Qiu Yiye takes a deep breath. No matter whether it's true or not, the murderous intention of the sword three on the other side can't be fake.

He was sure that if he was careless, the fantasy would become true.

After all, killing or being killed in a fantasy is nothing new.

What's more, at this time of autumn, the heart also rose from a strong sense of war.

Last time, after ten days and nights of fighting with the sword, he finally lost in one move. As a result, he became blind and the heart of the sword broke.

Although he didn't fall because of his strong Kendo cultivation and strong will.

But he was defeated after all, so he will never forget the shame of this war.

Now, after a period of healing, Qiu Yiye's sword heart has recovered as before.

So when he had the chance to face Jiansan again, he couldn't help but rise up again.

For nothing else, just to prove yourself.

Even if the other party is just an existence in the dreamland, he also wants to challenge himself.

So in the face of Jian San's provocation, he slowly drew his sword from his waist.

The sword has been carried around since it came out in autumn. It's made of ordinary iron. It's flat and even has many scars on its body. It seems that it will break at any time.

But it was such a joking sword, which made the three faces of the opposite sword suddenly dignified.

Then Jian San slowly pulled out a hairpin from the back of his head.

This hairpin is black as a chopstick.

However, when the sword was held in the hand three times and waved, the hairpin turned into a short sword which was more than a foot long.

"Please teach me!" There are three deep swords.

Autumn a leaf also don't answer words, direct a sword brandish.

There is no gorgeous sword Qi, no surging power, even the grass at the foot of no disturbance half a point, it is just an ordinary wave.

But it was such a sword that made Jian San's eyes burst out with brilliant brilliance, "good sword!"

With that, the hairpin sword in her hand directly touched the void in front of her.


After a dull loud noise, the two swords collided directly, and then a gust of wind was aroused.

The wind spread and bent the grass around.

Sword three's corners of the mouth emerge a touch of light smile, the mole between eyebrows also more and more red up, "you are very good!"

"You too!" Autumn leaf light answer way, then start to wave sword again.

This time, the sword light like snow, swept away.

Jian San is not afraid, and they fight together directly.

In fact, there was nothing fancy about the war.

No matter Jiansan or qiuyiye, they didn't use any sword power, but they only used the sword meaning.

This is more profound than who understands Kendo, and the heart of the sword is more clear.

I saw the light of the sword, the grass was flying, just like rain.

In the twinkling of an eye, they had already attacked each other for hundreds of swords, but they still didn't distinguish between them.

But at this time, the surrounding grass suddenly began to grow, and incarnated into countless black tentacles, directly bound qiuyiye's hands and feet tightly.

Autumn a leaf stuffy hum a, the whole body suddenly emerge numerous small sword awn, directly will bind oneself of tentacle cut off.

But these tentacles seem to have some magical power. Even if they are cut into blood, they can still be reborn in an instant and entangle qiuyiye like maggots of tarsal bone.

At the same time, Jiansan on the opposite side has been cut to the front with one sword.

Facing the imminent sword, qiuyiye takes a deep breath.

This breath seemed to absorb all the air around, forming a gust of wind.

Then listen to autumn leaf slowly way: "a leaf falls, and the world autumn!"


All the sword awns around the autumn leaf turn into withered and yellow leaves in an instant.

Can be such leaves, but full of infinite opportunities to kill.

Wherever I passed, whether it was the grass turned into tentacles or the sword three opposite, they were all cut into powder.

All of a sudden, the whole grassland became empty.

Autumn leaves stand in the blood mist, a slight sigh.

"Unfortunately It's just a mirage

But as soon as Qiu Yiye's voice fell, a sword point suddenly appeared on his chest!

It's the hairpin sword.

The sword was so sudden that there was no defense at all in autumn.

He didn't look down until he felt the pain. Then he slowly turned his head to look behind him.

Behind him, Jian San was looking at him with a smile, but after he spoke, his voice was Xue an's.

"How's it going? How about the present I prepared for you? "With blood flowing out, autumn leaves feel that their vitality is rapidly disappearing.

But he still stares at the sword three in front of him, and then says in a dumb voice, "first use the appearance of sword three to induce me to fight, and then attack suddenly. You designed all this in advance, right?"

Jian San chuckled, but the laughter in people's ears only made people feel creepy.

"That's right, qiuyiye. To tell you the truth, all these things are specially designed for you, including this fog, which I prepared for you!"

"What you have done is your body! Because only with it can I perfectly integrate into the sky. Do you understand? "

Jian San's eyes twinkled like the dangerous light of reptiles when they saw their prey.

And behind her, those chopped grass gathered slowly again, and finally condensed into a poisonous snake with strange patterns.

I saw the snake raised his head, spitting grass letter, and said: "why do you talk so much nonsense with him? I want his soul, because this time I've been badly hurt, so I have to make up for it! "

"Don't worry, you have to stutter and do things step by step, right? Autumn leaves The evil thing began to laugh again.

At the moment, qiuyiye's chest has been stained with blood, and her face is extremely pale because of blood loss.

This is the common fault of sword repair.

Once he was hurt, he would be very weak and even drag his legs.

"So I want to ask you, are you going to be devoured first? Or am I the first to take over? " The evil thing asked with a smile.

Autumn leaf also smile, although pale smile, but eyes are very firm.

"But if I were What about nothing? "

As soon as the words came out, the evil thing suddenly felt an extremely ominous premonition.

This premonition made his scalp tingle and he just wanted to have it.

Autumn leaf's eyes show a color of determination, and then said in a deep voice: "heaven and earth move, and all things spring!"

Words fall, around his body, countless swords looming.

However, these swords are full of thrilling power, which is now transformed into a bright ray of thunder, directly facing the evil things.

The evil thing was so scared that all the souls of the dead came out. He immediately stepped back and yelled, "what's the matter? Aren't you Jianxiu? How can you master the power of thunder? "

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