With the voice, an Yan walked up the mountain.

As soon as she appeared, Anchang seemed to see the straw to save her life. She quickly called out, "Yan'er, help me quickly. Those things at home are all done by them, and I have nothing to do with me."

Before Guan finished, Xue an cut him with a sword.

But Chang's head was only half a day later.


Then his head fell to the ground with the last trace of panic on his face.

Xue an said faintly: "it's really noisy!"

Then he looked up at an Yan and said, "how did you come?"

An Yan glanced at her hair and said, "I'm worried about you, so I'll come and have a look."

Xue an nods and points to Jin Xiurong and an Xue with sword points.


An Yan lowered his head, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes, "there is no home for foreign enemies in China!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Jin Xiurong was finally overwhelmed by panic and sat down on the ground with a whiff of urine.

I was scared to urinate.

"Yan'er, I know I'm wrong, please forgive me!" Jin Xiurong prayed in despair.

An Yan looked at her, drooped her eyes, and said softly, "go on the road at ease!"

Anyan said, Xue an cut out with a sword.


Both Jin Xiurong and an Xue were decapitated.

Blood sprayed all over the ground, dead bodies fell.

At this point, the settlement of high-rise, disappeared!

An Yan's face flashed a complex look.

Xue an gently grabbed an Yan's shoulder and said in a soft voice, "well, they deserve more than their death. Don't think about it! After two days, we'll go to country R! "

"Well! Why go to country R? "

"Because there is a way to untie your seal!"

Just at this time, the comatose Takeuchi gradually woke up. Seeing the surrounding situation, he could not help but look frightened.

Xue an walked past and smiled. "Hello, Princess R, hey princess!"

The confused color on chunei Qingzi's face gradually faded, and then looked at Xue an in awe.

Although she was possessed by demons, her divine consciousness could only curl up in a corner and lost control of her body.

But she could still feel what was going on outside.

So what just happened, she saw it all.

"My Lord." Takeuchi said in standard Chinese.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you home!" Xue an said lightly.

Xue an's warm smile calmed down Zhunei Qingzi.

At this time, Wei Ruyan pushed her cousin to come over.

"Mr. Xue, I'm sorry, but I'm short-sighted. I hope you can forgive me!" Wei Rulan apologized sincerely.

She is a very straightforward woman, do wrong is wrong, naturally to apologize!

Xue an smiles and nods.

"Mr. Xue, what are you going to do next?" Wei Rulan had a strong interest in xue'an.

Xue an light way: "take back the account that should have been recovered already!"

After that, Xue an turned to look at the people with different expressions.

"The general has gone. Since then, Huaxia has me! If anyone doesn't accept it, it should be such a mountain! "

Then Xue an raised his sword.

A sudden sword thrust straight into the sky, and then suddenly fell down.


With an unstoppable momentum, this sword directly split the Mingfeng mountain under his feet into two parts.

Even the sword power will cut off a small river in front of Mingfeng mountain.

This sword, which is so startling that all people are afraid of it.

Only Wei Rulan's eyes were brilliant.

This is the real man who is decisive!

Then Xue an takes an Yan down the mountain.

Wei Rulan looked at Xue an's back and said in a low voice, "cousin, what you said is indeed true. This is indeed a fairy like man!"

Wei Ruyan sighs slightly. Her eyes are complicated and she doesn't speak!

Xue an now wants to fly to r country immediately, so as to untie the seal for his wife as soon as possible.

But before we go, we have to finish our work.

Xue an got a lot of information from the divinity of the broken Baqi remnant, but this is far from enough. There are many secret shrines in R state. Who can know where those remnant bodies are hidden.

It seems that many things have to be solved by local forces.

But this Takeuchi Qingzi.

Xue an looked at the girl with a blank face.

Although this woman is a member of the Heidao family in r country, she is cowardly and not valued by her family.

Xue an was the first one to come to the Chi family.

At the beginning, Chi Changge worshipped the evil master and tried to harm xue'an, but he was killed by xue'an.But Xue an didn't want to kill innocent people, so he didn't deal with others.

But what I didn't expect was that Chi Chongshan secretly colluded with the people of country R. that's why he wanted to die!

Xue an comes to Chi's house and comes in with his head raised.

"What do you do?" There's a security guard to stop.

Xue an takes a look at these people.

These people were frozen.

Because Xue an's eyes are so terrible!

Come out of the House late and let everyone die

The voice spread all over Chi's house.

A moment later, an angry voice came from the backyard.

"Where do you come from? How dare you come here to make trouble?"

With that, an old man came directly and killed Xue an.

Xue an's eyelids did not blink, slightly light drink a sound, "roll!"

The fierce master of heaven and man was like being blasted by a huge gun, and he was turned into powder and disappeared!

This scene makes the worshippers of Chi's family burst into tears!

"You Who are you? Why come to my late home There is the direct elder of the late family trembling.

Xue an said softly, "my name is Xue an!"

Xue an?

The faces of the people changed greatly.

"This time I'm here to send you home late. After all, your owner has been waiting for you in front of you." Xue an said lightly.

Several elders of the late family suddenly turned pale and wanted to run.

Xue an shakes his head and flicks the light sword.

Under the sword Qi, all the people of the late family died.

Then Xue an looked at the back house and said, "come out!"

Late not the central complexion pale walked out.

Xue an looked at her. "Why don't you run?"

The eyes of late Wei Yang are full of anger, "why should I run? I ask you, xue'an, why did you destroy me so late

"Because your late family colludes with foreign enemies, you deserve more than your death! And... "

Xue an light way: "I did not intend to kill you, late home full door, for example, I do not want to kill you!"

"You You don't kill me? Are you not afraid of my revenge in the future

Xue an laughed, "killing is all in my heart. Since you didn't do anything wrong, why should I kill you? As for revenge... "

"I never cared!"

The voice falls to the ground and Xue an disappears in the same place.

Late not the central dull look.

What the late family has done in recent years, late Wei Yang all vaguely knows some.

Therefore, she can only be silent about Xue an's death.

Especially this time, his father Chi Chongshan colluded with foreign enemies, which is a death penalty!

Think of here, late not central you sigh tone, in the heart do not know is what taste.

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