Chen Rushi is infatuated to look at the whole body up and down the strong breath of the man, the heart of five mixed Chen.

But I can't wait for her to feel anything.

Xue Nian on one side pointed to the small bottles on the assembly line and said, "Dad, is this food delicious?"

"It's just like a greedy man to eat," he said Xue Xiang also said with some salivation.

Xue an ha ha ha smile, pick up two bottles casually, "have a taste!"

The two little girls took over, just like drinking drinks. They drank up the two bottles of Tianyuan.

A lot of people were stunned.

We should know that the cost of producing a bottle of Tianyuan is about one million yuan, but Xue an takes it as a drink for her daughter.

When the two girls finished drinking, they all narrowed their eyes.

"Good to drink?" An Yan asked at this time.

"Mm-hmm! Sweet, sour, like juice Xue Nian said.

"No, I drink like coffee!" Xue wants to be the first.

"Have you ever had coffee?" Xue Nian didn't believe it.

"Why not? When aunt xuan'er asked us to drink Banlangen, she said it was just like coffee! " Xue wants to argue.

The two girls began to argue about the taste of Banlangen and coffee.

And Xue an picked up a bottle and gave it to Anyan, "you can try it too!"

An Yan shook his head, "you are not saying that my body now, drink what panacea is useless? Don't waste it

Xue an a smile, "your husband, I can't afford to waste it!"

An Yan face a red, took a bottle of fate, drink a small, and then handed back to Xue an.

"You drink too!"

This scene let the people around all show the color of envy.

Chen Rushi lowered his head and stopped speaking.

Her heart now, only envy and blessing!

Because she read enough tenderness to drown in Xue an's eyes.

How lucky a woman would be if she could meet a man who doted on her daughter!

Chen Xiuhe is quick enough.

The next day, the news that the Chen family would hold a press conference spread all over the city.

The impetuous and restless China, which is being made by the coming war, is once again a sensation.

Chen family to hold a press conference?

What is Chen Xiuhe going to do?

Many people are full of doubts.

It was the day of the press conference.

All kinds of luxury cars were parked in front of the hotel of Chen family.

A lot of people gathered around and whispered about the press conference for a while.

Just then, Jin Xiurong, dressed in a cheongsam, came in with her two sons.

The crowd dodged the road, and others cried out in a respectful voice: "good luck, old lady Ann!"

Jin Xiurong nodded haughtily, and then walked into the venue.

After she left, people began to talk.

"This old lady ANN is really imposing."

"Tut Tut, then you didn't see the prosperity of settling down a few years ago. When you went out, you were just like the emperors in ancient times when they left the palace!"

"Such a cow * was not beaten in the face at the birthday party a few days ago?" Someone sneered.

"Haha, it's much worse to settle down now, but the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Let's watch the fun!"

When Xue an arrives, the hotel hall is already full of people.

Xue an also did not make a statement, was about to go in, a surprise voice came.

"Mr. Xue?"

Xue an turned his head and saw a familiar face.

"You are Chen Xiaoyi? "

Chen Xiaoyi was the female reporter who once interviewed Xue an in the provincial capital.

I didn't expect that today she came to Zhongdu and attended the press conference!

Chen Xiaoyi was very happy to see Xue an, "Mr. Xue, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Xue an smiles. He has a good impression of Chen Xiaoyi.

"Is reporter Chen not in the provincial capital now?"

"No, I came to Zhongdu to do something with my friends this time. When I met this conference, I came to join in the fun." Chen Xiaoyi said, pointing to the girl beside her.

"This is my friend Huang Xiangyan!"

Xue an took a look at the Yellow Xiangyan. She looked like a middle-class person. However, when she was dressed up, she looked quite beautiful, but her expression was very arrogant.

After Chen Xiaoyi introduced her, she just looked at Xue an a few times, then flashed a trace of disdain in her eyes, turned her head and said in a cold voice: "Xiaoyi, you talk first, I'll wait for you there!"Then he turned and left.

Chen Xiaoyi said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my friend is like this to everyone!"

Xue an suppressed a smile and pointed to the back of her.

Chen Xiaoyi turns to look around and finds that after sitting down, Huang Xiangyan is chatting with a rich young man with a smile on his face. The flattery and indifference are in sharp contrast!

Chen Xiaoyi's face became very embarrassed.

"Mr. Xue, Miss Fan has gone to Hollywood in M country. Do you know that?" Chen Xiaoyi suddenly said.

Xue an was stunned, "don't you know? When did it happen? "

"I have just heard that she has terminated the contract with the original company, and then pushed off many invitation to blockbuster movies and went to Hollywood alone. Many people said she was crazy!" Chen Xiaoyi sighed.

Xue an listened, a soft place in the bottom of his heart was touched, and then sighed slightly.

"I really don't know about it!"

Chen Xiaoyi nodded, "maybe Miss Fan has her own ideas."

At this time, all the people took their seats. Chen Xiaoyi thought Xue an had no seat, so he warmly invited him and said, "Mr. Xue, come and sit down next to me! It's a good place to see clearly! "

Xue Anluo pondered and nodded.

He planned to ask fan Mengxue in detail.

Chen Xiaoyi is obviously very happy. After they sit down, Huang Xiangyan, who is fighting with the rich children nearby, frowns.

Then he deliberately said, "is there an invitation for Mr. Xue to come this time?"

Xue an shook her head. "No invitation!"

Huang Xiangyan's face was more sarcastic. "Since there is no invitation, why sit here?"

Chen Xiaoyi's face sank, "Xiang Yan!"

Huang Xiangyan sneered, "Xiaoyi, you have to be careful. Some people, relying on their own face, cheat women's money all day long. You have to be careful!"

Xue an laughed when he said this.

When Huang Xiangyan talks, doesn't he think about himself first?

However, Chen Xiaoyi was livid and obviously angry.

Seeing this, Huang Xiangyan sneered in his heart.

Chen Xiaoyi was arrogant when she was in the unit. Now it seems that she is just a stupid woman.

She won't make such a mistake. This time, she tried her best to get the invitation of the press conference in order to catch a prize in it.

For her, money is the most important thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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