As soon as this word comes out, Wei Rulan on the wheelchair suddenly changes color.

"How can it be that there is such an impossible fourth sword?" Wei Rulan murmured to himself, his eyes full of shocked light.

The three sword techniques of heaven, earth and man, known as the unique skill in the world, is the famous unique skill of general Lin.

But it is said that there is still a sword in the end, which is impossible!

I didn't expect that today, senior general Lin actually put it into practice.

If so, the general may really win!

Wei Rulan's heart pulled together and looked at with dignified complexion.

At this time, everything will stop within 100 meters.

The wind has stopped.

The sword spirit in the air stopped.

Even a look of amazement on Takeuchi's face stopped.

It's like someone has pressed the pause button.

The power of the sword, even close to the Tao, began to interfere with the operation of the law of heaven and earth.


All of a sudden, everything within the scope of the sword suddenly accelerated, and it was like igniting a bomb. Everything exploded.

The momentum of the strong, so that everyone back a few meters, and then gaped at the smoke shrouded Takeuchi Qingzi.

Gradually everything was quiet again.

Only the smoke hasn't gone.

Many people smile at the corners of their mouths and think that they will win.

Because no one can survive under such a powerful sword!

Wei Rulan's face suddenly turned blue, "he The knife has not been drawn from the beginning to the end! "

This is what Wei Rulan is most afraid of.

Even in the face of the sword that general Lin used to sacrifice his life, chunei Qingzi did not pull out the ghost sword.

Sure enough.

At a time when the Chinese people thought they would win.

The smoke spread, all over the body covered with bruises of Takeuchi Qingzi appeared in front of the public.

"Jie Jie!" Chunei Ching Tzu uttered a terrible laugh.

"General Lin, I admire you for burning all the blood essence to kill me. Unfortunately, although this sword is powerful, it can't kill me! Because... "

"I am invincible The eight devils

Everyone turned pale.

At the moment, general Lin can't even stand, his body is on the verge of collapse.

At the moment, many people burst into tears.


"General! Step back

In the crowd's shouts, general Lin shook his head, "there are only general Lin who died in battle in China, there is no general who admits defeat!"

Then general Lin looked at Takeuchi, whose body was full of magic flame, "let's do it!"

At this time, an Xue finally couldn't help but rush forward to compliment him: "under the bamboo cabinet, it's really amazing. I admire you

As soon as this is said, many people will change their color.

"Settle down, how dare you rebel?"

An Xue sneered, "how can this be treason? I just admire the accomplishments of the bamboo cabinet, so congratulations

Takeuchi laughed, "OK! You have a saying in China that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly! "

Then Takeuchi Qingzi said to general Lin, "you are a respectable opponent. I will send you on the road with the ghost sword."

After saying that, chunei Qingzi slowly drew out his knife. Before the knife was completely scabbard, a force of magic spirit had already rushed into the sky.

Even the midday sun is covered.

It's like it's dark.

People were frightened.

General Lin sighed slightly and closed his eyes.

If he is defeated, he has run out of oil and has no power to fight again!

At this time, Wei Rulan also shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I said that it is difficult to win this war. As expected, the miracle did not happen!"

Then she took a look at xue'an and said that you have nothing to say!

General Lin fell.

The Chen family will certainly be weak.

When the time comes, xue'an, who holds the fate of heaven, will be torn up by the big families of Zhongdu, just like a piece of fat without resistance!

And when she saw Xue an still full of indifferent color, the heart can not help but more disdain.

At this juncture, haven't you seen the situation clearly? He's really a brainless guy!

But at this time, Xue an suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes were bright, and he snorted coldly: "looking for death!"

Wei Rulan was stunned and didn't understand who Xue an was talking about.

Then he saw Xue an walking up the mountain.

His action immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Some people recognize Xue an, but don't know what he's going to do.

Wei Rulan is a dull face, and then shook his head to his cousin Wei Ruyan: "cousin, this is what you said, immortal man?"The tone was full of disdain.

In her opinion, Xue an is just looking for death!

Wei Ruyan also looks dull. I don't know what Xue an is going to do!

At the moment, Takeuchi, who was about to start, noticed that someone was coming. He could not help but look around.

"Jie Jie, boy, what are you doing here? Ready to die? "

General Lin also saw Xue an and said anxiously, "Mr. Xue, please step down. This is a private fight between me and her! It's none of your business! "

But Xue an was still walking, ignoring anyone's words.

Chi Chongshan and Jin Xiurong and others looked at each other, and their eyes were full of joy.

If it's better for her to die under her!

Chunei Qingzi frowned and just wanted to say something.

Xue an raised his head, his eyes full of anger and murderous spirit!

"Well, it's you! Ha ha, you are all damned if you dare to do such a thing

The crowd didn't know what it meant.

At the same time, Xue an suddenly raised his head, and a fierce murderous spirit rose.

It will directly disperse the evil Qi that just covered the sky.

This time, the audience was shocked.

Wei Rulan's color changed suddenly.

"No way! This This momentum...! "

And Takeuchi was slightly stunned, and then sneered: "where the madman, said what a mess..."

Before the latter words could be said, Xue an, who was in front of him, threw his head into the mountains with a blow.

So fast, no one even saw how Xue an started it!

After that, xue'an was full of terror and murderous air which was enough to freeze people's soul, and then he blew out another blow.


The whole Mingfeng mountain was shocked by it.

A big hole has been blown out of the ground.

As for Takeuchi, his upper body has been blasted into mud.

Can Xue an still did not stop, continue to raise the fist, blow out!

Raise your fist, blow it out!

Everyone looked at the scene with horror on their faces.

Some of them are timid, even fighting on both legs.


A dark shadow floated out of the body of Takeuchi Qingzi, stood in the air, and said angrily, "boy, who are you? Why do you do it without saying a word? "

Xue an turned his head and saw a black shadow of a snake's head in the air. His eyes were full of cold and murderous spirit.

"Why? Ha ha, you seal my wife's bones, but now you ask me Why do you do it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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