There is an ordinary planet in the remote place of Xinghai.

The momentum of this planet is flat, and its aura is very ordinary. Therefore, the highest level practitioner ever on this planet is just a real immortal.

The reason is nothing else, because the aura and resources of this planet can't support a higher level of strong.

But even so, there are still many religious sects and practitioners on this planet.

Moreover, due to the shortage of resources, the friars here have a more serious conflict with each other, and the sects are prone to exterminate the clan.

In a word, this is an ordinary planet that even the interstellar pirates are too lazy to rob. It is also a real wilderness.

At this moment, under a mountain on the planet, stands this small town.

The town is not big. It is built on the mountain. It is only two streets in total, but it is very prosperous.

Especially now, because of the impending opening of xianyuezong, the world's leading sword sect, this small town is full of people. There are countless young people from all over the world who are trying to worship xianyuezong.

Some smart businessmen have already seen the business opportunities and made preparations early. No matter hotels or tea shops, they have made a lot of money.

But the most profitable one is the sword view next to the other on the street!

All the doors of these sword temples are hung with big covers with various advertisements written in bold characters.

For example, the 18th generation of xianyuezong's disciples opened the school to accept disciples, and the great elder of the outer mountain of Xianyue sect personally instructed him.

Such words are dazzling and dazzling.

But no matter what the advertising language, basically with the three words xianyuezong.

All the people who live in this town for a month have a clear idea.

That's why they are the signboard of jinxianyue.

As long as the flag is displayed, sit and wait for the disciple to come.

The reason is very simple. Every year when xianyuezong opened the mountain, only ten disciples were accepted, but thousands of teenagers came here to worship.

Even if you are rich, you don't want to be rich.

But other people can't come in vain, so these sword temples have a good insight into their psychology. They recruit students here in the name of xianyuezong to earn high tuition fees.

What's more, they even bluff and bluff that they have behind the scenes channels to make people worship the xianyuezong through operation, on the condition that they have to worship in the sword temple for three years.

In short, the whole town has become extremely prosperous because of xianyuezong, and the streets are full of people.

But it was at this moment that a voice of abuse came from the corner of the street.

"Where do you come from? Is this where you can come? Get out of here

With the voice, then listen to a plop, a skinny dirty old man will be pushed down in the street.

Passers-by dodged one after another, but many good people stopped to stay and watch the excitement.

I saw the old man as thin as if he had only a bone left. His clothes were shabby, especially his eyes, which were full of ominous white light. He was actually blind.

And on the steps of a restaurant by the road, a shopkeeper was standing there with pride, still scolding.

"Damn, it's bad luck to be blind! I'll tell you, I'm going to entertain Xianzong guests for a while. If you run into the noble people, you won't be able to pay for your ten lives. Don't get out of here, and you'll save the ground here! "

But strangely, in the face of the scolding of the bartender, the old man's face did not have the slightest expression, showing very calm.

Even when a kind-hearted person came forward to help him up, there was no mood fluctuation on his face.

But it is this silent silence that makes the bartender feel a trace of invisible pressure, and even subconsciously, the curse in his mouth becomes smaller and smaller. He can only murmur in a low voice.

"Blind man, I dare to face with a straight face, and be careful when I walk and die..."

Words have not finished, but see several sword light from the distance, and then fall in the field.

After showing her body shape, she was astonished to be a few young girls who wore the clothes of the disciples of xianyuezong and were full of pride and pride.

As soon as I saw these people, the young man of the famous shop changed his face and immediately filled his face with smiles. Then he came running all the way.

"Some Xianzong distinguished guests, the food is already ready, please come in, please come in!"

The waiter nodded and bowed, and looked servile.

But these disciples of xianyuezong didn't even look at him in the eye, just looked up at the restaurant.

Then one of the girls covered her mouth and said in disgust, "elder martial brother, is that what you mean?"A leading teenager nodded, "that's right."

"But I think this restaurant is very ordinary. What's good for such a mortal restaurant?"

"You can taste it. The chef's skill here is quite good."

The young man said, and walked in, with the crowd following him.

But at this time, the old man just turned around to go to the long street.

Unfortunately, he hit the girl who was talking to him in the face.

When she saw the old man in rags, the girl frowned, retreated, and said with disgust.

"There are so many people here, even the beggars have come out! Seeing him, I'm not in the mood to eat any more! "

As soon as the words came out, the leading teenager stopped, turned his head and looked at the old man. Then he looked at the waiter of the famous shop and said in a cold voice.

"What's going on?"

The waiter of the famous shop turned white with fear, "I I don't know who this man is, I I'll drive him away now

"No! A blind man dares to bump into his younger martial sister and kill him! " Among them, a young man with a sinister face sneered.

"That's right. How noble the younger martial sister is. She was attacked by such a mean thing. It's not enough to calm her anger if she didn't kill her!" Next to a person also along with the way.

The leader of this young man was silent when he heard the words, but there was a glimmer of sword in front of him.

"Elder martial brother is so powerful that he can refine his sword so quickly!" The girl could not help admiring her words.

The young man gave a rather complacent smile, then turned to the old man and said, "it's strange that you shouldn't come here. It's your honor to die under my sword!"

With that, he saw the sword in front of him suddenly increased, and then he went straight to the old man and cut it off.

The onlookers closed their eyes one after another. The old man is dead!

The girl's face is a touch of satisfaction, just like a naughty child playing with mole ants, full of naive cruelty.

But what happened next made her proud of her face completely solidified. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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