Puff two, this pair of eyes will be cut in two, blood spilled on the ground, and the empty air is faintly heard a very angry howl.

But everything was useless, so soon everything returned to silence.

So far, the Lord of the emperor's palace disappeared in front of the public.

The sound of people breathing could be heard all over the place.

Because everyone was stunned by the series of changes.

At this time, however, Xue an raised his head, glanced over the people in the hall of the people, and then stamped his foot.


The sword of seeking evil appeared directly, and fell like a dragon on the sea, while Xue an turned around and strode away.

I didn't even look at the final result.

Because he knew it was over.

It's Japan.

Xue an destroyed the palace of the people with his own power. The news spread and shocked the whole world.

But this is just the beginning. In the next few days, Xue an destroyed dozens of top sects, including Qing Hai Lou, Jing Yue Si and so on.

The speed was so fast that people were shocked and numb later.

Some people even lamented, "after this battle, the heavens are afraid to be the land of Xue an alone!"

But it's just when people are speculating about how Honglian xianzun, who has returned strongly, will come to the world after destroying the Xinghai cult.

Xue an suddenly announced a news.

The content of the news is about the great calamity that the whole heaven is about to face, and how the emperor's palace of xuanming mausoleum and the thousand crane palace collude with the power of heaven to overthrow the heaven.

This news spread directly through the situation of mind broadcasting, so within a day, it spread to all the major gates of the whole sky.

For a moment, the whole sky was silent.

Although it is said that there are many sects that have already noticed something vaguely, there are still many people who do not know about these things.

So when they heard the news, they were absolutely shocked.

Even if other people tell them the news, they will be regarded as cheaters.

But now it's Xue an who tells them the news!

They couldn't help disbelieving the iron facts.

As a result, almost all the people are confused.

Because they don't know how to face this dilemma and how to solve the coming catastrophe.

Some people even think that Zhutian must be finished, and they have done a lot of desperation.

For a time, the whole sky can be described as melancholy clouds, a wail.

Under this situation, Xue an LED all the swordsmen to return to the palace.

Those who stay here naturally know what's going on outside, so they come to greet them with adoration.

But they did not see xue'an, because xue'an flew into the star region early and went to see his wife and daughter.

But soon, Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu lead to think and read out, but still do not see Xue an and an Yan's figure.

It was not until a long time later that the two of them appeared in front of the crowd.

Although the surface did not look any change, but the sharp eyed Zhang Xiaoyu still noticed that an Yan's face was slightly red.

This did not prevent her from laughing, but she did not dare to say anything. She could only make a few grimaces at Xiaosha, until she was slapped several times before she was honest.

Soon, Xue an will take care of things for a while, everyone scattered, even an Yan and think Niannian also left.

But there is a person who did not leave, that is the wine sword immortal Linghu Jue.

Only after all the people left did he come forward, clasped his hands and said in a deep voice, "my Lord!"

But before he could go on, Xue an had already waved his hand with a smile.

"Needless to say, let's have a cup of tea first!"

With that, Xue an flew directly to the high platform where Li Jingxing closed the door, then put on the tea cup and began to cook tea.

Linghu absolutely stands on one side and looks at.

Soon, with the charcoal fire roasting, the teapot will float out of the refreshing fragrance of tea, Xue an Xian filled two cups of tea, and then did not lift his head said: "sit

Linghu is very respectful to sit on the opposite side, and then pick up the tea cup, sip a sip, in front of you is a bright.

"How does it taste?" Xue an light way.

"Good tea!" Linghu Jue sincerely exclaimed.

Xue an laughed, and then his eyes floated to Li Jingxing, who was still in seclusion. He said faintly, "tell me what you want to ask."

Linghu Jue's face was so deep that he put the teacup on the table. After considering his words, he spoke slowly.

"My Lord, what are you going to do next after you have made the news public?"

Xue an turned her eyes and looked at Linghu Jue, "what do you think I should do next?"Make fox absolutely bitter smile, "I don't know."

But then he said cautiously, "but I think if you want to survive this disaster, you have to gather the power of all the heavens. Therefore, we should issue a summoning order to make all the strong come to discuss this matter."

Xue an smiles.

"Is that what you want to say to me? Or do you want to teach me how to do things? "

Linghu Jue's face turned white, and he said in a hurry: "I dare not be humble, but I just feel that today's strong men are in confusion and despair. If this continues, I'm afraid it will hurt morale."

Xue an was silent, but gently turned the tea cup on the table with his slender fingers.

Linghu also obediently shut his mouth.

It was not until a long time later that Xue an gave a chuckle.

"I know what you said. The reason why I didn't give the second order was to let them stay in this atmosphere for a while, after all There is nothing calmer than fear, you say

Looking at the indifferent smile on Xue an's face, Linghu Jue's heart trembled and immediately lowered his head.

"Your Highness is humble and stupid!"

"But you're right. If it's always like this, it will hurt your morale, so..."

Xue an's hand suddenly appeared a small sword, and then caressed the body of the sword, light way: "it's time for people to move!"

After that, Xue an suddenly waved his hand, and the sword flew into the clouds, then exploded.

Countless sword lights poured out and flew in all directions.

Make fox absolutely stupidly looking at this scene, suddenly exciting spirit played a cold shiver.

Because a sentence came to his mind.

A cloud piercing arrow, thousands of troops to meet!

At the same time, the teacup in Xue an's eyes whispered softly.

"This catastrophe will end in this way."

Even before the water in the tea cup was cold, the whole sky was shaken by Xue an's sword.

Almost all zongmen received the notice of these swords at the first time.

But more importantly, there are still many swords flying into the remote void, which startles countless hermit experts.

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