At the first word of this sentence, Japanese is still very astringent, but after that, it becomes more and more fluent. By the time of the last word, it is no different from that of r people.

This discovery also shocked Takeuchi.

Is it that even learning Japanese is so fast?

And at the moment, it's quiet.

A lot of people frowned slightly.

Who is this guy?

It looks like a Chinese!

With a frown on his brow, Takeuchi comes forward and scolds Takeuchi first.

"What's the matter with you? There is a grand gathering in the family today. What are you leading strangers to do? "

With that, Takeuchi Yang raised his hand and hit.

It's a habit.

For so many years, Takeuchi and her mother seem to be out of their wits at home.

As a legitimate man, Takeuchi Yang's status is high, and it is not once or twice to beat her.

Today, however, he raised his hand and was about to do it. He felt a huge force hit him. He flew several meters away, smashed several tables, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

This hand was like a rock shattering, which shocked the whole audience.

But the hands of Xue an shook his head, "too weak, I just played a finger, actually fly!"

A lot of people are going to rush up with a roar.

Masao Takeuchi stops these people and looks at Xue an coldly.

"Chinese warrior?" Takeuchi Masao said coldly.

Xue an a smile, "you also know Chinese martial arts?"

Takeuchi Masao sneered: "I not only know, but also killed myself! What do you want to do here

Xue an said slowly: "I don't want to do anything. I just think you are too unfair to Takeuchi, so I want her to be the master of the house."

Masao Takeuchi was very angry and looked at him. "Qingzi, what do you want to do?"

Qingzi was still a little nervous at first, but now he also relaxed and said with a chuckle, "what are you doing? Of course, as the adult said, be the master of the bamboo family

"You want to die!" Takeuchi became angry and said to the three deities: "this man is arrogant. Please punish them!"

The three magistrates also wanted to ask in detail what was going on.

Why suddenly the evil spirit of Takeuchi Qingzi disappeared?

Xue an said that he had killed him, but the three magistrates didn't believe it at all.

The trio came up.

Hegang Zhengshu raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice: "your martial arts are good, but you have never heard of it. Even if you are a powerful martial arts master, are you afraid of martial arts monks?"

Xue an shook his head. "No, but you can try it! Look, I'm afraid? "

Xue an's careless attitude angered the three.

Three people roar, and then a group of evil gas emanates.

All the people in the meeting hall hid in awe.

Takeuchi atomic sneered: "it seems that my sister is really ignorant of life and death. Unexpectedly, she led a Chinese warrior back. Hum, the result is not the same?"

Inoue took Takeuchi's shoulder and laughed, "I knew she was stupid, so I proposed to you!"

These words made Takeuchi's face blue.

This Inoue once pursued himself crazily, but as soon as he had an accident, he couldn't wait to catch up with Takeuchi. Such humiliation was unbearable to Kiko.

But she was also worried.

After all, Xue an's martial arts cultivation is powerful, but the other three are all divinities who practice martial arts.

"Type God appears!"

With the three people in unison.

Three virtual objects appeared in the meeting hall.

A lot of people exclaimed.

"You can summon Shishen! The three deities of Baqi shrine are really powerful Inoue's eyes are full of excitement.

"Go!" The three men pointed to xue'an, and the three type gods rushed together.

Shishen is a unique skill of r country. In a word, it is cultivated by the spirits of samurai or other things after death.

It's amazing.

In particular, Hegang Zhengshu three people worship is the eight Qi demon God, this type of God also has a lot of magic power.

But when the three Shishen just rushed to xue'an.

Xue an's eyes flashed and he said softly, "go away!"

The three Shishen sent out a shrill howl, which disappeared directly!

This time, not only the three magistrates were dumbfounded.

The others were stunned.

What's the trick?

Can you drink Sanshi in a word?

Xue an at this time a light smile, "is this ability?"

Xue an said to the two daughters in her arms, "close your eyes and lie in your father's arms!"

Xue wants to and Xue Nian lie in Xue an's arms.Then Xue an showed a few white teeth and laughed, "it's my turn now"

after that, Xue an suddenly appeared among the three and waved.


Even the crane's blood did not come.

Gu was scared to death, and turned to run.

Xue an exhaled and became a sword. He directly cut Gu Yizhen's head off.

Only Hiroshi Nakata is left.

At the moment, Nakata is shaking like chaff.

He finally believed what Xue an said just now. The Demon Lord was probably killed by this man!

So when Xue an's eyes were on him.

Nakata a leg a soft, plop a kneeling on the ground.

"Forgive me, my Lord!"

Xue an no longer paid attention to him, but looked at the pale face of takeuchio and others.

"You What else do you want to say Xue an said lightly.

Takeuchio then bit his teeth and said, "shoot him with a gun! I don't believe he can hide a gun! "

The law and order of r country is pretty good, even they have only a few guns in their family.

But when several shooters came out with guns, the momentum changed.

Takeuchio sneered: "I admit that you are a warrior, but what about that? Now is not the time when Samurai ran rampant. If you are more powerful, can you pass the bullet

Xue an said faintly: "then you can have a try! Look, I'm afraid

"Kill him!" Takeuchio gave the order.

As an alligator who has been galloping for decades, this kind of determination still exists.

Although the use of guns, will alarm a lot of people, but at the moment do not care so much!

Bang bang bang.

The submachine gun and the pistol shot together.

And in this situation.

Xue an laughed.

"So it is!"

With the voice, it was like a scene in a science fiction movie.

I saw these bullets as if into the glue, more and more slowly, to the end simply stopped in the air.

Then Xue an said softly, "go!"

The bullets returned ten times faster than they had been before!

Puff, puff, puff!

More than a dozen shooters fell to the ground, and the bullets were so powerful that they didn't stop until they penetrated the back wall.

This one hand let takeuchio finally feel scared.

And Xue an came slowly.

Every step he took, these people took a step back!

At the end of the day, all of them had no choice.

Xue an Cai stood still, light way: "now, I say let her be the master of the house, can you agree?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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