At that time, Xue an crossed the sky, especially with a red lotus sword, which made the sword practitioners dare not look up.

Naturally, this autumn Yiye had seen Xue an's power and admired him.

That's why he showed his whereabouts immediately after receiving Xue an's small sword and came to the sword palace.

Now when I meet Xue an on the way, Qiu Yiye naturally shows great respect.

Xue an also can't help a faint smile, "brother Yiye is so polite. I'm very grateful if you can come here. Why so many gifts?"

Qiuyiye sighed, "I think qiuyiye was defeated by Jiansan. I'm blind. I'm already a useless man. I didn't expect that Lord Honglian remembered me and sent a summoning order. Why don't I come? I just don't know why Lord Honglian didn't receive the strong people in the sword palace? "

Xue an smiles. "Li Jingxing is in charge of entertaining in Xingyu of sword palace. Naturally, I don't care. Besides, I just received the news that there is a trace of evil things in the sky somewhere. It's very important, so I'll go and have a look myself."

"Oh? The trace of extraterrestrial evil? How many years will the seal be invalid? Now it is? "

"I don't think it's from that copper door, but the sky is so vast that it's hard to avoid weak defense, so I can't be careless. Brother Ye is also here. Why don't you go with me to find out what's going on?" Xue an said with a smile.

Autumn leaf silent for a moment, and then nodded, "well, anyway, I have nothing to do now, then accompany Honglian adults to this trip."

"So good!" Xue Anxi said with a smile, "let's go now!"

With that, Xue an turned around and led the way.

Autumn leaves silent behind.

They are very fast, but a cup of tea will span tens of millions of miles of the star.


Xue an, who was on his way, suddenly stopped.

Autumn leaf also stopped immediately, then light ask a way: "so soon arrived?"

Xue an's head didn't return, and he said in a soft voice: "yes, it's already here. The former convenience is the area where the evil things come and go."

"Then why stagnate?" Qiu Yiye asked.

Xue an looked back at him and saw that the autumn leaf was calm at the moment. He could not help but show a smile of inexplicable meaning.

"Because I suddenly feel that it's better for you to deal with this evil thing in front of me. It's just the right time to explore its emptiness and reality!"

Then Xue an gave way to a road.

Qiu Yiye didn't say a word, but walked forward. But when he passed by Xue an, he suddenly said.

"Is this the ambush you set?"

With this, Xue an's face suddenly changed, but even if Xuan returned to normal, he said with a smile: "brother Yiye, what are you talking about? Why didn't I get it! "

Autumn leaves of the corner of the mouth emerged a sneer, that pair of gray eyes although dim, but still staring at Xue an.

"I have to say that your camouflage is perfect, even the unique power of Honglian sword is perfectly simulated, but do you know what's wrong with you?"

The smile on Xue an's face gradually faded away, and his eyes looked at Qiu Yiye coldly, "where?"

"It's because you said that the sword palace is now presided over by Li Jingxing."

"Just because of this sentence?" Xue an was slightly stunned.

Qiu Yiye nodded, "that's right! Although separated by hundreds of millions of miles, I can still feel that Li Jingxing's breath in the sword palace is very unique. He may have been shut up and asleep! In this way, how can he preside over the sword palace? "

"So your identity has been revealed. Am I right? From beyond "Evil things?"

In the face of Qiu Yiye's question, this "Xue an" suddenly sneers.

"It's really worthy of being ranked second only to Li Jingxing's top Jianxiu. There are two brushes, but I wonder why you should come with me now that you know I'm fake?"

Qiuyi, standing like a sword, said faintly, "because I want to know what tricks you are playing. Now it seems that this is all."

"Ha ha ha ha, I just like the arrogance of you ants trapped in a small pool. Since you've come with me, don't leave today. Your skin bag can be used for me!"

With the voice, but see this "Xue an" body shape suddenly began to change, the body's white clothes were directly broken by the protruding muscles, and then the ferocious spines pierced the skin, exposed.

In the blink of an eye, a ferocious monster appeared in front of qiuyiye.

It grinned, smelly and corrosive saliva dripped down the corner of its mouth, and then began to smile.


Then he stepped forward.

This foot is so good that it seems to have trampled on the whole void, but qiuyiye doesn't flinch. There is a flash of brilliance in front of her, and then a blade shaped like qiuyiye cuts straight out.Poof!

The sword cut off a large piece of flesh and blood from the monster.

The monster roared in pain, and then rushed forward with more fury.

A sneer appeared in the corner of Qiu Yiye's mouth, and then he waved his hands and cut the monster with his sword.

In the blink of an eye, huge wounds were cut out of the monster.

Can be in autumn a leaf to occupy absolute upper hand when, listen to this monster roar one.

"Not yet?"

In the moment, the leaves suddenly fall into the air.

Qiu Yiye was shocked all over, but his reaction was not bad. He stepped on it and cut out countless swords in all directions.

But soon, all the sword ideas were lost.

Then he heard the monster's ferocious laughter coming from the fog, "autumn leaf, it's useless. You can't escape from the fog. Enjoy the gift I prepared for you, ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter faded, and then Qiu Yiye suddenly found that her eyes could see it.

But at this time, he found that the surrounding environment changed rapidly.

The mist and void faded and replaced by a desolate grassland.

Then I saw a man walking slowly in the waist deep grass.

A woman with a little mole on her brow.

"Sword three!" Autumn leaves all over a shock.

But the woman on the other side just laughed, "I'm still jiansi now, but after I defeat you, you can call me Jiansan!"

Qiu Yiye suddenly realized that this was the scene of the day when he fought with the sword!

But how did you get here?

Are you in a dreamland?

Can there really be such a realistic fantasy?

Qiuyiye reaches out her hand and caresses the grass leaf which is shaking because of the breeze.

That kind of fluffy disturbing motion is so lifelike, even in the autumn leaves have a true and false feeling.

When he was in a daze, the sword on the opposite side said in three deep voices: "autumn leaf, let's take out the sword!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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