Imagine, on a snowy night, you're running in a vast wilderness.


The clouds all over the sky suddenly split a gap, and a ray of moonlight cast down on the snow field.

What color is the moonlight? What color is the sword of jian-3.

Almost in an instant, the sword broke through layers of sword Qi, and went straight to Li Jing.

The place he passed was just like the most heartless prodigal son.

Li Jingxing only felt that the whole body's hair stood up in an instant, and then his eyebrows and hair were cut off.

His hair was scattered all over the sky, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only take a step forward and murmured.

"Bury the sword!"

The last form of the twelve movements of burying sword, which is also the most powerful final form, starts here.

This is different from the hidden sword.

To hide a sword is to hide a sword because it has a sharp edge.

Burying the sword is a top master who has become famous. He takes the sword tool into the wild and deep mountains. His deeds are not obvious, but he has a divine name in the world!

This formula comes out as soon as possible.

The ruthless sword Qi, which had already dominated everything and trapped Li Jingxing alive and alive, stagnated for a moment, and then gradually became obscure.

The sword is dull in rust.

But Li Jingxing's face also becomes pale, obviously is under the enormous pressure.


After a sudden loud noise, the high platform was shattered by the Sheng Sheng Zhen, and the smoke and dust rose all over the sky.

And Li Jingxing is through the smoke and dust, is Sheng Sheng Zhen flies out, and spits out a big mouthful of blood in the air.

Blood splashed down, also made the audience a dead silence.

"Master!" Jane exclaimed in her heart, and she was about to rush up.

However, Jiansan and Li Jingxing are too high in their swordsmanship. When they fight, the whole platform has been blocked by strong sword spirit, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.


Li Jingxing fell heavily to the ground, and then gasped for breath.

Every gasp, blood would flow down his mouth and nose.

The whole audience was stunned by the scene.

Because no one expected that the situation in the battlefield would turn so rapidly.

Li Jingxing, who had just taken the advantage, turned out to be like this in the blink of an eye.

Can we say that even the master of sword palace can't resist the pace of Jian San's advance?

Standing behind the crowd watching the battle, Chao Jingshan can't help but sigh at the scene.

"My friend, you can see the sword very well. I didn't expect that the third sword could be so powerful that even the leader of the sword palace was not her opponent!"

But Xue an did not respond to his words, but looked up quietly at Jian San standing in the void. His eyes showed a deep sadness.

He could feel that the momentum of Jian San was falling.

Not only he, but also a lot of Kendo masters also noticed the difference.

So Jiansan is so quiet at the moment.

It was quiet to an almost abnormal level.

According to the law, now that Li Jingxing has been bombed seriously, she should take advantage of the victory to pursue.

But it is at this critical moment that Jiansan is still standing still, which is a bit strange in itself.

Sure enough.

When there was a slight commotion.

The Lingding sword on the third bun of the sword suddenly broke into pieces.

His hair was scattered all over his head in an instant, and his face was as white as paper.

And in the corner of her mouth, there is a ray of pale gold blood slowly flowing down.

The whole scene was quiet at first, and then it vibrated.

Many people were shocked.

Because the current situation tells them, this is a result that both sides lose!

Is this the end of the game?

At this time, but see Li Jingxing slowly wipe off the blood of the mouth and nose, and then look up to light way.

"Miss Jiansan, now that your four swords of lovesickness, love, companionship and heartlessness have been broken by me, what else can you say?"

Jian San was silent.

Li Jingxing went on to say: "surrender at this point. Although you are seriously injured by me, I will not embarrass you because of your great talent."

Li Jingxing's words caused an uproar.

Only then did people understand that the sword had been defeated three times!

Jane is waiting for the sword palace to walk in the heart, and then she breathes a breath.

In any case, the fight just now put a lot of pressure on them.

They can't imagine what they should do if their master was defeated.

But more people are looking at Jian San, which is independent of the void.

For the woman who nearly defeated the master of the sword palace, no matter how arrogant she was, she had to be convinced at the moment.Jian Sany has nothing to say, her head droops, and her hair is scattered. Her face and expression are not clear.

Even in the face of Li Jingxing's words, she did not respond.

Once again the crowd began to stir.

Ye Bufan, the old man who washes the sword, takes a step forward and shouts loudly.

"Miss Jiansan, just give up the defeat according to the sword master! You have done well enough. You are still proud of your defeat

"Yes! Admit defeat first. You are still young, and there will be opportunities in the future. " The night sky is also excited to shout.

The shouts of the grandparents and grandchildren also reminded the public, and the whole audience was clamoring for a moment.

Even the wine Sword Fairy couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Miss Jiansan, if you're afraid that there will be gangsters taking advantage of this opportunity, I will definitely escort you to leave."

As soon as he said this, the audience was quiet.

At the same time, there are many people who have bad feelings, and then they bury their heads deeply and dare not lift them up.

Because everyone can see how terrible the talent of the third sword girl is.

Now that she is seriously injured, it would be a huge profit to take advantage of this opportunity to control it.

Can make fox Jue's words but mercilessly broke the illusion in these people's hearts.

Including the evil sword master Feng Zi can't help but spit.

"Damn it, the dog takes the mouse and meddles in his own business!"

But that is when Linghu Jue's words just fell, Jian San, who lowered his head, suddenly gave out a chuckle.

Laughter is weak, but the faith is so resolute.

"Give up? I've challenged countless Kendo masters along the way, and I've never bowed down to admit defeat. It's the same today! "

Speaking of this, Jian San Huoran raised his eyes and his eyes were full of bright sword meaning.

Then, in her body, a boiling sword suddenly rose, burning like a flame.

"It's not good to turn your body into a sword! She's trying to stop her Jiujianxian makes Hu Jue exclaim, then flies up and wants to break through the barrier to stop Jiansan.

But it was too late.

I saw the three body sword into a rainbow, like a meteor falling to the ground straight to the Li Jing line.

The whole room was full of exclamations.

An Yan can't help but scream and shake Xue an's arm.

"Husband, you go to stop this sword three girl!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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