To be exact, it should be fox.

But also are super strength of the top Fox family.

Although yaoxiu and the Terran have been fighting against each other for many years, they are different from each other, so naturally there is a gap between them.

At the moment, so many fox clan suddenly came together, which naturally caused a commotion among these monks.

But at this time, I saw one of these fox demons come out with his head raised. When he came to the front, he put his hands on his waist, took a deep breath, and then drank.

"Up, surnamed Xue, you fox grandfather came, still don't come out to die?"

The sound boomed all over the sword palace, and the monks were moved by the wind.

There are many people who are more dignified.

Because you can tell by this single voice that the strength of the fox demon is absolutely extraordinary.

The key is at this critical moment, if these demon repair suddenly backwater words, that can be troublesome.

But just at this time, I only listened to a smile from the deep of the star field.

"Fox night, I think you're itching without being beaten for a few days, right! Or have you forgotten that you have lost to me 13422 times before? "

But in an instant, the fox appeared with the sound of light.

It's Sean.

As for the comer, it's naturally that doubi fox night and many fox people in Qingqiu fox country.

When you see him, the fox night with an arrogant face becomes flattering in a moment.

"Hehe, brother Xue, don't get me wrong. I just made a little joke with you!"

Xue an looked at it with a smile. Until fox night finished, he just said lightly: "no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. You have already broken through to be the half step Immortal Emperor!"

Fox night's expression immediately became very embarrassed, "cough, coincidence, are all coincidences, I was joking with you!"

"Oh? Why don't I believe that? " Xue an said lightly.

Fox night began to scratch.

To tell you the truth, before he came, he really wanted to pretend to be in front of Xue an.

Because just a while ago, after hundreds of years of accumulation, fox night finally took that crucial step, from the top fairy king to the half step fairy emperor.

This Linghu night is ecstatic and thinks that he has finally surpassed Xue an Yibo and can give a good "resentment" that has been suppressed for thousands of years.

But unexpectedly, when he came here, he found that Xue an had already been the cultivation of the half step Immortal Emperor, and his strength and power were far superior to himself.

Fox night then counseled, dare not have the slightest arrogance again, obediently stood to one side.

At the same time, behind the fox night, ah Rou steps out and gives a salute to Xue an.

"Yes, brother!"

Now that she has married fox night, she naturally wants to address Xue an with Fox night.

After seeing ah Rou, Xue an's face immediately became solemn, and then nodded back.

"You are welcome, sister-in-law!"

At the same time, after the fox demon crowd, there was a timid voice.

"Brother Xue!"

Hearing this address, Xue an's face could not help but show a gentle smile, and then looked up.

But see has not appeared for a long time fox Ying cheek slightly red came over.

Xue an reached out and patted her on the head. "Well, it's taller than before. It's a big girl."

The words are full of the elder's leniency to the younger.

Hu Ying lowered her head and a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

At this time, an Yan and two little girls, as well as Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu also arrived.

Ah Rou quickly saluted again, "I've seen sister Yan!"

Anyan doesn't have so many scruples. She smiles and takes her hand with Hu Ying.

"Well, it's all a family. Why so much courtesy?"

Two little girls and Zhang Xiaoyu are extremely excited to surround Hu Ying.

"Sister fox, sister fox, you are finally on the stage. We miss you so much! Why do I use the word appearance? " Read slanting head, a face of doubt said.

Hu Ying is also very excited, bent over to pick up two little girls, a person kiss a mouth.

An Yan said with a smile: "go, let's talk inside!"

With that, she drags ah Rou Hu Ying away.

When they left, fox night suddenly took a breath, and then it seemed to take away all the bones. His expression immediately became tired and lazy, and complained at the same time.

"I'm relieved at last. I'm tired out during this time!"

Xue an's face immediately appeared the expression of understanding, "newlyweds, can understand, but also know how to control ah!"

Fox night is a Leng first, immediately understand what Xue an means, immediately spat a, "I bah, you nonsense what, Lao Tze physical strength is super, how can in that respect counsel?""What do you mean by that?"

Fox night sighed, and then said bitterly: "ah, old Xue, you don't know how I spend this time. Since I got married, ah Rou is like a changed person. Her past tenderness is like water. Instead, she starts to take care of me like a child!"

"No standing, no sitting, no laughing, no talking to other women, no There are so many things I'm not allowed to do that I seem to marry my mother instead of my daughter-in-law. "

Fox night to Xue an pour this period of bitterness.

Xue an is also embarrassed to laugh directly, and can only stand there listening with a smile.

Not only him, but also the fox people in Qingqiu fox country who came with Fox night also had a strange look on their face. Then they all stepped back a distance to prevent themselves from hearing something they shouldn't listen to.

Until fox night garrulous finish saying, Xue an just light way: "these?"

Fox night's eyes instantly stare round, "are these not enough?"

Xue an shook his head. "Not enough! Because I think you're right. Aren't these all your problems? Urge you to change, this is your good wife's help

Fox night looked at Xue an stupidly. After a long time, he said bitterly: "you are laughing at me, aren't you? It must be

Xue an nodded seriously, "no doubt, I'm just laughing at you!"

"Fox night".... "

But soon, they looked at each other with a smile, and then Xue an punched Hu ye on the shoulder.

"Boy, it's early!"

"That is, after receiving your call order, I immediately put everything down and came here nonstop without any delay!" Fox night laughs a way.

"But why are you alone? Your fox ancestor and little Zhengtai Hu'an? Are you still hiding in the Sansheng tree? Or are you going to be a monkey? " Xue an asked.

As soon as the voice fell, a tired voice came from the void.

"Well, I knew you couldn't speak well of me behind my back!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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