Leng, and then eyes instantly become gentle up, a soft voice: "OK, I'm not OK, don't worry, I won't leave you, nor will I abandon you!"

Little Yingluo is still sobbing.

The moon brake looks at Maitreya awkwardly. I wanted to explain.

However, they were looking at the little Yingluo in his arms with different colors. Their eyes were shining slightly, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The moon brake can't help but be a little surprised, and then gently cough.

"What are you looking at, elder martial brother Maitreya?"

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