With the voice, two figures gradually emerged in the air.

The leader is the Nine Tailed Tian Hu Huan who is not in tune, and the little Zhengtai who follows him is Hu An, the elder who came back from the dead.

At the sight of the two of them, all the fox people in Qingqiu fox Kingdom bowed down one after another.

Hu Huan, however, flew to Xue an with a smile. He first looked at Xue an up and down, and then said in astonishment.

"Although I have known for a long time that you will enter the country very quickly this time, the growth rate of your cultivation is too amazing. How long have you been away from here, you have already proved half a step to the Immortal Emperor, and you are only a little bit short of breaking through?"

Xue an smiles, "no way, genius That's how headstrong it is. "

Hu Huan, Hu ye and others: "I'm sorry."

Then the little Zhengtai Hu an couldn't help muttering: "I thought master was shameless enough, but I didn't expect that there would be more powerful..."

Later words suddenly stopped, because he suddenly found that Xue an was looking at himself with a smile.

This makes him quickly swallow back the words behind, smile awkwardly, and then hide behind Hu Huan.

But Hu Huan laughed and patted Xue an on the shoulder.

"Good, very good. I found for the first time that you look shameless and have the style I used to have! Is there any good wine here? I'm so thirsty all the way here

"Of course, good wine is enough!" Xue an smile, to the side of a flash, and then said in a deep voice: "welcome to come, please!"

But just as everyone was about to go to the sword palace, a burst of laughter came from the distance.

"What? Brother Xue, can't I have my share of this wine? "

With the voice, I saw a group of people appear in front of the crowd at a very fast speed.

The leader is an old man wearing a robe and a bun behind his head.

At the sight of this man, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Xue an's mouth.

But before he could speak, fox night already said with a big smile: "ZHUGE Laodao, you are finally willing to show up. I thought you were dead."

Yes, it's Zhuge Zang.

He said with a smile, "don't worry, you fox is dead, I can't die!"

After that, he just stepped forward and made a check on Hu Huan.

"I've seen Mr. Fox!"

Hu Huan waved his hand, "Dao Ye is too polite!"

At the same time, after Zhuge Zang, led by Zhuge banzang, Zhuge Xuanqing and Wei Rulan, all the disciples of Zhuge family bowed themselves together.

"I've met Mr. Xue and you adults!"

The sound vibrated everywhere.

Fox night also can't help but be moved, "good fellow, Zhuge old man, you this is all the family background to light out."

Zhuge Zang said with a smile, "when the disaster comes, our Zhuge family is duty bound!"

In fact, Zhuge Zang had already started to make preparations before he received Xue an's notice.

Because he had long felt that there was a powerful and extreme force hiding in the fog, eyeing the sky.

The robbery was very serious, so Zhuge Zang began to make preparations early.

When Xue an's notice came out, Zhuge Zang immediately led all the masters of Zhuge family to the sword palace.

Therefore, this time the Zhuge family is elite.

Looking at these determined Zhuge family members, Xue an was also quite moved. He nodded seriously and said, "thank you, please come inside!"

After that, Xue an led the way and led the people to the star field.

Boom, Guanghua like a torrent from the sword palace star field across.

After they left, the monks in Xingyu of sword palace were jubilant.

"My God, even Zhuge Zang, the God operator, has come. We are getting more and more powerful here!" Someone exclaimed.

"More than that, didn't you see that Qingqiu fox kingdom was also elite? One and a half step Immortal Emperor, and two top-level people who can't see through the strength at all, such a situation is enough to suppress most of the heavens! " Some people even sigh.

"Hiss! If we can't see through the strength, it's probably the level of Immortal Emperor. In the past, we didn't even have the qualification to see each other. This time we came here, it's an eye opener! "

When the monks were talking and sighing.

Xue Anye has led the people to the sword palace.

At this time, the sword palace has been temporarily changed to a place for entertaining guests from all sides.

The fox night and the arrival of zhugezang and others make it more lively.

All kinds of delicacies are delicious, and the aged wine is like running water.

The Nine Tailed Tianhu Huan didn't care about his image at all. He sat down and began to enjoy himself. His eating looks were like he hadn't eaten for several years.Xiao Zhengtai Hu'an stepped back in disgust, but the next second, a greasy hand stretched out, grabbed his hand and pulled it forward.

Hu an can't help walking forward, just want to talk, just at this time, the other hand will grasp a large piece of shredded meat directly into his mouth.

"Wuwuwuwuwu..." Fox an fierce struggle, but simply can't break free from the shackles of this big hand, finally had no choice but to swallow.

Hu Huan said with a smile: "good apprentice, how does the meat taste?"

Hu'an is almost tearful. He likes to be clean, but he seldom touches meat. Even if he is hungry, he just eats some lingguo. So it's the first time for him to eat such a big piece of meat like today.

Other people at the banquet saw the injustice on the face of this little Zhengtai fox ANN, and they could only smile secretly.

Even Xue an's face was filled with a faint smile.

Just at this time, Hu Huan turned his head and said with a smile, "brother Xue, I hear you have a good drink. How about a few drinks for us?"

Xue an slightly raises eyebrow, "Oh? Are you sure you want to drink with me? "

"Of course, I'm sure that Hu Huan is also a Nine Tailed Fox with ancient blood. I really don't believe that he can drink, but you are a human Hu Huan said with a proud face.

Xue an's mouth gradually raised, showing a meaningful smile.

"Since you say so, I'll have a few drinks with you, but I can say in advance that you are not allowed to drink too much."

Hu Huan simply sniffed, "joke, I'm a Nine Tailed Fox. How can I drink too much? It's even more impossible to be drunk

Then he took his glass and began to drink.

But Xue an waved his hand, "wait!"

"Well? what do you mean? Dare not? " Hu Huan asked with a smile.

"Of course not. I just think it's too slow to drink such a cup."

Hu Huan slightly a Leng, immediately ask a way: "that you say how to drink?"

Xue an's eyes were cold, and he said faintly, "why don't you Use this

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