When Hua Wuyu and many experts from the emperor's palace and xuanming mausoleum crossed the space-time passage to the sky above the Tiansha palace, they were stunned by the scene.

At the moment, the huge palace, which was originally very tall and magnificent, has been broken to pieces. Countless pieces of debris float in the air, forming a huge whirlpool of chaos.

But this did not surprise them most. What shocked them most was the huge stone pillars standing in front of the vortex.

These pillars are obviously the material of the palace itself. They are made of crystal stones of extremely strong texture, but now they are pulled out of life and then fixed in the void by some means.

On these pillars, there is a dead body.

That's right!

It's literally mosaic.

But see these corpses are a kind of nameless giant force to live to smash into the stone pillar.

The corpse is twisted, and some faces still have the fear before death.

The most important thing is that the number of these corpses is so large that all the stone pillars are inlaid with each other. At a glance, it can be described as dense and creepy.

Such a strange and bloody picture also makes many people take a breath.

"This What's going on? " Someone asked in a trembling voice.

The military commander from the emperor's palace stepped forward and flew to the stone pillars. After a moment's careful study, he could not help but say in a dignified voice: "it's the people of the Tiansha palace! They were all killed

"Why How can it be! " There are people with unbelievable words on their faces.

"Yes, although the temple of Tiansha has declined in recent years, it is also a great void cult. How could it be so easily slaughtered?"

The commander of the emperor's palace did not say anything, but pointed to a pillar not far ahead that was obviously much thicker than other pillars.

"I don't want to believe it's true, but what do you think that is?"

The crowd looked in the direction he pointed to, and then they were all stunned.

Because on this stone pillar, there is a well-dressed old man.

The old man's face was twisted, his hands and feet showed a strange posture, his empty eyes were directly in front of him, and his mouth was wide open. Obviously, he suffered great pain before he died.

"This is This is the elder of Tiansha palace Someone exclaimed.

There was a great commotion.

Because the elder of Tiansha palace is a powerful Immortal King. His status and status are not vulgar in the depths of the Starry Sea.

But now he was killed like a pig or a dog.

Not only that, at the side of the great elder, Shen Shi, who had been arrogant and arrogant, was also nailed to the stone pillar.

In the center of his eyebrows, there was a small round hole running through, which made his beautiful face become strange and terrifying.

The whole void is quiet.

In a hurry, flowers speechless and others were all silent.

They had found Xue an's trail before the blue superstar, but they didn't expect to get there and then they fell in the air.

He thought it would be more and more difficult to find Xue an, but before they left, Hua Wuyu, the leader of the thousand crane palace, noticed Xue an's Qi.

Under the ecstasy, she can't wait to share the news, and then all parties gathered together and killed them fiercely.

But I didn't expect that when I got here, instead of finding Xue an's trace, I saw such a bloody scene.

"This Isn't Xue an always a self righteous person? Why is the move so ruthless? " Someone whispered in a pale voice.

"It's very simple. He's demonstrating to us in this way!" The military commander in the palace of the people's Republic of China blinked and said in a deep voice.

"Demonstration?" The crowd was stunned.

"Yes! It's a demonstration In fact, he always knew that we were following him, but he didn't care. On the contrary, he started to kill and wipe out the Tiansha palace completely! That means... "

Suddenly a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the emperor's army.

"It means After a reincarnation, the red lotus immortal has obviously changed his strategy. At least, it's not going to frighten people like they used to be! "

"In this way he will tell those who betrayed him that he has returned!"

The words of the emperor's military division made everyone speechless.

Some people even looked at the bloody jungle in front of them and muttered to themselves, "God, what kind of devil are we dealing with?"

At this time, Hua Wuyu suddenly said in a deep voice: "no, he is more terrible than the devil! So we have to kill him before he breaks his neck, otherwise"We will die!"

More than hundreds of disciples from all over the temple were killed, and the elder was nailed to the stone pillar. Such shocking news naturally spread rapidly in the whole star sea and even in the sky.

All the people who heard the news were stupid.

"How could it be? That's an empty big religion? And so it was destroyed? "

"The key is that Xue an never used to lay such a heavy hand, but this time he was so fierce. Obviously, he has been completely infuriated. Now, there will be a bloodbath all over the days!" Others are sighing.

In a word, the public opinion is boiling all over the sky, but if anyone is most afraid after hearing this news, it naturally belongs to Xue an's former helpers.

"What the hell is Xue an doing? Isn't he always generous? Even if you make a mistake, as long as you admit it well, you will have a way to live. How can you destroy the door so cruelly this time? " Someone roared, almost hysterical.

"Hundreds That's hundreds of lives! Besides, I heard that he never let go of the new apprentice. Xue Anguo has really changed. Before, he only killed the first evil and threatened him! "

Someone murmured in a pale voice.

There were many who had taken refuge in xue'an, and then rebelled, and hid themselves in the corners of the sky, carefully observing the development of the situation.

But Xue an disappeared again just as the whole sky was facing a great enemy.

Completely disappeared, not even a trace left.

In the face of xue'an's unpredictable method of seeing the head and not the end, he was full of confidence. He thought that relying on the curse breath of his disciple Fu Nianzhi, he could easily catch Xue an's speechless flowers. At the moment, he was completely desperate.

As for the emperor's hall and xuanming mausoleum, although there is nothing on the surface, it still feels heavy inside.

It was as if something bad was going to happen.

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