Then, with a wave of his hand, two swords flew out and condensed into two huge transparent containers in mid air.

Let's not say whether we drink or not, we will be shocked by this amazing swordsmanship.

Everyone was a little silly, because these two containers were as big as a small pond. If they were full of wine, how much would they have?

Hu Huan suddenly regretted that he should not bet with Xue an.

But at this time, Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows, "what? Dare not? "

This sentence, originally some guilty Hu Huan immediately straightened his chest, "joke, how can I dare not, come, who is afraid of who ah!"

The smile on Xue an's face is more prosperous, "enough Shuang is quick!"

Fox night sitting on one side, seeing the smile on Xue an's face at the moment, couldn't help clapping in his heart, even though he covered his eyes.

"Fox night, why do you cover your eyes?" Fox an some curiously asks a way.

Fox night helplessly whispered: "nothing, just feel that some bad things will happen."

Have to say, fox night's premonition is very accurate.

An hour later, all the people looked at the fox, which was already in the original shape of nine tails and was dancing around. They couldn't help but have some silly eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm a happy little fox, la la la la la..."

Looking at the crooked dance, all the fox people lowered their heads and covered their eyes with their hands like fox night.

It's a shame that there's no other reason.

The fox ancestor of Qingqiu fox Kingdom, the only Nine Tailed Fox in the world, is dancing on the ground like a second class.

How to see this picture, how to disobey.

Fox night can't help sighing: "actually dare to fight with Xue an to drink, isn't that to seek death?"

Just then Xue an turned to look at him.

Although he drank three vats of wine, Xue an's face didn't even feel drunk, and his eyes were as clear as water.

"Fox night, now your fox ancestor is drunk, would you like to drink some more for him?"

Fox night immediately shook his head like a rattle, "don't drink, I'll give up now!"

Xue an was surprised by such crisp advice, but Xuan even sighed: "it seems that you can't drink too much. You can't even drink with me. This life is really lonely like snow!"

All the people in the room said, "I'm sorry."

Zhuge Zang looked at it with a smile. He just wanted to talk.

Suddenly, he suddenly felt something, immediately looked up, at the same time, the expression on his face also became extremely dignified.

"Brother Xue!"

"Needless to say, I've sensed it!"

Said, Xue an long body but rise, the face sink like water of looking at sword palace sky.

All of a sudden, the banqueting hall, which used to be full of laughter, became silent, and people looked up.

At the same time, I saw that the sky above the originally calm sword palace suddenly began to shake, and then a faint virtual shadow slowly emerged.

But in an instant, the shadow has become full and concise.

Then there was a cry of surprise from the crowd.

Because what appears in front of the public is a huge star ring.

Such a huge star ring appeared above the sword palace without warning.

In the whole process, the defensive array of sword palace didn't even change, and even the whole star area was very calm.

Calm as if nothing had happened.

They all looked at it with astonishment.

At the same time, he listened to a curious female voice coming from her side.

"Are you Sean?"

The sudden sound shocked everyone and turned their heads.

But not far from Xue an, a barefoot girl in a lotus skirt suddenly appeared.

The girl tilted her head and looked at Xue an. Her lavender eyes were full of curiosity. Then she asked again.

"Are you Sean?"

There was a dead silence.

Because all the friars felt a strong uneasiness.

The girl's appearance is so strange that there is no sign in the whole process.

Many people are naturally shocked by this strange method.

Xue an just raised his eyebrow, then said calmly, "yes, I am Xue an!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl suddenly appeared in front of Xue an, so close that Xue an could see her reflection in her lavender eyes.

This strange way of haunting makes many people feel numb.

Because this kind of haunting without warning is too terrible, there is no way to prevent in advance!

This also means that if she has malicious words, you will be very passive.But Xue an was not moved, just quietly looking at the girl in front of her. Her black pupils were as deep as the sea.

A moment later, the girl turned her lips and muttered in a voice that only she could hear.

"as like as two peas, it is a Chinese people. Even the eyes are the same.

Then, the girl's figure appeared in the distance again, and said faintly: "since you are Xue an, I will be by your side in the next period of time, but you can continue to do your work when I don't exist."

Xue an looked at the girl coldly, "are you informing me?"

"That's right!" The girl nodded.

"I know what you want to ask, but you'd better not speculate about my identity, because that's not something you can touch! In a word, just remember that I have no malice or goodwill towards you. I just want to watch the development of the situation! Do you understand

Xue an's eyes flashed, "Oh? Just want to see what's going on? "


"Then why do you come here with Zhang Tianyou? Isn't it better to watch in the dark? " Xue an's voice was cold.

"Ha ha." The girl chuckled, then reclined in the void, relaxed as if sitting on a reclining chair, and then said faintly.

"Because I was curious about you before, so I showed up, but now it seems No more


There was an uproar.

You know, although Xue an's strength has not yet recovered to the peak, he is already one of the few masters in the sky.

Can be such a presence, to the mouth of this girl is just not more than Er er?

What a tone!

Many people look at the girl coldly.

But the girl didn't care. With a wave of her slim hand, Zhang Tianyou's figure appeared in front of her.

"As for you saying that I took him Do you think he's worth holding on to? " The girl gently stroked Zhang Tianyou's head with her hand and said lightly.

Zhang Tianyou has completely accepted his fate at the moment, and has no reaction to it. He just looks at Xue an bitterly.

The situation fell into a stalemate for a moment.

At this time, a voice came, pretending to be high cold but full of coquettishness.

"Oh, there's something you can't talk about, right! Beautiful girl , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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