you 're right!

This old man is the one who lost in the Third World War.

He was cut to pieces by Jiansan at that time, but Jiansan didn't kill him, but let him go in a very contemptuous manner.

But for Qiu Yiye, the attitude is a great insult.

So he soon disappeared, and there was no more whereabouts.

At that time, many people thought that he was dead, but no one thought that he had come to such a lonely planet and turned into a poor beggar.

This is because Qiu Yiye was defeated by Jian San at that time. There was a big problem in the heart of the sword, so it became like this.

In fact, if it wasn't for the call of Xue an's sword, this autumn leaf would probably sink down and never come out again.

And that is the time when qiuyiye went to the star realm of the sword palace according to the summoning order issued by Xue an.

In another corner of the sky, a huge circle appeared.

This ring is so huge, and the whole body is made of metal casting, exuding the cold mechanical beauty.

But at the moment, on the surface of the ring, there are many scars, big and small, as if they had been hit by countless meteorites. Some deep ones can even see the exposed lines inside.

"Hoo Sitting in a wheelchair, Zhang Tianyou suddenly breathed a long breath, then raised his hand and rubbed his sore wrist.

"Damn, I'm so tired. I'm finished at last!"

"Doctor, I have advised you to give up this backward input mode for a long time, but you just don't listen. Isn't it good to use brain wave input?"

With the voice, a woman in a princess Lolita Dress, but still unable to cover up, came in with a cup of hot tea.

"Huanhuan, that's what you don't understand. You can never understand what it's like for your hands to dance on the keyboard, especially when the crisp keyboard sounds like a beautiful symphony Zhang Tianyou said with a look of infatuation.

"I'm sorry, I really can't understand how to control the spaceship to cross the meteorite sea by inputting characters with both hands, and finally the whole star ring was almost irreversibly damaged. What's so fascinating is that lagging behind is lagging behind, and there's no need to find any excuse."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Tianyou's face was very embarrassed, and then he coughed a few times.

"Cough, although it is true, Huanhuan Can you stop being so direct and give me some face? "

Star ring gave Zhang Tianyou a strange look, and then gently shook his head, "doctor, I'm sorry, as an artificial intelligence, I won't lie!"

Zhang Tianyou very helpless a Wu eye, "good, I understand!"

After that, he said feebly: "Huanhuan, check the loss, and then repair it!"

"Well, doctor, I have found out for a long time that the overall damage degree of the star ring is 57%, of which 32% can be repaired by themselves and 25% need manual intervention."

"Repair it now!"

"Yes, doctor."

Having said that, the star ring body shape suddenly dispersed, and then it melted into the ground and disappeared.

When only Zhang Tianyou was left in the command cabin, he sighed, shook his head, and said helplessly: "it's really not interesting!"

At this point, everyone should have remembered the identity of Zhang Tianyou.

He is the president of the society for the development of science and technology that has changed everything.

Of course, up to now, his president is still a bare rod commander. Even he is the only one who sweeps the floor.

At the beginning, this Zhang Tianyou met Xue an and Hu ye by chance. After they separated, he drove the star ring and wandered all the way through the sky. He came to the edge of the sky and mistakenly fell into the meteorite sea. He didn't come out until today.

Zhang Tianyou drove the wheelchair to the console, looked at the star map on the big screen, and said faintly, "I don't know if the sky has changed since I left so long! Let's detect it first. "

Said, Zhang Tianyou ten command dance, on the keyboard for a dazzling operation.

All of a sudden, dense codes appear on the big screen, and the star map is constantly changing.


Zhang Tianyou stopped ten fingers and stood still.

"What? What's beyond the sky

Then he began to get excited. "It seems that my previous calculation is correct. There is a vast space beyond the sky. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Zhang Tianyou laughs wildly and excitedly controls the special radar on the star ring to capture all the information around him.

He wants to find the right star path as soon as possible, and then leave the edge to go to the deep of the star sea.

But at this time, in the big screen picture, suddenly appeared a small sword.When the sword appears, the screen immediately locks it firmly.

After that, before Zhang Tianyou could react, the little sword slowly turned its body and pointed at Zhang Tianyou.


There was a brilliant light on the body of the sword. Then it accelerated and disappeared in the same place.

In a flash, the sword penetrated the void from the original place, came directly to the star ring, and then exploded.

The majestic meaning of the sword is mixed with a huge amount of information.

All of a sudden, a huge amount of pictures and information appeared on the screen in front of Zhang Tianyou.

Zhang Tianyou watched the information carefully, and his face became more and more serious.

After a long time, the flow of information was interrupted, and Zhang Tianyou sat in place and said nothing.

At this time, the woman in Lolita's long skirt appeared behind Zhang Tianyou again.

"Doctor, what are we going to do next? Do you want to escape first? "

"Dodge?" Zhang Tianyou gave a light smile, and then slowly raised his head, his eyes shining with brilliant brilliance.

"On the contrary, we are going to join Xue an in the star realm of the sword palace now, because I want to see what kind of extraterrestrial force can stir up the whole sky so much."

"And I have a hunch that this will be the best time for us to change everything with science and technology, to prove ourselves and grow stronger!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou said excitedly: "now turn around and go all out to the sword palace star field!"

"Yes, doctor!"

Star ring immediately began to turn direction, and then trembled all over, the tail of the blue flame, suddenly a rapid acceleration, then disappeared in the void.

At the speed of this star ring, it takes only a few days to cross hundreds of millions of star domains, not to mention this marginal star domain.

But just as the star ring was about to leave the edge of the land, its violent speed suddenly stopped, as if it had hit some copper wall and iron wall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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