At this moment.

Under the sky, in the middle of the sea of flowers, suddenly grew a red lotus flower.

The longer the lotus grows, the higher it is, and soon it will be king over the sea of flowers.

Then, the lotus blossomed tremblingly.

Suddenly, a golden light rose to the sky and shook the whole world.

In the golden light, there is a figure of a young man sitting on his knees.

An Yan hands tightly together, face full of tension and expectation.

At the same time, there are two golden wheels around the golden light.

Under the golden wheel, Maitreya and powerless figures from the Tibetan world of Tantra are all revealed.

The three radiances complement each other, illuminating the whole core pure land.

All the residents of the core pure land look feverishly at the scene in the sky, then kneel down and worship.

"Crouch, boss, is this a God?" Zhang Xiaoyu's face was shocked and whispered.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Sha patted her head heavily, "don't talk nonsense. The master is much more powerful than God!"

"Yes, yes! Isn't this a metaphor? " Zhang Xiaoyu laughs.

At this time, the golden light gradually began to converge, and finally belonged to Xue an.

When all the light dissipated, Xue an moved and slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes completely, the way of heaven vibrated, the starry sky trembled, and the mysterious breath swept by like a strong wind.

All the people were scared of it. They all bowed their heads and even did not dare to look Xue an's eyes directly.

Because what kind of eyes they are!

There is no sorrow or joy. It is as calm as the sea, but it contains the supreme brilliance, which makes people just want to worship.

At this moment, many people feel as if they have seen an ancient god.

But soon, these brilliance also converged.

Xue an's momentum gradually calmed down, and finally became like a piece of flawless jade, warm and cool.

"Wow, Dad seems to be a little more handsome again!" Read the whispering way full of flower maniac.

"Nonsense, when is dad not handsome?" Think about it, retort.

At this time, Xue an looked down at the people on the ground, and finally put his eyes on an Yan and the two little girls. The corners of her mouth were raised, revealing a faint smile.

Anyan's tears filled her eyes. Although Xue an only closed for more than a month, in her opinion, this month is so long.

However, before Anyan opened her mouth, Xue an shook her head slightly, which means you don't speak first. Then Xue an raised her head and looked at the opposite side and said faintly.

"Don't you wake up yet?"

At this point.

Under the two golden wheels on the opposite side, the breath of Maitreya and wuwusheng is boiling.

Soon, they opened their eyes.

When they see Xue an in front of them, they are slightly stunned, even if their palms close together.

"Good and good, no wonder we can inherit the inheritance of the Buddha. It turns out to be the red lotus!"

Xue an's expression is indifferent, can't see the slightest joy and anger, just light way: "these scene words don't say, say, want to ask what!"

Maitreya's eyes flashed, but soon he regained his calm. Then he said in a low voice: "dare you ask, Lord Honglian, where is the duty of a Buddhist practitioner?"

When this was said, the monks on the ground were in a commotion.

"The moon is silent, full face astonished," unexpectedly want to argue classics? "

"Maitreya is the first expert in the Tibetan world of Tantra, and his eloquence is unimpeded. The leader has just preached. I really don't know if he can cope with it."

Yuecha on one side did not speak, but the worry in his eyes still showed his mind.

When all the monks were lack of confidence, Xue an said lightly: "the answer to this question is actually you have said that the duty of Buddhism lies in the practice place."

This response made Maitreya's eyes twinkle. He immediately asked, "what should we hold on to when there are different ways to practice?"

Xue an did not speak, but quietly looked at Maitreya.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

"Bai Mei, you are more proficient in Scripture than I am. How should I answer this question?"

The white browed arhat frowned and thought for a moment, but finally shook his head. "This question contains too much Scripture meaning, and I don't know how to answer it."

"What can I do? If the leader had just been asked by the Maitreya when he had just demonstrated his way out of the pass, how could he still command the pure land Buddhist kingdom Yue Ji said with a sad face.

His worries are justified.

Because there is such a tradition in Buddhism, closing down means that you can't solve some problems. If you break through the barrier, it proves that you have achieved something.

At this time, if you are asked, it means that your achievements are not as good as those of the other party. It can be said that you have fallen behind and it is difficult to turn over again.When he was full of sorrow, Xue an, who had been silent, burst into laughter in the sky.

In the laughter, Xue an's tone is indifferent: "should hold impermanence view!"

After hearing Xue an's answer, the white browed Luohan, who was frowning and Pondering over this question, almost drank out a good word.

Because this answer can be described as seamless, wonderful to the extreme.

Maitreya was also slightly shaken, but he did not give up. Instead, he put his hands together and exclaimed, "master Honglian is really eloquent. I have another question."


"In his whole life, the Buddha has vigorously promoted two things: one is cause and effect, the other is pure land. What is the so-called

Speaking of this, Maitreya's face appeared a shallow smile, "this problem, please Honglian adult teach!"

Xue an's face appeared a meaningful smile, "I know what you want to say, yes, the Buddha is still in the cause and effect, not detached!"

As soon as this was said, all the monks in the core pure land were shocked.

Because all the Scriptures they wrote about detachment, but now Xue an said that the Buddha was still in the cause and effect, which was quite unacceptable.

Sure enough.

Maitreya's smile on his face was more powerful, and he suddenly stopped drinking, "since this is the case, where is the cultivation of Buddhism? Even the cause and effect have not been cut off, isn't it like the donkey of a grinding mill, always in the same place? "

This sentence can be said very hard, satirizing that all the monks present are Lama's donkeys.

Many people were angry.

Xue an was not happy, even his eyelids did not lift, just a light way: "then I ask you, what is the cause and effect?"

"If you start to think, it's cause and effect." Maitreya replied without hesitation.

The answer is almost perfect, and you can't find anything to blame.

But Xue an shook his head, "you are wrong! And it's a big mistake. "

"What's wrong?" Maitreya's eyes slightly narrowed, cold voice.

"The fault is that you don't understand the cause and effect at all!"

Maitreya is the first master of Tantra in Tibetan world. His eloquence is unimpeded and his learning is like the sea.

But in xue'an's mouth, he became an ordinary man who did not understand the cause and effect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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