R country Tokyo.

Baqi shrine.

The three deities opened their eyes in doubt.

"Why didn't you suddenly feel the existence of Baqi God?" One of the old deities, Hegang, is sinking like a water channel on the tree.

"We have been serving God for a long time, and the power of God is beyond measure. We should be fine this time when we go to China to fight against the great general of warlin." Another deity, Ichi Ku, said.

"Yes, God is powerful and powerful. There should be something for the time being. All we can do is wait here, and when God comes back, we can transform us into immortal demons." Nakata said excitedly and greedily.

The three people nodded one after another, yearning for the future of eternal life.

"By the way, Takeuchi just called and hoped that we would go to his other daughter's engagement banquet tomorrow!" Kutani said.

"Let's go. Let's see the perfect tribute to his highness in Zhunei's house!" Hegang is a tree with a deep voice.

At the moment, Xue is standing outside a house in Tokyo.

"My Lord, this is the house where my mother and I live alone! Please follow me in. " Chunei Qingzi said respectfully.

After entering the courtyard, although the layout is not very luxurious, it is very elegant.

The whole courtyard has a natural beauty.

"This is the courtyard that my mother and I arranged together!" he said

Xue an smiles, he is not cold to this kind of small and exquisite beauty.

Hearing the sound in the courtyard, a woman with gray hair but elegant temperament pushed the door open.

As soon as he saw this lady, he bowed his head and sobbed: "mother!"

The woman was stunned, and then some unbelievable exclaimed, "is it Qingzi?"

"Mother, it's me, I'm back!" Takeuchi Qingzi stepped forward.

The woman hugged her and cried.

After crying for a while, the woman wiped away her tears and gave an apologetic smile to Xue an and others.

"I'm really sorry. I've lost my temper! This gentleman is... "

"Mother, this is Mr. Xue an Xue, who is a great talent in China," he explained respectfully

A flash of light flashed in the woman's eyes as soon as she heard of Huaxia. Then she bowed her head respectfully and said, "Hello, Mr. Xue. My name is song anzhen. Thank you for your care of Qingzi."

Xue an looked at the elegant woman and nodded slightly.

Then song anzhen invited Xue an and others into the room.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian looked at everything in the room curiously. They waited until noon.

Big men from all sides are here.

In the hall is the bustling moment.

Takeuchi and Inoue exchanged engagement rings, and people below began to applaud and bless.

Three deities of Baqi shrine came forward to pray for the new couple.

It is ironic to say that Baqi is a demon God, but now he gives his blessing to the new man.

At this time, Xue an and Takeuchi came outside the venue.

Their appearance did not attract the attention of the peripheral security personnel.

Until Takeuchi went into the house.

Only then did people notice her, and then they called out in horror: "Qing Miss Qingzi? "

He was not quiet.

Xue an followed her slowly, holding her two daughters in her arms, discussing what to eat for a while.


Takeuchi kicks open the door of the hall and walks in with his head raised.

The momentum made the house calm down.

The atom inside the bamboo turns to look, the complexion is white.

Many people also recognized Takeuchi and talked about it.

"Isn't this Qingzi? Didn't she go to the shrine? "

Akiko Takeuchi looks indifferent, just coldly looking at Takeuchi and Inoue.

"Am I surprised to be back so soon?"

After gnashing his teeth, he said with a sneer, "Qingzi, can you actually regain your consciousness? It's really surprising. But do you think that there are three magistrates here, and you still want you to indulge? "

The three deities of Baqi Shrine were stunned, and then their faces changed greatly.

Because they can't detect any evil spirit from Takeuchi Qingzi.

"What's going on?" Hegang, the deity of Baqi shrine, stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing. It's just that I killed your demon lord!" With a calm voice, Xue an walked into the venue.

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