Tiansha palace!

It is one of the top sects of nihilism, but there is no outstanding successor in recent years, so he is absent from this session of Qianzong xuanhui.

But through Shen Pengxing's memory, Xue an learned that his lineage, Shen Shi, became a member of the Tiansha palace.

The reason why Shen Pengxing dared to attack Qingyang temple was that he was instructed by the Tiansha palace.

As for why the Tiansha palace took so much pains, it is necessary to mention that Xue an was only a fairy king at that time.

At that time, Xue an tried to break through the Xianwang pass and enter the next realm.

Unfortunately, he met the most brilliant successor of the Tiansha palace in the past 100 years.

A young girl of nutmeg.

But it is this girl who seems to be cute and lovely. In fact, she has a devil like heart. She often kills the city and destroys her clan. The purpose is only to satisfy the abnormal desire in her heart.

This kind of behavior is worse than evil cultivation.

After all, evil cultivation has a purpose, but the descendant of Tiansha palace does nothing. He can kill people just for fun.

And because of the powerful force of the school, no one dares to discipline it a little, which also makes this disciple more and more arrogant.

Until she met Xue an.

At that time, Xue an happened to meet the descendant of the Tiansha palace who was wantonly killing. Under a few questions, the two sides fought.

The woman thought that no one really dared to attack themselves, so she showed extreme arrogance.

But she never thought that Xue an would not eat her way at all.

Because of her bad behavior, Xue an was angry and directly chopped to pieces.

Not only that, Xue an went to the gate of Tiansha Palace by himself, and forced the whole palace with one sword to confess his guilt.

This is also Xue an's highlight time.

But also therefore, he and the Tiansha palace between Liang Zi is a knot.

After Xue an fell, the Tiansha palace immediately heard the wind. However, due to their limited identity, they were not able to start with Qingyang temple. So they bought huntian village on the condition of accepting Shen Pengxing's descendants of blood descent, and let them have no passion for Qingyang temple.

So recently, Shen Pengxing was so worried about his gains and losses that he was afraid that the news would leak out and implicate his descendants of blood descent.

Xue an learned all this from Shen Pengxing's mind.

After finally digesting all the memories, Xue an took a deep breath and turned to speak to Gongliang and other people.

"It's revenge! Then you will enter the Buddhist kingdom in my hand


Gong Liangxing and others nodded. Then they threw themselves into Xue an's Buddhist kingdom.

After the Guanghua dissipated, Xue an gazed at the empty huntian village and suddenly stepped down.


This ancient and desolate village was trampled to the ground.

Then Xue an stepped out of the planet, took a deep breath, raised his hands and cut down.

A sword light of more than ten million Li suddenly appeared and cut the star in front of him with irresistible power.


The stars shook, and then a deep chasm appeared.

The gap gradually spread, and finally it broke apart and was cut in half by Xue an's sword.

When all this was done, xue'an turned and strode into the darkness and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the starry land, there is a huge Palace floating slowly.

It's a palace. It's just like a planet, and it's full of murders.

It is the place where the famous Tiansha palace is located.


In the Tiansha palace, Shen Shi walked through the palace corridor with a proud face. All the disciples retreated from the roadside and bowed down to salute!

He does have the capital to be proud.

Because of the fall of the descendant who was cultivated by Tiansha palace, Shenshi is now the most gifted and fastest growing young generation in the whole Tiansha palace.

In this Tiansha palace, strength represents everything.

That's why Shenshi is so arrogant.

There is a glimmer of wild hope in the bottom of my heart.

Since this session of the Qianzong xuanhui, Xue an array refined Tianjiao, the younger generation of masters in Zhutian have been greatly damaged.

The young masters of Shenzong failed to participate in the meeting.

This discovery made him even more arrogant, and his eyes almost flew to the sky.


He slowly fell in front of an independent high-rise palace in the Tiansha palace.

"Elder martial brother!" Many disciples saluted him one after another.

Shen Shi's nostrils were facing the sky and nodded slightly, "can master be in it?""Elder martial brother Hui, the master is discussing things with the elders inside."


Shen Shi stepped into the palace.

Sure enough, his master, the great elder of Tiansha palace, is discussing things with the elders.

After seeing him come in, a faint smile appeared on the face of the elder.

"Master!" Shen Shi nodded his head.

"Well! Come here

Shen Shi stepped to his master's side.

Then he heard the elder say, "this is what happened now. Xue'an appeared once before a blue superstar in the deep star sea, and then disappeared again. Now the whole sky is looking for him, and we have to guard against it."

The elders nodded.

Hearing Xue an's words, Shen Shi could not help but flash in front of his eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

"Master, I don't think it's necessary. What's great about Xue an? Although it was xianzun, it was just a matter of those years. If he didn't come, he would return it. I would not let him go first. "

Shenshi is full of confidence.

Because recently, his accomplishments have been improved, which is the time for his confidence to explode. "

This big elder can't help but show a trace of doting smile.

"You are right, but don't take it lightly! After all, although Xue an was reincarnated and rebuilt, his strength should not be underestimated! "

"I understand!"

Although he said so, Shen Shi's face was full of indifference.

But at this time, a streamer directly rushed to the sky above the Tiansha Palace at an indescribable speed.

After stopping, Xue an took a look at the huge palace in front of her, took a deep breath and stepped down.


The sword suddenly appeared in the sky, and then it melted into a torrent and rushed to the Tiansha palace in front of him.

All this came so quickly that a layer of defense array was just emerging above the Tiansha palace, and then it was directly broken by the torrent of sword Qi.

Sword like snow, cut down any dare to block everything in front of it.

The people in the palace meeting were shocked.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "I am Xue an, you All come out and die! “

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