Yes, what about the mausoleum master?

This question also appeared in the minds of the disciples of xuanming mausoleum.

As for those envoys of the people's palace, they were thinking about where their guards had gone!

But no matter how confused these people are, under the strong pressure of Jane in her heart and Linghu Jue, they can only bow their heads obediently and wait in silence.

At the same time, in that Arsenal.

A world shaking war was also launched.

Bang bang bang!

With a loud, dull sound, these zombies who are fighting with Dou Yinan are shaken out one after another.

One of the most serious injuries, even his arms were shaken off, leaving only bare shoulders and exposed gray stubbles.

"Jie Jie, Li Jingxing, do you really think you can do anything to me by these pickpockets? You are so naive Dou Yinan said with a strange smile.

"Inside and out?" Xue an was dumbfounded. "Anyone in the world can say this, but you are not qualified."

"What do you mean by that?" Dou Yinan looks gloomy.

"Because you can sell the bodies of the ancestors of your own family without fear. What qualifications do you have to say that others are picky?" Xue an said coldly.

Dou Yinan's face was blue and red, which was very ugly.

Because what Xue an said happened to be his weakness, he couldn't help laughing grimly when he became angry.

"What if I betray it? That's also the ancestors of xuanming mausoleum. What does it have to do with you? And these guys may be more than happy. After all, it's a resurrection from the dead. "

"Come back from the dead? Is it a resurrection from death to be a slave to others? " Xue an sneers and points to the zombies.

"And have you ever thought that if they are willing, they will cooperate with me and turn around to deal with you?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Today either you or I will die. Brother Li, let's go together and kill this boy first!"

As a result, Dou Yinan's whole body was like a chariot, rolling over like a chariot.

Li Xuanyi followed closely, and the two jointly launched a unique killing of Xue an.

A top-level Immortal Emperor, a super strong one who is just a little short of stepping into the Immortal Emperor. The pressure caused by the two people's joint attack is enough to shatter the ordinary fairy King directly.

However, Xue an stood aloof in the stormy power, and even the sneer at the corner of his mouth did not change at all.

Dou is not happy to see Xue Yinan.

No one can be so contemptuous of himself, even the original Honglian immortal can not, so in his eyes, this man is definitely dead.

But it was just when this might touch Xue an's body and even blow his hair.

Xue an said slowly: "if you want to get rid of the shackles, he must die, so now I will give you this opportunity!"

Words fall.

This arsenal suddenly shuddered, directly shaking Dou Yinan and Li Xuanyi back.

Then he saw more than a dozen bright lights flying directly out of the deep of the armory. After a few circles around the dozen zombies, they suddenly went down.


These lights will wrap these zombies, and then listen to the sound of gear rotation.

In a flash, the light dissipated. Looking at these zombies, they have changed greatly.

The ragged burial clothes had disappeared, replaced by pieces of armor with cold metallic luster.

These armors wrap the zombies tightly, and at the same time enhance their momentum to an unimaginable level.

You should know that these zombies themselves are the masters of xuanming mausoleum, and each of them was a top master before he died.

Although the strength after death has dropped by more than half, the realm is still there.

Therefore, with the blessing of this amulet battle armour, it is like a tiger with wings, and its strength has soared several times.

In this way, the zombies, who were not important to the battlefield situation, became powerful enough to control the final victory or defeat.

Dou Yinan's appearance is also a sudden color change.

Because he really didn't expect that Xue an could come out like this.

"What is this? What do you wear these old men? " Dou Yinan hissed and screamed.

Xue an said lightly: "nothing. It's just a few armours. But it should be enough to take your life, and they should be happy to do it for me!"

Dou Yinan did not speak because his face had become more ugly than he was dead.

He can clearly feel the hostility of these zombies to themselves, especially those eyes with blue ghost fire, which are covered by face armor, emit a very cold and murderous air.

In this confrontation, Dou Yinan, who was already a little guilty, could not help shaking.At this time, only listen to Xue an in a tone of Indifference: "go on! He's yours! "

At an order, these zombies immediately turned into brilliant lights and rushed towards Dou yin'an.

Bang bang bang!

But in the blink of an eye, the dozen zombies and this Dou Yinan have a few notes.

It's so fast that it's too late to blink.

Dou Yinan's strength is really good, even if besieged by more than ten zombies, he is still as stable as Mount Tai and can fight back at the same time.

But helpless is, no matter what kind of attack, the armor on these zombies will be cleverly removed, and eventually failed.

Seeing this, Dou Yinan could not help but roar, "what the hell is this armor? Why is it so strong? "

In fact, up to now, Dou Yinan's heart is full of vigilance.

Because he didn't know where the "master of sword Palace" got these strange magic weapons.

The first is the space that you breathe in.

You should know that with Dou Yinan's power of Immortal Emperor, the general space can't bear to live at all. It may burst and open with a light drink.

But this space is so stable, even as for themselves and Li Xuanyi, the space is as stable as Mount Tai, without any tremor.

That's enough to shock.

You should know that even the xuanming mausoleum where Dou Yinan used to live could not reach this level after thousands of years of practice.

This degree of stability even reminded Dou Yinan of the underground palace he had mastered.

For they are not like things in the heavens, but they have the meaning of things beyond heaven.

The second is the armor of these zombies.

Because even if Dou Yinan tried his best, he still could not do anything about the armor.

It's just incredible.

Because I'm an Immortal Emperor, but I can't even break my armor. What's the reason?

But it was at this time that the scene that made him shiver all over happened.

Xue an appeared in front of Li Xuanyi like a ghost, and then raised his hand to make a fist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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