I saw that the sword just rushed to the old man, and it melted into the invisible like snow and scorching sun.

Not only that, but also the young man who gave out his sword was like a heavy hammer. He was beaten back for more than ten steps and spat out blood.

This time, the whole audience was shocked!

No one thought it would be such a result.

When the old man walks away, he blinks his eyes.

No one dared to stop him, so he gave way immediately.

Soon, the old man passed by the shivering shop boy.

The bartender trembled more seriously, but the old man didn't say anything. He just stopped and walked on.

The girl is also silly, can only look at the old man coming.

The old man didn't say the first word until she was close to her.

"You are not worthy of a sword

As soon as the words came out, all the disciples of xianyuezong were not angry, and some of them even flashed a cold light in their eyes.

But the old man only said such a word, and then walked away to the distance.

As soon as he was far away, a deep humiliation appeared in the girl's eyes. She looked at several teenagers nearby and nodded to each other slightly.

Then, the girl suddenly crushed the jade in her hand.

A little bit of light rose, then exploded in the air, turned into fireworks.

It is the unique distress signal of xianyuezong disciples.

Once sent out, it means that it is difficult to deal with the dangerous situation, the nearby Xianyue sect people will come at the first time.

People in this small town naturally understand what this means, and their faces turn white.

Many timid people are immediately quietly dispersed.

Because they know that a big storm will come soon.

In particular, this small town is too close to xianyuezong, and the impact must be stronger.

For the sake of safety, the farther you go, the better.

As for the old man.

In many people's eyes, now he seems to be a dead man.

Sure enough.

Just a few breaths, but I can see that the mountain in the distance is full of brilliance, hundreds of sword lights coming straight to the town.

At the same time, the leader also cheered in a dignified voice: "who dares to make a mistake under the Mountain Gate of our xianyuezong?"

Where the sound waves reach, it is majestic.

Some people exclaimed in a low voice: "it's the elder of xianyuezong who punished evil. He actually came out of the mountain in person. This is even more serious!"

For a while, everyone left the old man far away for fear of being affected again.

But the old man's face still did not have any expression, as if the words of the xianyuezong punishing the evil elder were just the wind beside his ears. He continued to walk slowly.

Seeing that these hundreds of sword lights are about to fly over the town, but at this time, a small sword suddenly crossed the void, pierced the sky, appeared on the planet, and sent out a bright and unique sword.

The reason why it is brilliant is that the sword is so strong that it can be astonishing.

The reason why it is unique is that only the strong people above daruo are qualified to interpret it.

Therefore, no matter the people present, the strong members of Xianyue sect, and even all the sects of the whole planet, they just felt that there was a powerful and incomparable pressure suddenly appeared, but they did not know what happened.

Just as the whole planet was in chaos, the old man raised his head, his eyes staring at the sky, and whispered.

"Heaven's disaster, gather all the heroes to kill it Ha ha, I didn't expect that there were still people who could remember me, who had been blinded by people. Well, I'll take this trip! "

After that, the old man's whole body trembled slightly, and his body, which had been extremely thin, became plump immediately. At the same time, his momentum changed.

Originally, he was just an ordinary old beggar on the street, but in the blink of an eye, he became a powerful man with great momentum.

The changes left everyone around gaping.

Before the old hand of this young man see the face is appalled, and then want to speculate on the strength of the old man.

But as soon as the idea of prying started, the young man's head burst out and the corpse fell to the ground.

Not only he, but also these young girls, who had just been hostile to the old man, had not even had time to hum, so they were crushed by the pressure and died.

In an instant, the door of this restaurant was left with this shaking, frightened and dying bartender.

Miraculously, he did not faint, but opened his eyes and looked at the old man's back.

At the moment, the old man's back is as straight as a sword. Where is the decline beforeThen, he saw the old man waving his sleeve, and the whole man rose to the sky. All of a sudden, he came to the sky.

At the moment, this xianyuezong's punishing evil elder led many disciples and disciples to stagnate in the sky.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move at all.

He just felt that there was a powerful force in the town under his feet, and in an instant he completely controlled the surrounding world, which made him dare not even move.

Because he had a clear premonition that if he had a slight change, he would definitely die without a burial place.

So he can only be honest in the air, until the arrival of the old man.

When he saw the old man, the elder's eyes gradually widened, and his eyes were full of panic.

Because he was shocked to find that, with his own strength, he could not see through the prestige of the old man.

This shows that the strength gap between the two can hardly be calculated in terms of Tao Li.

At this time, the old man blinked his eyes and looked at the elder.

This punishment elder felt his whole body's muscles tense instantly, and his extreme fear made him kneel down in the air involuntarily.

But the old man did not pay attention to his kneeling down, but slightly raised his head, facing the distant mountain of xianyuezong, he said faintly: "it seems that your whole clan doesn't deserve to use a sword either!"

After that, a sword like autumn leaves suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and then he chopped down the mountain in the distance.


The mountain rocked violently, and the scream of the disciples of Xianyue sect was faintly heard.

But nothing can stop the sword.

But in the blink of an eye, the sword cut the mountain in half from the middle.

As for this xianyuezong, it was completely destroyed and turned into a mess.

This sword is so amazing that it not only shocked the people present, but also shocked the clan strongmen of the whole planet.

Because the power of this sword has gone beyond their imagination and reached an incredible situation.

However, the old man made a light description as if he had done a trivial thing. He put his hands on his back and said, "this sword is not right. I will die today with one leaf of autumn! If there is a seeker, I'll be waiting for you at any time in the sea of stars

After saying that, the old man looked up and his sword was shining. Then he turned into a streamer and disappeared in an instant.

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