What happened next, however, shocked everyone, and the sarcasm on xueya's face was solidified.

Because at this time, Xue an suddenly waved his hand and directly took it on the elder's face.


After a very clear and loud sound, the xuanming elder was caught off guard by a hard fan and tumbled several times in the air before landing.

After landing, I saw half of his face had been broken, and his mouth and nose were constantly dripping blood, which was extremely embarrassed.

There was a dead silence.

Xueya mouth open boss, staring at the scene in front of.

In any case, he did not expect that his enemy would be so arrogant and dare to slap the elder in the face.

The elder was also forced by fan Meng. He fell to the ground and looked at Xue an in a daze. Then his whole body began to tremble. His eyes were cracked and his eyes were congested.

"You You... "

Xue an was not moved at all. Instead, he said, "I have something important to report to the Lord of the mausoleum. What are you, and dare to obstruct me?"

With that, Xue an didn't even look at the elder, so he walked into the banquet hall.

No one dares to stop him.

Not only that, Xue an also light way: "control all people, if there is a dare to change, kill no amnesty!"

Jane in the heart and jiujianxian linghujue and others all take orders, and then rush in, and instantly control the situation in the banquet hall.

We should know that although these elders are high and powerful, their strength and cultivation are only ordinary.

With the strength of jiujianxian Linghu Jue and others, it is effortless to control these bags of wine and rice.

Even the second God, xueya, is obedient and has no resistance.

But he did it for a reason.

Because he wanted to see what happened to Ling Qi.

After all, the crime of breaking into the banquet hall alone is enough for him to drink a pot. In addition to the following crimes, elder xuanming will surely die.

That's why he looked at xue'an's back in the banquet hall with a sneer, as if he were looking at a dead man.

Dou Yinan had no idea what happened in the banquet hall.

Most of this is due to Xue an's mental blockade, and part of the reason is that Dou Yinan is drunk.

That's right!

The master of xuanming mausoleum, a top-level Immortal Emperor, was so drunk that he patted Li Xuanyi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Brother Li, to tell you the truth, I really admire you for being able to serve the three leaders of the people's palace, but still as stable as Mount Tai, without causing any suspicion, and the means are really good."

These words seem to praise Li Xuanyi, but in fact they have something to say.

But Li Xuanyi heard the speech, but he just laughed, "master Dou Ling's words are heavy, and I can stand in the hall of the emperor. Shouldn't it be the hearts of several hall masters that should be praised?"

Dou evaded the topic.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Dou Yinan burst into a burst of laughter, "yes, that's right. You see, I really drink too much. Why didn't you think of this! Come on, this cup is for the Lord of the temple

They were just about to raise their glasses.

But at this time, the door of this small hall was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Then Xue an stepped into it.

When he saw that the one who came in was actually Ling Qi, Dou Yinan couldn't help but sink.

"What are you doing here? Who sent you here? "

Under the dimness of his drunken eyes, Dou Yinan didn't notice anything strange.

Xue an faint smile, and then closed the door.

"I'm here for a reason, of course."

As soon as he said this, Dou Yinan was startled, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

"No, you are not Ling Qi. Who are you?"

With the voice, the majestic power of the Immortal Emperor has already hit. The power is strong enough to shock ordinary strong people into powder directly.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyes, and the prestige was just gone.

Now, who are you waiting for me

Dou Yinan's eyes widened instantly.

Li Xuanyi on one side blurted out, "are you Li Jingxing?"

Xue an turned his head and looked at Li Xuan Yi. A cold light flashed in his eyes, "the hall of the emperor?"

Li Xuanyi did not say anything, but stepped back a few steps.

At this time, Dou Yinan couldn't help saying, "it's impossible. No one can escape from the underground palace, and you are not trapped..."

Speaking of this, Dou Yinan was shocked and shut his mouth.

Because for his own self-interest, he did not hesitate to sell the corpses of the ancestors of xuanming mausoleum to evil things outside the heaven and transform them into zombies. If this incident is spread out, then he, the master of xuanming mausoleum, will not be confused.After all, this has touched the bottom line of life.

Can Xue an smell speech but just smile, "do you mean them?"

With that, Xue an raised his hand and opened the Buddhist kingdom in his hand. Then a dozen zombies flew out of his hand. His eyes were full of ghost fire and he was staring at Dou yin'an.

Seeing this scene, Dou Yinan was more flustered.

But soon, he calmed down, and then a burst of strange laughter.

"I didn't expect that you could escape from such a desperate situation. You are worthy of being the master of sword palace."

"But what do you think I'll do if I can escape from the underground palace? You are so naive

With that, Dou Yinan glanced at Li Xuanyi beside him. "Your Highness, this man is very close to the red lotus immortal. If you want to deal with Xue an, you must first eradicate him, so now we must join hands to kill him!"

Li Xuanyi was silent, but his rising momentum had shown his attitude.

Li Xuanyi's strength is not as good as Dou yin'an, but as the guard chief of the people's palace, he also has the strength comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

Now the two join hands, the powerful power of the moment shattered this small space.

All the people in the banquet hall heard only a loud noise, and then they saw three people standing in opposition to each other in the air.

But this scene only lasted for a few fingers, and then Xue an sneered, and the light in his eyes suddenly burst into light.

"Arsenals Open it

At the command of the banquet hall, there suddenly appeared a dark void passage. The huge suction directly sucked Xue an, Dou Yinan, Li Xuanyi and these zombies into it.

Then the passage converged rapidly and disappeared in a moment.

All the people left behind were stunned and stood there, completely unaware of what had happened.

After a long time, this blood ya just gulps a mouthful of saliva, eyes full of horror whispered in a soft voice.

"This What the hell is going on here? What about the mausoleum master? "

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