"Mr. Xue, I'm really sorry. She..." Chen Xiaoyi was apologetic and wanted to say something.

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "don't say, it's OK."

And Xue an's attitude makes Huang Xiangyan look scornful.

In her opinion, Xue an was definitely a counsellor.

The rich second generation, who was flattered by Huang Xiangyan, is also smiling at the moment, and says with pride: "Miss Huang, don't pay attention to some messy people. When the conference is over, I'll take you to meet some real big people!"

Huang Xiangyan's eyes lit up, "really? How do you do, big boy

The rich second generation said with a triumphant smile, "of course, my family and the Chen family have a very deep relationship. Even my father used to do things with Mr. Chen in those years. Now when Mr. Chen sees me, he still nods at me!"

What he said was Chen Xiuhe.

When Huang Xiangyan heard the splendor in his eyes, he began to flatter and flatter him more and more.

At this moment.

A group of people came up on the platform in front of them, holding a plate in their hands.

But the plates were covered with red cloth, and it was hard to see what was inside.

Then Chen Rushi came out.

Her presence caused a slight commotion.

As soon as the children of many aristocratic families saw her, their eyes were bright.

"Hello, Miss Chen!"

"Good sister Rushi!"

Greetings come and go.

Even the rich second generation also raised his hand with excitement on his face, saying, "Hello, Miss Chen!"

For them, Chen Rushi is like a goddess in their heart.

And Huang Xiangyan enviously looked at Chen Rushi on the stage, wondering how cool it would be if he could get to this point one day?

However, Chen Rushi just nodded slightly toward the stage, and then stood aside with his hands down.

At this time, Chen Xiu and he walked up slowly.

It was his appearance that caused a great commotion.

Whether they were willing or not, many people stood up and yelled, "I've met the master Chen!"

Chen Xiuhe said with a smile, "please have a seat."

After everyone sat down, Chen Xiuhe said faintly, "today I invite you to come here. I want to announce something! But... "

After a pause, Chen Xiu said, "but I'm not qualified to talk about it, so I'm going to invite a gentleman to speak on the stage."

After that, Chen Xiuhe also stood aside.

The audience was stunned at first, and then all the faces were full of astonishment.

Who is it?

Can Chen Xiuhe be so respected?

Just then, Xue an stood up.

As soon as he got up, people around him began to look sideways.

Chen Xiaoyi was stunned and whispered, "Mr. Xue, what are you going to do?"

Xue an faint smile, "it's OK, I'll go to the front for a while."

Huang Xiangyan sneered: "it's really interesting. Do you know where this is? How about walking around? I don't know how to get in! "

Chen Xiaoyi couldn't bear it. He said angrily, "Huang Xiangyan, don't go too far!"

Huang Xiangyan was confused by Chen Xiaoyi's angry scolding, and then he sneered: "Chen Xiaoyi, don't feel how you are. I tell you, this surname Xue is pure..."

There's nothing to say in the back.

Because Huang Xiangyan saw a scene that made her gape.

See Xue an walk to the front row, and then slowly walk onto the stage.

His action naturally attracted the attention of all the audience.

Chen Xiaoyi can't help but be stunned.

At this time, Xue an comes to the front desk. Chen Xiuhe and Chen Rushi are surrounded by him with a respectful manner.

Huang Xiangyan's face was dull, and his mouth whispered: "heaven Oh, my God! I read it right! "

However, Chen Xiaoyi recovered from the shock and recalled the many miracles that Xue an had created in the provincial capital. He could not help but smile.

In this man, any miracle can happen!

At this time, he looks around the table.

The room gradually quieted down.

Xue an then said lightly: "many people are curious about who I am."

"Introduce myself, my name is Xue an!"

Xue an?

The name caused a stir.

And Huang Xiangyan has been fawning on the rich second generation is all over a shudder, with frightened eyes looking at the stage.

"He Is He Xue an

Huang Xiangyan was pale and asked in a low voice: "this Is this Xue an very good

"Not only powerful? He has trampled on the top Chinese giants in Zhongdu. Do you think it's powerful or not? " This rich second generation has a tremor.

At the moment, his heart is extremely regret, should not be entangled with this silly girl.That's it.

Did you just make a mockery of Xue an?

Thinking of this, this rich second generation shivers all over.

Huang Xiangyan, however, is pale as paper. He regrets his words and deeds, and then smiles at Chen Xiaoyi.

"Xiaoyi You Will you apologize to Mr. Xue for me later? "

Chen Xiaoyi snorted coldly and didn't pay any attention to her.

At this time, Xue an waved his hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when the crowd was quiet.

"A lot of people are curious, why do we hold this conference?"

"It's very simple. I only do one thing!"

With that, Xue an pulled the red cloth on the tray.

More than ten bottles of exquisite shape of small bottles will appear in front of the public, in the light of the light, these small bottles all emit charming light, let people see dazzling.

What is that?


A lot of people are confused.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "this This is what I want to tell you today. It's the medicine that can prolong your life for 20 years. It's fate! "


There was a commotion that could no longer be suppressed.

Twenty years of life extension?

What is the concept?

We should know that with the current medical conditions, we dare not say that an old man's life can be extended by one year.

This Xue an actually said that the pale gold liquid in these small bottles can prolong life by 20 years?

A lot of people shake their heads, with disdain and suspicion on their faces.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

It wasn't until the crowd calmed down again that he said, "I know a lot of people won't believe it, but no problem, I have someone here to verify it!"

Said, the high temperature speech also stepped on the stage.

As soon as he appeared, there was another low exclamation.

"Doctor Gao!"

"Why did he come?"

"Everyone, what I want to say today is, if you don't believe me, you can look at me!" he said with a smile

At this time, many people noticed that today's high temperature is different from the past.

In the past, although the high temperature maintenance is very good, but the age limit, there are wrinkles on the face, the whole person is vicissitudes.

But now it looks like a man in his thirties.

Many people can't help but move.

After all, high temperature speech has a good reputation in China. He should not cheat people!

Xue an once again said: "what's more, this destiny can not only prolong life, but also make people stay young forever."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, all the women under the stage brightened.

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