It's like a man, not a man. It's a devil, but not a devil.

It's really interesting.

Xue an looks at it quietly.

On the other side of the mountain, Takeuchi and the people from the Baqi shrine stopped at the other side of the mountain. Then, Takeuchi began to keep his eyes closed.

Chinese people are talking quietly.

Chi Chongshan's mouth appears a trace of complacent smile.

Last night, he quietly got in touch with these people in r country.

As long as general Lin dies today, the future Zhongdu will be his late family.

With the same idea, there are people who settle down.

However, they decided to wait until the last moment before switching.

The sun gradually rose above everyone's head.

The sun was violent and dizzy.


Chunei Qingzi opened his eyes and said in the strange Chinese language, "here we are!"

From the foot of the mountain, a man was flying.

In a flash, they came to the top of the mountain, and all of them were in a commotion.

"General Lin!"

"General Lin is here!"

Standing at the top of the mountain, Lin nodded to the crowd and then looked at chunei Qingzi.

"I didn't expect that the new ghost would be a woman!"

Takeuchi's beautiful face suddenly appeared an evil smile, "general Lin! Ten years ago, you killed me under the sword. Today, I will repay the sword's revenge! "

General Lin's eyes were slightly cold.

The ghost and God Yidao of country R is a kind of existence similar to inheritance, which he knows.

I didn't expect that even the memory could be passed down.

"I could kill you ten years ago, and even more so ten years later!" After saying that, general Lin suddenly pulled out his sword.

With the sword in all directions, the crowd of onlookers retreated more than 100 meters and could stand on the hillside.

At this time, Wei Rulan shook his head and sighed, "general, this battle is becoming more and more worrying. In order to win the lead, he took the lead in pulling out his sword, but he did not know that he had already let out his spirit first."

Xue an was listening and smiling, "you don't seem to have any hope for general Lin in this war?"

Wei Rulan snorted coldly, "yes, in my opinion, general Lin will surely be defeated, so it is a stupid thing to announce your destiny ahead of time."

"Rulan, shut up!" Wei Ruyan frowned and whispered.

"Isn't it? If you don't believe it, we'll see the result later. " Wei Rulan looks at the field with a sneer.

At the moment, general Lin was holding the sword in his hand, and his momentum was rising. In a flash, he broke through the fairyland and came to a mysterious realm.

The crowd of martial arts and Taoism turned pale.

"Eternal life!"

"The general is really powerful

General Lin said faintly: "this sword is named Liuguang, which was left by the Chinese immortal. Today, I will hold this sword and cut you on Mingfeng mountain!"

Jie Jie, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty in Zhunei, burst into a strange smile, and then his kimono began to drum without wind, and his eyes gradually became black.

A kind of black that makes people shudder.

"Good! As long as you are killed, there will be no longer life in such a big China, and then I can gallop

With the voiceless voice of Takeuchi Qingzi, her momentum suddenly soared.

All of us are turning pale!

"Eternal life! no It seems to be a step further than life

General Lin's face was solemn, and his sword suddenly turned into a startling flash and went straight to chunei Qingzi!

"Cut your head with flying sword!" General Lin said coldly.

Jianhong suddenly and quickly several times, even disappeared in front of the public.

But with such a fast sword, Takeuchi suddenly reached out and caught it with two fingers.

The huge sword idea directly destroyed the large mountain forest behind Takeuchi, but did not hurt a single hair of Takeuchi!

"Fast sword, but not fast enough!" Takeuchi said with a grin.

When she smiles, the corners of her mouth grin directly behind her ears. Her smile is full of evil and cold.

But general Lin didn't even pause. He waved his hand again and said in a deep voice, "man follows the earth."


Liuguang sword suddenly becomes heavy and heavy, and chunei Qingzi's two slender fingers are broken.

At the same time, the sword is as powerful as a mountain, and it will fly more than ten steps away!

There was a low exclamation from the crowd.

Many people have a smile on their faces.

But Takeuchi Qingzi slowly got up from the ground, his body was strikingly scorched by the sword, but his face was still hung with a cold smile.

"Come again!"

The sound was all over the country.

A lot of people are beginning to look dignified.

However, general Lin was indifferent, as if nothing had happened just now. He said faintly, "the earth follows the sky!"

The streamer burst out and turned into countless swords, directly covering the area of more than ten meters around Takeuchi Qingzi."It's the three swords of heaven, earth and man!" Wei Rulan's eyes twinkled and his voice was soft.

But when Takeuchi faced this irresistible sword, his smile remained unchanged.

"Is that all? General Lin, in the past ten years, your accomplishments have fallen back! "

After saying this, Takeuchi Qingzi stepped forward and cut down with his hand as a knife.


This sword is like a mountain of swords, which directly blows away the swords.

Liuguang sword whines sadly, and is also hit to fly out.

All the onlookers were shocked.

In particular, the eyes of all the Chinese people flashed with fright.

Is the current ghost of country r so powerful?

But at the moment, general Lin lowered his eyes and said in a soft voice, "the way of heaven is the way."

This is the strongest sword among the three methods.

The streamer disappeared.

General Lin has no sword now!

But within 100 meters, suddenly there are swords everywhere!

The spirit of the sword is vertical and horizontal.

Within a hundred meters of this area, it was transformed into his own country by general Lin.

Chunei Qingzi finally flashed a dignified look on his face, but he still stood awkwardly.

"Hey, hey, this is a little bit of a look!"

Suddenly, a sword was stabbed out of Takeuchi's chest.

All of them exclaimed in unison, while the Chinese people took a breath.

The heart said that the general was powerful, and finally defeated the half man and half devil guy.

Only Wei Rulan and other people became more dignified.

He looked down at the sword on his chest, shook his head and chuckled, "I can feel a trace of pain. You can be proud of yourself!"

With that, Takeuchi Qingzi held the blade of the sword and slowly pulled it out of his chest!

Strangely, not a drop of blood flowed out.

But Takeuchi Ching Tzu sneered: "general Lin, I first came to this world ten years ago. Because the leather bag was too rubbish, I was hurt by you and had to leave. Now this body is perfectly fit for my demon body. Do you really think you can win me by these secular tricks?"

This makes all Chinese people look like dust.

Only general Lin, slowly lowered his head.

A lot of people are suspicious, suddenly someone exclaimed: "general, he..."

Lin's hair turned white in a flash, his body gradually bent down, and his skin aged rapidly.

In the twinkling of an eye, he became an old man.

At the same time, general Lin said in a low voice: "Tao fa Nature , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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