The moon was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, "is it worth it?"

Yuecha took a look at his elder martial brother, then chuckled: "elder martial brother, this is not like what you said. Haven't you always adhered to the view that nothing can cause dust? How could you look like that this time? "

Yue Ji glared at her, "nonsense, you are my younger brother. Of course I have to worry about you!"

He gave a faint smile, then raised his eyes and looked at the little Yingluo who was playing with xiangxiangniannian in the distance. His eyes gradually became deep and deep.

"It doesn't matter that it's not worth it. From the moment I made this decision and put it into action, I've thought about all the consequences and am willing to take it."

Looking at the indifferent color of his younger brother's face, the moon was silent, and finally sighed.

"Do you know that with your talent, if you are brave and diligent, if you don't fall into meditation, you will definitely be able to testify to the truth, be wise and even fabulous. As a result, you have ruined your future for the sake of a previous life. I really feel sorry for you!"

Yue chuckled. "If I remember correctly, it should be elder martial brother. Because of her special background, little Yingluo didn't have any real friends or playmates. So the three of them just hit it off and stuck together every day. It was a lot of fun.

Today is no exception.

the three of them played for a long time, and only when they were tired of playing did they get together and murmured about the secrets between the girls.

Suddenly, Niannian asked curiously, "Yingluo, who is master yuecha?"

Yingluo said with a smile, "is he my uncle?"

"Uncle? Is it that simple? " Think about it, obviously don't believe it.


"Hee hee, I thought you were his daughter-in-law!"

"Well, you dare to make fun of me. Watch

Then Yingluo stretched out her hand and tickled.

Thinking about it, I couldn't stand it. After a few rounds, I was defeated and began to beg for mercy.

"Good Yingluo, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I can't say it again!"

"Well, that's about it!" Yingluo releases her hand with satisfaction.

Think about lying on the ground for a long time before sitting up, full of curiosity asked: "then how do you two know each other?"

"Hehe, it's a long story." Yingluo sat on the ground carelessly, "if you can summarize it in one sentence, it is that I was picked up by uncle."

"Got it? Are you an abandoned baby? " Read read very nervous to say.

This sentence perfectly mends Yingluo.

Yingluo couldn't help holding out her hand and pinching Niannian's face, "silly Niannian, don't talk nonsense. How can I be an abandoned baby? I was five years old, OK

Niannian nodded thoughtfully, and then added, "is that a five-year-old abandoned baby?"

Yingluo: "yes."

"Can we not talk about abandoned babies?"


"I should have been four years old at that time. Because of some things I didn't understand, I was regarded as an ominous person by my family, and then I was thrown into the mountains."

Speaking of this, Yingluo's face appears a pale color.

The two little girls closed their mouths tightly and looked at her with heartache.

But soon, Yingluo recovered and said in a relaxed voice, "Hey, at that time, they thought that I would surely die in the mountains, but I didn't expect that I would survive and live well!"

With that, Yingluo said with a proud face, "have you ever tasted wild mountain pears in autumn?"

The two girls shook their heads together.

"I've tasted it, tut, that taste It's sweet and juicy. It can't be too delicious! And black honey, yellow nuts, and even I found a stupid goat that was killed on a stone because I couldn't see the road clearly

"The goat is really big. I can't move it by myself. But I'm smart. I cut the meat with a small stone and eat it with honey! I ate a leg of mutton all by myself at that time. It's very good

Yingluo said with a smile.

Two little girls have been listening to silly, can only subconsciously nod.

But at this time, Yingluo turns her head and doesn't want the two girls to see the tears in her eyes.

"Later, it became colder and colder. Overnight, the mountain was blocked by heavy snow. I had to hide in a cave, and I couldn't go anywhere."

"That winter How cold it is

Yingluo's body began to tremble slightly. "I dare not sleep because I'm afraid I won't wake up again after I fall asleep. So I start to tell myself stories. The more horrible the story is, the better. So I will be scared to stay awake all the time. Ha ha ha ha, am I a genius?"

In the laughter, Yingluo didn't look back, because at this time, her face was already full of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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