There is no woman who can resist any temptation.

If so, she must not be a woman.

Xue an's words caused a great sensation.

However, some people remain skeptical.

After all, it all sounds too weird!

At this time, Xue an pointed to Chen Xiaoyi under the stage, "Miss Chen, please come up for a moment!"

Chen Xiaoyi a Leng, pointed to himself, "is that me?"

Xue an nods.

Then Chen Xiaoyi stood up and walked vaguely to the stage.

Huang Xiangyan's envious eyes will be angry.

But I can't help it.

Can only look at.

After Chen Xiaoyi came to the stage, Xue an gave her a smile, "Miss Chen, please try this destiny today!"

Chen Xiaoyi is now about 30 years old, but because he is usually plain faced and often stays up late to write manuscripts, his skin looks very poor and his whole mental state is somewhat old.

Chen Xiaoyi looks at it with a confused face.

She didn't understand until Xue an handed her a bottle of fate.

"This thing Is it expensive? "

Xue an nodded and said in a soft voice, "about 10 million yuan."

Chen Xiaoyi shook his hand and almost threw it on the ground. Then he bit his teeth and drank the whole bottle of Tianyuan.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

This is also a gift for Chen Xiaoyi.

And this fate is an enhanced version, the time to play a medicine has been shortened a lot.

Five minutes.

Chen Xiaoyi blinked and blinked, feeling that there was no difference.

Gradually there was a commotion under the stage.

A lot of people looked at it with a sneer and thought that Xue an's trick was ruined.

Even a few people with a medical background would get up and denounce Xue an as a liar.

Just then, a magical scene happened.

The wrinkles on Chen Xiaoyi's face began to disappear at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin color began to whiten.

Even has begun to have fat figure, but also in an instant to restore youth vitality.

A moment later.

Chen Xiaoyi, who just looked like a 30-year-old Chen Xiaoyi, now seems to have recovered to his 18-9-year-old state.

There was a dead silence under the stage.

Everyone looked at it with astonishment.

Especially those women, all look dull.

"My God Finally a woman whispered.

Then, just like lighting the fuse, the atmosphere in the room was ignited instantly.

"Mr. Xue How much is this? I want ten bottles! " Yelled a rich woman who was old and yellow.

"Mr. Xue, I'm very interested in you. I want to cooperate with you. Here is my business card!" A bespectacled, apparently pharmaceutical company representative, said respectfully.

"Mr. Xue, what are the side effects of your world-class technology?" Some people asked questions of concern.

Xue an shook his head. "Although many people are surprised, this fate There are no side effects! "

At this time, a large number of women gathered around, and they were eager to eat xue'an.

Xue an said with a smile, "today I can give everyone a try, but it can only last one month."

Said Xue an took out the ready Trial Pack, this is all diluted fate, the efficacy of up to a month!

Many women can't wait to take it and drink it.

After a while, these women, who were old and fat, became much younger.

This practical effect finally makes people no longer reserved.

There are even women fighting for the trial clothes.

At the same time, more hostile eyes are on xue'an and the Chen family behind xue'an.

After all, everyone can see that this fate represents a huge amount of wealth!

Who is not jealous?

Xue an looks at this scene, the corner of his mouth appears a smile.

This That's what he wants.

At the same time, Xue an noticed a look of resentment.

He turned his head and looked at Jin Xiurong, who was sitting in the distance.

Jin Xiurong is shaking all over now.

The teeth are even more creaking.

She is not a fool. Naturally, she can guess that Xue an must have made this fate.

What does that mean?

It means that Xue has a technology in his hands that will make him the richest man in the world.

But he never showed up.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiurong is full of anger and resentment, and a trace of regret rises in her heart.

If I was not so strong, if I had a better attitude.Then an Yan will not reverse the settlement, this God like technology will be settled!

But it was late.

Jin Xiurong can only look at Xue an with resentment.

Until Xue an turned to look at her, Jin Xiurong was surprised.

Xue an's eyes are full of indifference and indifference.

It seems that he is a high-ranking emperor who is looking at the sinful people!

This makes Jin Xiurong's face pale.

And a lot of people who know the inside story are secretly laughing.

Settle down This is completely become the laughingstock of the large population!

"Mr. Xue, when are you going to sell it?" This is the most frequently asked question.

Xue an said with a smile, "it's already in production. As for when to start selling After general Lin's gamble is over

Xue an's words make many people's hearts move.

It looks like Xue an is gambling!

Bet general Lin can win!

However, among the eager or envious eyes, there is a woman sitting in a wheelchair who is looking at Xue an in the distance with puzzled eyes.

What do you want to do? A fairy like man in my cousin's mouth Xue an!

This conference ended in shock.

And the follow-up effect completely turned the whole China upside down.

Everyone knows what this destiny means.

As soon as Xue an returned to Chen's house, all kinds of phone calls and invitations almost buried him.

Xue an has only four words for this.

Ignore it!

Then he took his wife and children out to play.

As Xue an guessed.

Fate will all people's mentality are stirred up, countless greedy eyes focused on the Chen family, as well as his body.


Settle in.

All the people were silent.

Because of a small matter, Jin Xiurong has already punished four maids.

Now she sat in her chair, still angry.

Anchang said with a wry smile: "mother, please don't be angry!"

"How can I calm down? We originally settled in that day, but now we have become the Chen family. How can I not be angry? " Jin Xiurong's face was full of resentment.

An Chang shook his head, "mother, now the key is to expect Lin Da to lose! As long as he loses, xue'an will not be able to rely on the Chen family to hold such hot potato! "

Jin Xiurong nodded thoughtfully, "so you mean..."

"Watch the change first, but there will be some people who can't help it!"

As an Chang said.

Late home.

Chi Chongshan slaps the table.

"No poison, no husband. Since Xue an killed my son and held a treasure in his hand, don't blame us for being rude!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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