"Seal your wife's bones?" The shadow, which should be called the eight devils, frowned and shook his head.

"What a mess! But if you dare to offend me, prepare to die

With that, half of the body on the ground has become flesh and mud, and Takeuchi begins to recover rapidly.

In an instant, it returned to normal.

After that, the magic flame will return to the body, and his eyes will be filled with magic light.

"Boy, today is the day of your death!"

With that, chunei Qingzi finally pulled out the ghost knife.

The magic flame rises, everything within a hundred meters can not bear such a great pressure, began to disintegrate and break!

General Lin's face was a little pale.

This Takeuchi Qingzi is much more powerful than Edong naiyue ten years ago!

But in the face of this earth shaking power, Xue an is indifferent.

"It's just a low-level demon, and he's still a remnant, but his tone is not small!"

This makes Takeuchi's face extremely ugly.

"Boy, die!"

The ghost sword burned the sky with fire, and then suddenly fell down.

The endless flame, the baking air is twisted.

This startling knife makes all people pale.

Lin's face changed greatly, then he laughed bitterly and closed his eyes.

In his opinion, Xue an is dead.

Because this knife, even beyond longevity, has touched the edge of half step Jinxian.

Wei Rulan also can't help but sigh, drooping his eyes and saying: "cousin, he is very fierce, but too reckless! You should not... "

I didn't finish the rest, because there was a shocking scene.

Xue an lightly raised his hands and clamped the knife.

But originally roasts all the magic flame in the contact Xue an moment, also suddenly extinguished.

Takeuchi's eyes almost burst out.

"Why How could it be? "

This is the most powerful sword that he used the power of the devil.

But caught by this man easily?

At this time, Xue an raised his head and said in a cold voice to Takeuchi Qingzi: "I said that you are just a low-level demon, don't you understand?"

What did Takeuchi just want to say.

Xue an's eyes flashed a touch of profound and noble momentum.

Chunei Qingzi shivered all over and her face suddenly turned pale.

"You You You are...! "

Xue an nodded, "yes. I am! "

All the people around were puzzled.

What is it?

But chunai Ching Tzu did not even dare to resist at the moment. He knelt down on the ground with a plop, and then said with great fear: "it's an adult. I really don't know it's you here. Please forgive me!"

This time, the whole audience was dead.

Lin opened his eyes slowly and was stunned.

And Wei Rulan, at the moment is even more stunned.

Who is he?

Why are the demons of country r so frightened?

But one thing is certain.

That's why Xue an is more powerful than general Lin.

General Lin was defeated, but Xue an easily defeated him, and even the oppressed Takeuchi Qingzi knelt down to beg for mercy.

No wonder he was always in a bad mood all the time. It turned out that he had a plan in mind.

He thought that he was a thoughtless and reckless person, and even ridiculed him.

Thinking of this, Wei Rulan could not help but feel ashamed.

As for the shock of others, let alone.

Only Chi Chongshan and an Xue all began to retreat in silence.

Xue an looked at the shivering Takeuchi, kneeling on the ground, "where are your other remains?"

"My lord Hui, they have been sealed all over the country R!" Takeuchi said respectfully.

Xue an's face is still murderous.

The reason why he was so angry just now was that he found that the momentum of this Takeuchi Qingzi was actually similar to an Yan's seal!

It made him furious.

But just now he found through his mind that the remnant of Baqi didn't know about it.

There is only one possibility.

That's what the rest of Baqi did!

Xue an thought in his heart and went to Takeuchi Qingzi.

She was trembling, but she did not dare to resist.

Because he just felt the momentum is so amazing, even than the eight Qi has seen the devil are ten thousand times stronger.

Xue an suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked chunei Qingzi's head, then suddenly raised it.

A shadow was pulled out.

"Forgive me, my Lord! My Lord, spare your life! I can help you find other remains. "In the shadow, a snake head is crying for mercy."No more!" Xue an light way, directly crushed with one hand.

At this point, the remains of the Baqi shrine are gone!

But Takeuchi Qingzi was all soft and fainted on the ground.

The war is over!

Xue an turned his head and looked at the crowd, and then went to general Lin.

Lin's skin began to peel off.

Xue an looked at him with a trace of respect in his eyes. No matter when and where, people who know they will die and dare to challenge are worthy of respect.

"General, what else do you want to say?" Xue an said lightly.

General Lin chuckled, "I only ask you to protect me from being bullied by foreigners!"

Sobs came from the crowd.

To his death, general Lin is worried about China.

Xue an nodded, "don't worry, with me, China is as solid as gold!"

"Then I will go." When general Lin finished speaking, the whole person was reduced to pieces and then dissipated in the wind.

Only the streamer sword on the ground proves that he has been here and fought!

Xue an stooped down, picked up the streamer, and then turned around and looked at the late family and all the people who had shrunk to the end of the crowd.

"Now! It's time to settle with you! "

Chi Chongshan turns around and runs.

He was now in a state of terror.

This Xue an is more terrible than the devil.

But Xue an did not raise his eyes to look at him, but swept him with a sword.

After catching up with the sword spirit, Chi Chongshan was cut into several sections, and even his soul was crushed directly.

Then Xue an looked at the pale faces of the people who settled down and gave a smile.

"Remember what I said?"

One of the few people who settled down was shocked.

Xue an said lightly: "I said that one day, you will kneel down and beg me!"

As soon as the words fell, an Xue an Chang two people knelt on the ground, Bangbang Bang straight kowtow head.

"Xue My Lord, spare your life! Forgive me, my Lord

In particular, Anchang knelt down a few steps at the moment and flattered him: "my Lord, this matter has nothing to do with me. It's all the work of this old witch woman and an Xue. Please let me go!"

Look down at Xue an.

"Has nothing to do with you?"

Anchang nodded. "Yes, my Lord, it has nothing to do with me."

And an old lady Jin Xiurong is shivering all over at the moment, and can't help but get angry after hearing Anchang's words.

"You son of a bitch, you..."

Xue an frowned, "kneel down!"


Jin Xiurong also knelt on the ground, but her face was still a little unconvinced.

"Xue an, I don't believe you really dare to kill me. If you really kill me, Yan'er will hate you forever!" Jin Xiurong said bitterly.

But at this time, a cold voice came from the mountain road.

"You are wrong, I will never hate my husband!"

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