Country M.

A serious white man with a top secret document said to the agents below in a deep voice: "now we have received a special task. Someone in Huaxia has developed a drug that can prolong the life span of 20 years. The news is beyond doubt. Now the country is in urgent need of all the information about this drug!"

The man said he would hand out the papers.

There are detailed figures on it.

The first one is xue'an, and the risk assessment is SS.

"Sir, is this a misprint?" Someone said in surprise.

The system came to the conclusion that "the man shakes his head automatically!"

Then the man said in a deep voice: "according to our intelligence system, country R, country h and country e have all started to operate. This is a war between agents. Our country m must not lose!"

"Yes The crowd responded.

"Hathaway stayed."

After the crowd dispersed, a pretty woman with black eyes and yellow skin stayed.

"Hathaway, this is a separate mission for you, this is your new identity!"

Hathaway takes a look at her new identity with a name on it.

Yuan Xiaoxia.

The task was just a piece of paper with a man's message on it.

Yang binyi, male, 23 years old. Unmarried, had a failed emotional experience, sensitive personality, but easy to impulsive, system rating C grade, easy to break through!

Hathaway nodded. "Got it!"

The land of Zhongdu was originally the place where all parties fought and fought.

Xue an exposed this kind of thing, just like throwing a piece of fat in the Colosseum. All parties were red and began to bite.

Today, Xue an is sitting on the chair in the office, drinking tea leisurely and contentedly.

There were two deep bullet marks on the desk in front of him.

As for the shooter, he has been killed by Xue an.

It's a wonderful feeling.

It's like teasing a child.

Xue an even regarded it as a game, and some of them enjoyed it.

Now this pharmaceutical factory is officially renamed Tianyuan pharmaceutical factory.

Countless attempts to pry around.

Xue an didn't look any more, just sat in the middle.

Zhao Xuehui came in, "second, hiss, there is an attack?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, and it's an assassination with no technical content. It's just that you have to change a set of desks again!"

Zhao Xuehui frowned. "It's not a thing to go on like this."

Xue an laughs, "it won't last forever. It's like spying on each other. They don't know my details, so they use this method to investigate. Unfortunately, the more so, the more confused they are!"

As Xue an said.

Several intelligence leaders of country h, R and E are all black and blue at the moment.

During this period of time, a lot of people were injured, but there were no people even entering the gate!

It's a shame to know nothing about it until now!

Later, people called this operation a battle of defeating halberds among intelligence forces of all parties!

Today, Yang Bin did not go to the pharmaceutical factory, because he had some trivial matters. After finishing the treatment, he was preparing to drive away.

He felt a shock in the back, and then got out of the car to have a look, and found that a pink car rear end of himself.

Yang Bin frowned one by one, and then saw an apologetic girl walking down from the car.

The girl is not very beautiful, but she is very durable. She apologizes to Yang Bin one by one.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Seeing that it was a girl driving, Yang binyi's eyebrows expanded a lot.

"It's OK. Take insurance." Yang binyi said.

"Well Forget it, I've had too many risks this year The girl spat out her tongue playfully.

"I'll pay you directly."

Yang Bin did not doubt that he had him, and directly quoted a price. The girl said, "can I add you wechat to transfer money to you? And if there's anything wrong, you can come to me! "

Yang Bin nodded.

Both sides added wechat to each other, and then the girl turned the money over and said with a smile: "my name is yuan Xiaoxia! What's your name, please

"My name is Yang binyi!" Yang Bin one also embarrassed, always has a straight face, therefore said with a smile.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's OK!" As soon as Yang Bin finished speaking, he drove away.

Yuan Xiaoxia watched Yang binyi's car go far away, then smile and whisper: "the first step is unexpectedly smooth! It's not a challenging task

The next night.

Yang binyi is preparing to eat in the canteen.

When the phone rang, he took it out and found it was a wechat from Yuan Xiaoxia.

It was an apologetic smile, followed by a voice.Yang Bin felt his heart beat a little bit faster, so he opened it.

Yuan Xiaoxia said, "I'm sorry about yesterday. If I have time, I'd like to treat you to a light meal this evening."

Yang Bin took a deep breath and then sent a message, "OK!"

At night.

In the middle of a low-grade hotel in Zhongdu.

As soon as Yang Bin looked at Yuan Xiaoxia, who had changed into a formal dress, she could not help but feel a little silly.

"What do you always see people do?" Yuan Xiaoxia has a red face.

"Well sorry! I'm just amazed

"Do you usually talk to your girlfriend like that?" she said with a smile

Yang Bin shook his head, "I don't have a girlfriend!"

"How? How can you be such a good boy without a girlfriend? "

"To be sure, there was once!" Yang Bin a wry smile way.

Yuan Xiaoxia nodded and then said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked!"

The two of them talked while eating, and the more they talked, the more they speculated.

After dinner, Yuan Xiaoxia walked out of the hotel slightly drunk.

"You Can you take me home? " Yuan Xiaoxia said softly.

Naturally, no boy would refuse this request.

Yang Bin took a taxi to send yuan Xiaoxia home.

On the way back, Yuan Xiaoxia has been sleeping heavily on Yang binyi's shoulder.

When we got to where we lived.

Yuan Xiaoxia is still sleeping.

Yang Bin had to help her to the door.

Then yuan Xiaoxia opened the door vaguely.

After coming in, Yang Bin put her on the sofa and was about to turn away.

Yuan Xiaoxia grabs his arm.

"I'm the only one at home. I'm so scared. Will you stay with me?"

Yang Bin sat down in silence.

Yuan Xiaoxia began to talk nonsense and suddenly fell on Yang Bin.

"Don't you like me?" Yuan Xiaoxia's eyes are like silk.

Such a night, beautiful woman in the arms, even iron man will be moved.

What's more, Yuan Xiaoxia is enthusiastic at the moment.

But the next second, her body will be frozen.

Because Yang Bin looked at her coldly, "don't waste your energy, you are also running to the medicine!"

Yuan Xiaoxia's eyes flashed a little flustered, but in a flash, she chuckled: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Yang Bin took out his arms one by one, stood up slowly, buttoned the buttons one by one, and said coldly, "from the beginning, you have shown a lot of flaws!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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