Yuan Xiaoxia was still drunk and chuckled: "are you drunk? You must be drunk

Yang Bin did not pay attention to these words, just a light way: "no female driver will drive a car with manual transmission! This is your biggest flaw

This sentence makes yuan Xiaoxia's face gloomy, where there is still drunkenness in her eyes.

"I despise you, but don't you think about the consequences of provoking a well-trained agent?"

Yang Bin lost his voice and chuckled, "do you want to think about the consequences of offending a pharmaceutical factory?"

"You..." Yuan Xiaoxia suddenly felt dizzy.

"How could it be? I've been paying attention to it. How could you have given me the medicine?" Yuan Xiaoxia panicked.

Yang Bin looked at her, a trace of sarcastic smile appeared on her face, "there is no medicine for wine, but in the taxi, I put the medicine!"

What else did yuan Xiaoxia want to say, and then she went to sleep and didn't know anything.

When Yang Bin dragged yuan Xiaoxia back to the pharmaceutical factory to see Xue an, the others also came.

At the sight of a beautiful female agent, Qiao Le couldn't help but get angry and said, "Why are you the beauty trick of female agent there, and I am a strong man?"

Yang Bin laughed.

"Second, what are you going to do with these people?" Zhao Xuehui felt a little tricky.

"Let's go after you ask." Xue an said lightly.

"Let it go?"

"Yes! What else? "


"Don't worry, these people will only add more trouble to each other when they go back. It's more cost-effective than killing them!" Xue an said with a faint smile.

Indeed, as he said, after putting these people back, everyone's memory is confused.

It shocked the people who interrogated them.

In just a few days, these elite agents have been changed.

It seems that this pharmaceutical factory is not so simple!

Because of this shock, for a time, no one dared to spy on intelligence.

Tianyuan pharmaceutical factory, also known as the intelligence black hole!

As for the other forces in Zhongdu, they have all stopped at the moment.

Because the war that everyone is waiting for has finally arrived.

Mingfeng mountain is not a tall and beautiful mountain.

Usually, there are few tourists.

But today, from the early hours of the morning, there has been a steady flow of vehicles here.

By the time the sun is rising, all kinds of vehicles have been parked at the foot of Mingfeng mountain.

Almost all the powerful families in Zhongdu are gathering to witness the battle of the century!

However, all the people with low status are waiting at the foot of the mountain. Only when they have reached a certain degree can they go up the mountain.

At the moment, a woman pushed her wheelchair slowly up the mountain.

Sitting on the wheelchair is a woman with elegant temperament.

When they're gone.

Someone whispered.

"Who is this woman? Why are you pushing a wheelchair? "

"Don't you recognize it? The one pushing the cart is master Wei Ruyan

"Is that master Wei who loves to spend as much as his life?"

"Yes! The one who was pushed forward is Wei Rulan, who is known as the only genius of the Wei family in the past 100 years, and the one who is known as the living dictionary of martial arts in the world


Some people took a cold breath.

Because Wei Rulan is very famous in Zhongdu, many people know this living dictionary.

I didn't expect that she would be a bad girl.


Wei Ruyan pushed her cousin to the mountain.

As they walked, the sisters chatted.

"Sister, I still don't understand! Why did Xue an choose to announce his destiny at this time! " Wei Rulan's face was full of doubts.

Wei Ruyan a smile, "I also don't know!"

"There is nothing worse than the present time point. Everyone knows that he and general Lin are the same. Now that general Lin is facing the battle of life and death, should he not hide his talent and keep a low profile?"

"As a result, he did the opposite and made a fortune to show off. Now, the eyes of the whole world are focused on him. If general Lin is defeated, things will be lively."

"What if general Lin wins?" Wei Ruyan said with a smile.

Wei Rulan turned his mouth and said, "no way! In my estimation, general Lin will surely be defeated? "

"Oh? Why? "

"Because he killed the envoys by sword means that his prestige is so low that he needs such means to maintain it. This is obviously not a good omen."

Hearing his cousin's words, Wei Ruyan's eyes can't help but flash a look of worry.

She is very convinced of Wei Rulan's words, because many of his conjectures have been proved to be correct.Up the mountain, now there are many people waiting in the mountains.

Wei Ruyan saw many familiar faces from it.

When you find a seat, sit down.

Xue an is here, too.

As soon as he appeared, many people were moved by it.

In particular, many people are looking at Xue an with bad eyes directly.

Xue an did not comment on this.

But Wei Ruyan chuckled: "Mr. Xue, here!"

Mr. Xue laughed and walked over.

But Wei Rulan has been looking at Xue an with playful eyes. After a meeting, he said softly: "Mr. Xue, don't you think what you did a few days ago was too reckless?"

Wei Ruyan frowned, "Lan'er!"

Wei Rulan said with a smile, "cousin, I'm just curious. I don't think Mr. Xue will be angry, will he?"

Xue an a smile, "certainly won't be angry, but I also don't feel oneself where rash!"

Wei Rulan frowned, and her evaluation of Xue an was lowered to a lower level.

in her opinion, Xue an's behavior can only be described as unwise.

The brain, however, is not worth one.

So Wei Rulan's eyes in more than three points of contempt, and then turned his head and did not speak.

At this time, many people came up from the bottom of the mountain.

And these people, basically are martial arts experts.

Most of them are Chinese.

After all, this is another time for general Lin, the God of war, to meet the challenge of country R!

As Chinese people, they are naturally very concerned about it.

It was near noon.

People have been waiting on the mountain for two or three hours, and they are tired.

Some people are murmuring, "it's said that general Lin has been temporarily closed for a few days. It seems that he is going to recuperate."

"Shh, here we are

A group of people in kimonos came up from the foot of the mountain.

Walking in front of her was a girl with a big knife half of her in her arms.

The girl is walking slowly with clogs on her feet. Her expression is cold and cold.

There was a commotion.

Some people were surprised and said, "is this the ghost of r country? Is it a little girl? "

"Hehe, it seems that general Lin is sure to win!"

But many martial arts experts are dignified.

Because they all saw that the woman was unusual.

Xue an frowned slightly.

This woman The momentum on the body is a little strange!

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