It's different from just being calm.

After seeing this little sword, Li Jingxing's eyes finally showed the color of deep fear.

It's easy to cultivate the murderous spirit of Jian San. It's not only not murderous, but also a little bit of Acacia.

This is extremely difficult.

More importantly, when the sword appeared, the sword three in front of him suddenly disappeared in Li Jingxing's mind.

That's right!

Is completely disappeared!

She seemed to melt into the whole world, so that Li Jingxing lost the target.

It was not just him who was shocked.

The whole scene was boiling.

"Lovesickness sword! Good name, good sword! When it comes to light! " Say, this wine Sword Fairy make fox Jue suddenly excited, and then gulp Gudong crazy drink a few big.

Ye Bufan, an old swordsman, clapped his thigh and said excitedly, "I'm really a gifted genius. Compared with other people, I've been living for hundreds of years!"

As for his grandson, yekongming, however, looked at the gorgeous Jian San in the field with a dull face. He only felt that some illusions that had just risen were broken in an instant.

Needless to ask, the one who can make such a girl named lovesickness must be an extremely excellent man.

But who would he be?

Just when he was confused, Xue an, who was standing at the end of the stand, felt like a thorn in the back.

The look on his face became embarrassed.

Just at this time, an Yan took back his eyes to look at the battlefield, and then got close to Xue an's ear and whispered: "husband, is he you mentioned by the third girl of sword?"

"Er Yan'er, you must have misunderstood me. I just said it casually at that time. Who knew she would... "

The latter words did not finish, because the sharp pain from the waist was reminding Xue an to shut up.

An Yan wrung Xue an waist's flesh fiercely, and then said: "turn back and deal with you again!"

Xue an can only smile bitterly.

At the same time, new changes have taken place in the battlefield.

I saw Jian San holding the Lingding sword, just like a child playing with each other. He chopped down several swords towards Li Jingxing at will.

But it was just like a few swords in jest, but it made Li Jingxing look like a big enemy.

With a sudden stamp of foot, the whirlpool of sword Qi flew out and tried to stop the swords.

But this time, the seemingly indestructible whirlpool of sword spirit was like a fragile glass. It didn't hold on for a second, and it broke into pieces.

Then, a few faint glow directly attacked Li Jingxing, where he passed, even the waves did not stir up half a minute.

Li Jingxing took a deep breath and then burst into a drink.


Then, in front of him, a round arc of sword Qi suddenly appeared, and then it struck together with the chopped sword light.

Ding Ding Ding!

After a few clear and crisp sounds, the swords of jian-3 were directly crushed by the extremely heavy sword Qi.

"Epee has no edge, it's too clever to work! Twelve forms of buried sword, epee! " Jiujianxian's eyes were full of splendor and spoke softly.

The so-called sword, too sharp, often easy to break, so this type simply takes the meaning of epee.

Epee has no edge, so it can't be broken.

Therefore, Li Jingxing responded with this sword, which was obviously wonderful to the peak.

But at this time the sword three sees the shape actually like the young girl of the beginning of love, innocent smile.

"Epee can destroy all visible sword Qi. What about you, my invisible one?"

With that, Jian San breathed out a breath.

This time, she didn't even wave the sword, but it was just such an invisible air current that made Li Jingxing suddenly pale.

And then step back.

At the same time, when he retreated, the sword light kept flashing in front of him, setting hundreds of barriers in an instant.

But it was all in vain.

In just a moment, all the sword gas barriers were blown to pieces.

Li Jingxing is more stuffy hum, and then along the corner of the mouth will overflow a trace of blood.


"Sword master!"

There was a commotion.

Jane is waiting for the sword palace to walk in the heart. I can't believe it.

Because in their mind, the Lord of the sword is an omnipotent God.

How can the gods get hurt?

But the iron fact broke all the illusions in their hearts.

The rest of the people were even more shocked.

The wine gourd in jiujianxian's hand fell to the ground with a click.

But even the gourd, which he regarded as a treasure, failed to awaken him from the shock.I saw his expression is dull, full of unbelievable murmur way: "Acacia? No, the sword is innocent and innocent. It is like a girl falling in love. It is already in love

Speaking of this, jiujianxian's eyes can not help but show a deep shock color. When looking at Jian San again, it is just like looking at a peerless celestial being.

Because he really can't imagine how anyone can be so perfect to integrate emotion into kendo.

It is also used at will. It seems that every move contains infinite Kendo wisdom.

This has gone beyond the scope of genius, to a fantastic situation.

At the same time.

Li Jingxing slowly wiped off the blood stains on the corner of his mouth. Looking at the sword three standing in the void in the distance, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Good swordsmanship. After all these years, you are the first to hurt me with a sword!"

Jian San chuckled, "don't worry, I won't care about this honor, because you will soon be defeated by my sword!"

With that, Jian San slightly drooped his head and pulled up his long hair at will. Then he pinned the sword on his bun.

After finishing all this, Jian three mouth bit a wisp of hair, eyebrows and eyes bent, smiling like flowers.


Under a word, all the people present felt that the starry sky disappeared in an instant, replaced by a touch of light brilliance.

The brilliance of water is like a mirror, which makes people indulge in it.

Only a few people can see the meaning of the sword behind it.

Jiujianxian Linghu was almost groaning like a whisper, "Xiangshou! This is the determination of a chaste woman to keep her lover for her whole life

Li Jingxing's eyes reflected the sword which had been chopped all over the world. He said slowly: "heart sword!"

As soon as he said that, the swords that cut the sky and the Jedi became a vast ocean around him, and then they went straight away.

It's the first of the twelve moves of burying sword, which takes heart as sword!

Swords, like thunder on a rainy summer night, burst out one after another.

In a flash, Jian San's sword was completely submerged, and then countless sword lights rushed towards jian-3 like a torrent of water.

Where it passes, the space collapses.

All of them were awed by the power of Li Jingxing's sword, dazzled and dazzled. All of them were sweating for the third sword.

Because no one can survive such a powerful sword.

But at this time, Jian San's face suddenly became gloomy, and then ran down the corner of his eyes with a crystal clear tear.

"The most bitter but Acacia

"I mean it and you are merciless. That's why Merciless sword , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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