It's the sand that stands in the way.

She was ordered by an Yan to wait here and naturally would not allow Maitreya to pass.

The Maitreya Bodhisattva saw a flash of light in his eyes. Then he closed his palms and exclaimed with joy.

"Good and good, it's a brand new dragon clan that has never been seen before. It can be the Dharma protector under my seat."

Said, Maitreya raised his head to look at the small sand, said with a smile: "the dragon clan, may wish to surrender to me?"

Xiao Sha's dragon eyes gradually widened, and a group of white gas was ejected from his nostrils. "Monk, are you trying to be blind? Let me surrender to you? Do you know who my master is? Don't talk nonsense, just step back, or I'll be rude! "

But Maitreya's smile was not very interesting! But if I want you to surrender to you, you will have the same result as if you did not agree! "

Then Maitreya stepped forward.

Small sand already some impatient, therefore saw Maitreya actually dare to move behind, can not help but a circle, and then toward Maitreya spewed a dragon breath.

Since practicing in the Dragon holy land, Xiaosha's body has been integrated with the blood of several dragon people, such as the magic dragon, the dragon dragon and so on. Therefore, this dragon breath is very powerful.

But Maitreya did not even lift his eyelids, just a wave of his hand, there was a huge palm in the air, and then he grasped it.

This dragon breath was pinched into nothingness by his palm.

But it was far from over, and then the huge palm fell towards the small sand bag's head.

However, Xiao Sha didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he roared and rushed straight up.

See this scene, Maitreya's eyes of appreciation can not help but more thick, but the palms of the castration is not reduced.

So soon, Xiao Sha collided with this giant palm in mid air.


After a big bang.

Xiao Sha's body suddenly sank, apparently under tremendous pressure.

The pressure was so great that the Dragon scales all over her body were flapping, and the sound of bone cracking came from her body.

Even so, Xiaosha still didn't flinch at all, but sent out a very angry dragon chant.

"Ah, ah, ah, no matter who you are, get out of here!"

Say, small sand rises all over the strength dead to resist giant palm, and then slowly upward.

Maitreya's face showed a look of awe.

Because he did not expect Xiaosha to be so brave and strong, and even shake his big fingerprints.

This kind of spiritual will is simply strong and terrible.

But that's it.

Maitreya sighed and pressed his hand again.

Small sand no longer has the resistance, was born down a hundred feet.

But just at this moment, I heard a loud cry, "Lord sand, I'll help you!"

Said, an octopus soared to the sky, waving tentacles to fly near, and then quickly wrapped the giant palm.

Naturally, Zhang Xiaoyu was the one who came. She tried her best to stretch her tentacles tightly. She tried to lift the giant palm and give Xiaosha some breathing space.

How can you shake her hand with her strength.

Just a few breaths.

Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu screamed together, and then they fell to the ground from the sky.

When the giant palm fell to the ground, it directly turned into a chain and bound them together.

Even though Xiao Sha struggled, he could not shake the chain.

The strength of Maitreya Bodhisattva can be seen from this.

At the moment, small sand canthus want to crack, staring at Maitreya, roaring: "let me go, you bald donkey!"

Maitreya didn't get angry. Instead, he said, "don't be nervous. I won't hurt you, but you have to lie here for a while."

With that Maitreya stepped forward.

Seeing this scene, Xiaosha was shocked, and his eyes spewed fire, and his whole body was boiling with dragon blood. He actually wanted to burn himself to break through the shackles.

But at this time, from her in front of the wusheng suddenly extended his hand to pat her shoulder.

"Little girl, don't be too impulsive."

These two palms seem to be understatement, but it is easy to disperse Xiaosha's Qi and blood, and even the whole body is instantly stiff and unable to move.

"Take a rest first, don't you think?"

Incompetent said with a smile, and then he got up and left.

At the same time.

Maitreya also stopped, because in front of him stood a stunning woman.

The woman holds a weapon that looks like a pot with a strange shape, and looks at him like water from the front.It is an Yan.

Anyan saw everything that just happened.

All the people of Pure Land Buddhism, including Yueji, failed to stop the Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Even Xiao Sha was easily defeated, which shows his power.

But an Yan didn't flinch at all. Instead, he stopped the way with a calm face, and said faintly: "this road is blocked. Please go back to the monk!"

When he saw an Yan, Maitreya's face was astonished, but even if he stepped back half a step, his palms folded and his eyes fixed, he said, "benefactor, please get out of the way."

"Get out of the way?" An Yan sneered, "good, then step on my corpse!"

With the voice, think about and read these two little girls also have come out from behind an Yan head.

"Yes, my father is closed. No one is allowed to come near. If you dare to step forward, you will be beaten!" Niannian said with a small fist.

Think about it is much more calm, a pair of big eyes rolling around, looking for Maitreya's flaws.

But after seeing, thinking and reciting, Maitreya's whole body was shocked, and his eyes could not help showing the color of amazement.

However, he soon exclaimed with joy, "goodness is so good. It is amazing that there are so many people with profound Buddhism in the sky."

Said, Maitreya smile ha ha Chong think and read a nod, "two small benefactors, how old are you?"

"Well, we won't tell you! You are a great villain Read a cold hum.

Maitreya is not angry, but raised his head to look at an Yan, "female benefactor, these two can make thousands of gold?"

"So what?"

"Good and good, I see that the two daughters are endowed with wisdom roots, and they are obviously related to my Buddha. How about letting them practice with me?"

"Of course not!" Anyan shook her head firmly.

The two girls were even more angry.

"Who wants to practice with a bad guy like you?"

"I don't want to shave my head!"

Hearing an Yan's refusal and the voice of the two little girls, Maitreya still did not give up.

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