An Yan's mouth appeared a sneer, and then slowly raised the pan in his hand, pointing to the opposite Maitreya.

"No nonsense. My daughter will never be a monk. Let's do it!"

Maitreya could not help sighing, "what a pity!"

Then he walked forward.

An Yan raised his hand, the pan slightly shakes, a huge thunder then thundered toward Maitreya.

But thunder just half way, then quietly disappeared.

That's right.

It was as if someone had erased the lower half with an eraser, without even a trace of signs and waves, and the thunder disappeared.

An Yan saw a gnash of teeth, the pan in the hand repeatedly waved, a ray of thunder as if no money to the Maitreya.

Maitreya's steps did not stop for half a minute, but said in a soft voice, "benefactor, please give up. I am separated from the body of the five elements. These moves do not work for me!"

Anyan certainly won't give up, but Maitreya's prestige is like a mountain, which makes her breathless.

At this time, just listen to think of a cold voice: "read, the back of the man's shoulder pocket!"

Niannian immediately replied, "good!"

With that, Xue Nian raised his hand and pointed to the cloth pocket on his shoulder.



At one command, the Qi of heaven and earth vibrated, and even some causes and effects changed accordingly.

Under the influence of this force, the cloth pocket quickly became dull and old, and there were subtle cracks.

However, Maitreya's face is full of praise and praise

With that, he took another step forward.

In one step, the earth shakes.

An Yan and two little girls back at the same time.

"Mistress!" Xiao Sha's eyes were bloodshot and hissed.

Although was shaken out of the distance, an Yan and two little girls were not hurt at all.

At the same time.

Maitreya and Wunsheng move on.

An Yan snorted coldly and rushed up again.

But when she was just halfway there, she gave her a smile. "Benefactor, you look so good. You'd better have a rest first."

Say, incompetence is better than one hand.

Huge force suddenly comes, will be bound up.

But at the moment when this power is about to touch an Yan.

At the foot of an Yan, a lotus suddenly grows and then blooms to protect an Yan.

It's not just her. Think about Niannian and xiaoshazhang and Xiaoyu.

As soon as the lotus flower opened, the power that Maitreya had exerted on the people suddenly disintegrated.

Xiao Sha jumped up from the ground, and his eyes were red, and he wanted to find Maitreya desperately.

But at this time Maitreya's face became extremely dignified. Then he looked at the distant hole with golden light and walked forward without saying a word.

Wuwusheng followed, two people in the blink of an eye to the golden light before the hole.

At the same time.

The golden light above the hole suddenly burst into full bloom, and then condensed into the shape of lotus flowers, blocking everything outside.

Even Xiaosha was no exception. She was shocked from the air and looked at the distance with consternation on her face.

But when Maitreya raised his head and looked at the lotus in the sky, he suddenly chuckled.

"Good! Then I'll wait for you here for a while and wait for you to go out of the customs! "

After that, Maitreya and incompetence sat down and slowly closed their eyes. They actually sat up with their eyes closed.

This scene stunned everyone.

People didn't expect things to turn like this.

The tantric master, who seemed to be looking for trouble, stopped suddenly and began to sit cross legged, as if waiting for Xue an to leave the pass.

It's just incredible.

Just at this time, I saw Maitreya and wuwusheng emerged countless golden lights, and finally merged with the golden light of the cave entrance, thus obscuring their bodies and disappearing.

People are staring at it.

After a long time, Yueji whispered softly, "what are they doing? Do you protect the Dharma for the Lord? "

This sudden wave was so temporarily subsided.

Although all people's hearts are full of doubts, they can only restrain them first and wait for Xue an to leave the pass.

Others are OK to say, only small sand, it is almost to be angry.

Especially just now, she regarded it as a great disgrace and swore to find the court.

And just when she's mad.

Little Yingluo came over curiously, "you Are you a dragon

"You are deaf, your whole family is deaf!" Is jumping feet gnashing teeth curse, the two monks are not good news of the small sand, smell speech even head did not return, directly no good spirit of the reply.Small Yingluo was ferociously back a step, and then some aggrieved shriveled mouth, "why so fierce! I'm just curious to ask! "

Until then, Xiao Sha realized what she meant. When she turned her head and saw that it was a little Lori who was similar to herself, she was stunned, and then she grabbed her head in some embarrassment.

"Er You are right. I am the dragon

Yingluo giggles and looks at Zhang Xiaoyu curiously.

"And you? How did you just grow so many tentacles? "

Zhang Xiaoyu's skin is much thicker than Xiaosha. He smiles when he hears the speech, and then his whole body shakes, showing the tentacles.

"How about it? It's amazing

Little Yingluo's face was astonished and clapped: "it's very powerful."

Zhang Xiaoyu can't help but be more proud.

However, Yingluo's next words wiped out all his complacency.

Yingluo said, "I didn't expect that seafood could be refined."

"You are seafood, your family is seafood!" Zhang Xiaoyu usually the most resistant is to hear others say that he is seafood, so he is not polite to reply.

Yingluo, however, began to laugh. "Are you kidding? As for being so serious?"

Then she looked to one side to think and read. After a little stupefied, the three girls nodded to each other and said with one voice: "Hello!"

Then the three of them smile together.

It is said that there is no barrier between children.

So the three little girls soon got together to talk, laugh and play.

This scene also makes the atmosphere of that very dignified just a lot easier.

Although an Yan was defeated twice by Maitreya and others, but now the mood is very good.

Because she felt Xue an's breath from the lotus flower.

It was weak, but at least it proved that he had been there all the time, which was much better than the situation in which no one had heard from him before.

So when she saw that her two daughters were having a good time with Yingluo, she couldn't help laughing.

But some people in the field are not so happy.

For example, the moon is still.

He looked at Yingluo's back. After a long time, he restrained his eyes and said, "is she the one you want to find even if your Zen heart is broken?"

One side of the moon brake eyes such as water, nodded, "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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