As soon as his voice fell, he heard a scream.

The poisonous snake gathered from the grass was struck by the thunder.

In a flash, most of the body will become nothing.

The rest of the body after a few weak struggle, also dissipated.

The evil things hiding in the distance are almost scared out of their wits.

At the same time, Qiu Yiye said coldly, "who said that Jian Xiu could not master the power of thunder?"

With the voice, there was a flash of thunder in his eyes.

As soon as the evil thing saw this scene, he didn't dare to hum. He turned around and ran away crazily.

Because the thunder just gave him a great deterrent.

If it had not been for the unfortunate snake to block him, he would have died now.

So he ran without hesitation.

And when he fled, the illusion around him was broken and turned into nothingness.

Autumn leaves standing in place, eyes back to failure, but the chest is still flowing blood.

Nevertheless, his figure was still as straight as a sword, and he stood quietly in the void without saying a word.

It was not until a long time later, when it was determined that the evil thing had indeed escaped, that qiuyiye suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the boiling power was withered.

If that evil thing is not so afraid of death, if you insist on it a little bit, you will know that the thunder just now is actually all the strength of autumn leaf.

Because it is not the power of thunder at all, but the power of pure and incomparable sword.

What qiuyiye is good at most is the sword meaning of Qiuye, which is the most pitiless sword meaning among the heavens.

However, when things go to extremes, they will be full of vitality.

For example, the thunder after winter and spring.

The same is true of the thunder just now.

But this also means hundreds of times of sword intention consumption, plus the success of being attacked by evil things, and the wounded heart of the sword, all of these combined to cause great pressure on qiuyiye.

In fact, if it had not been for his strong will, he would have fallen just now.

Even so, it's the limit now.

Only autumn leaves barely half kneel on the ground, gasping heavily.

Every breath, the chest wound will gush out more blood.

This also means that his life is rapidly disappearing.

But soon, Qiu Yiye raised his head again. His eyes were full of determination and whispered.

"There are evil things in the sky, and they can be transformed into other people's images to deceive. It's very important to tell Lord Honglian!"

Speaking of this, Qiu Yiye suddenly put a hand into the wound in front of his chest, and then sewed up the damaged organs like a needle and thread, and sealed the wound from the inside to the outside.

In an instant, the surging blood was stopped.

But this is only a temporary measure, because once the vitality of qiuyiye declines to a certain extent, the sword will collapse instantly, and the situation of blood collapse will be waiting for him.

But now, Qiu Yiye can't care much. After blocking the wound, he immediately flies up and stumbles to the sword palace.

Originally, it's only hundreds of millions of miles away from the star realm of the sword palace. If you put it in the past, it's only half an hour.

But for today's autumn leaf, the road is as long as a natural moat.

In order to maintain his strength will not collapse, he can only barely maintain a minimum speed to fly forward.

In this way, the travel time will be infinitely prolonged.

After a full three hours, the forehead of qiuyiye has emerged dense beads of sweat, which is the manifestation of extreme weakness.

Even so, it is only less than one tenth of the distance.

Qiu Yiye's eyes began to hallucinate, and the sword light that kept him flying was even more shaky, as if it would collapse at any time.

But it was at this time, in the void not far away, suddenly two lights flashed by, and then one of them said in a stuffy voice.

"Master, what's wrong with this man? It looks like I've been seriously injured! "

Guanghua stopped and two figures appeared.

He was called master. He was very tall, and his whole body was cut like a knife. His muscle lines were very beautiful.

Although it's just standing there, every muscle seems to contain explosive force, which is daunting.

He was also quite surprised to see the autumn leaf, but soon opened his eyes.

"How can it be? Isn't it autumn leaf?"Then he rushed to the front immediately.

After feeling the breath approaching, qiuyiye instinctively stepped back and made a defensive posture.

But soon, he realized that the Qi was different.

At the same time, the man anxiously said: "Yiye Daoyou, what's the matter with you? How did it come to this? "

Hearing this familiar voice, Qiu Yiye was relieved at last, and then whispered, "brother Wuxiang, please take me to see Honglian!"

After that, Qiu Yiye's only sword light burst into pieces. Then he fainted completely and fell back.

The man exclaimed and rushed forward immediately, embracing the faint autumn leaf.

At this time, his apprentice also came near, "master, what's the matter? How can I hear what he said, Lord Honglian? Does it have anything to do with the instructor? "

That's right!

It was Zhou Daniu who spoke, and this man was the first person to practice Chu Wuxiang!

At the beginning, after solving the earth crisis, Zhou Daniu, who had no relative talent, was very appreciative. He eventually accepted him as an apprentice and brought him back to the dragon and elephant gate.

In the dragon and elephant gate, because of Chu Wuxiang's all-out teaching, Zhou Daniu finally showed his talent of terror in physical cultivation, and his cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds.

However, in a few years, he successfully broke through several realms, and finally came to the top level.

This kind of cultivation, combined with his age, is enough to be superior to others.

Chu Wuxiang is even confident that as long as he is given a few more years of good training, this week Daniel will be able to break through again, and finally become a strong immortal in physical training.

That is at this time, they received a notice to come to Xue an.

The great calamity is coming. Everyone should unite to fight against evil things.

After receiving this news, Chu Wuxiang and Zhou Daniu immediately left everything in hand and came to the direction of the sword palace star domain.

But because the physical training itself is not good at driving, so it's not until today that I got here.

But I didn't expect to meet Qiu Yiye who was seriously injured.

Chu Wu Xiang looked at the injury on Qiu Yi Ye's body, and his face became very dignified.

Because if you can repair such a peerless sword like this, you can imagine the strength of the opponent.

In addition, before Qiu Yiye was in a coma, she named her family name to see Xue an. This is absolutely a big deal.

So Chu Wu Xiang said in a deep voice: "Daniel!"

"I'm here!"

"Open the way ahead, we'll go to the sword palace Star area immediately!"

"Yes , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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