This sounds ridiculous, so Maitreya can't help but sneer: "dare to ask Honglian, what is cause and effect?"

Xue an smile, "very simple, cause and effect is persistent!"


As soon as these two words came out, the audience was shocked, and all the monks were in a daze.

He suddenly laughed, and then his palms closed and said in a soft voice, "there is no Buddha in the south. Xue an is really powerful!"

Maitreya was stunned and frowned slightly, obviously thinking about Xue an's words.

Xue an did not stop, and went on to say: "the Buddha created a pure land of Buddhism, preaching cause and effect to all living beings. This is his persistence, so he has been in the cause and effect."

"You come alone, covet pure land, this is also persistent, since all in persistent, how to talk about detachment?"

Maitreya murmured to himself.

All of a sudden, his face turned white and his whole body trembled.


"Did you feel surprised?" Xue an said with a smile, and then looked slightly sideways to Maitreya's incompetence, light way.

"Since it is one, why should it be divided into two people?"

Maitreya's eyes towards xue'an are full of horror.

To be honest, he looked down on Xue an in the beginning.

Xue'an did serve for the heaven. "Lord, this guy still wants to accept Lord Xiaosha to be his Dharma protector. This is also a mistake. "

Xue an nodded with a smile, "yes, if you don't say I've forgotten, what are you going to do under the four mistakes?"

Maitreya was silent for a long time. Finally, he put his palms together and saluted xue'an deeply. "The mistake has been made, but everything depends on Honglian."

"Good! In this case, you can take a punch from me. If you can take me and not die, all previous mistakes will be written off! "

After that, Xue an takes a step forward, grabs his hands and blows them out.

The blow did not stir up any waves, as light as a child playing.

But it was such a blow that Maitreya's face became extremely dignified and drank heavily.



Wusheng broke up in an instant and turned into a golden light. He became one with him. Then his momentum doubled in an instant. Then he pushed his palms flat to meet Xue an's fist.

No sound, no air flow.

The two touch each other quietly.

But the next second, Maitreya is like a kite with a broken string, and he is blown out directly.

Not only that, Maitreya in the air spat out blood, and at the same time, the whole body of golden light is broken, and there is a crackling sound like firecrackers.

Then Xue an closed his fist in his hand and watched quietly.

It was not until a moment later that Maitreya finally stopped his fall and barely stopped in the air.

At this time, he was extremely miserable.

Xue an's body had already been blasted into powder by Xue an, and most of his bones were broken.

At the same time, his arms twisted at a strange angle, revealing the white bones below.

And in these wounds, there is a faint surge of blood light.

This proves that the secret school master is on the verge of collapse, otherwise he will not be unable to control his own Qi and blood.

The power of Xue an's fist is so terrible.

But unexpectedly, although Xue an's blow, Maitreya's face did not see the slightest resentment.

On the contrary, his eyes were filled with joy beyond words.

Then he slowly bent his knees and knelt down to the ground toward xue'an, and made a difficult salute.

This is the highest etiquette in the Tantra.

Xue an didn't dodge, so he accepted the worship.

Everyone is stupid.

"What's the matter with the monk? How did you get a punch from the boss and kneel down? " Xiao Sha said with some astonishment.

"It's not easy. It must have been beaten down!" Said the octopus.

However, the monks such as Yue Ji looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

At this time, only listen to Xue an light way: "can understand now?"

Maitreya raised his head, and his face was relaxed after liberation. "If you go back to the Buddha, the disciple has realized it!"

Xue an nodded. "It seems that you have a good bone. This blow is not in vain. Get up!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Maitreya stood up respectfully, his anger in his eyes was gone. Although he was seriously injured, his momentum was very low, but his eyes became extremely pure.

Before Maitreya although always a smile, but invisible but with a powerful, people dare not look directly.

But now he is just like an old farmer who cultivates land. He is in the same state of light and plain.

White eyebrow Luohan lenglengleng looked at, finally suddenly understood, and then double palms close ten, joyful praise way."Good and good, the leader really has the power of the dragon image, and one blow broke Maitreya's persistence."

That's right!

Although Xue Angang's fist hit Maitreya severely, it broke his prejudice and persistence with supreme power, which made him suddenly come out of the previous framework and got great relief.

"I just said that if you can survive my blow, it will be even. Now you go!" Xue an said lightly.

But Maitreya shook his head, and then his eyes firmly said: "Buddha, I know that I was guilty before, I would like to follow the Buddha's side, do things for you, so as to atone for myself!"

"Do you really want to work for me?"

"Of course

"Well, then you can go back and reorganize the Tibetan territory now, and be ready to wait for my call. Can you do it?"

With that, Xue an passed a divine thought, which contained all the information of the bronze door in the cave.

When he felt the information, Maitreya was shocked. Then he nodded his head and said, "don't worry, I will die forever."

After that, he didn't even have time to deal with his injuries, so he turned around and left in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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