"No! Even if I die, I won't agree! "

Xue an nodded, "well, then you're going to die."

After saying that, the head of the atom in the bamboo exploded and the fresh blood splashed all over the people around him.

This kind of ghost like means, let everybody be frightened.

Inoue said with a trembling smile: "I I agree! "

Xue an turned to look at him.

Inoue said flatteringly: "adult cultivation for God, you say is the emperor's will, I naturally agree with it!"

Then Inoue Shigeru chunei toward a force of flattery, "Qingzi..."

Chunei Qingzi, whose face was as heavy as water, did not look at him at all.

Xue an nodded. "Good, since you agree! So... "

With a wave of Xue an's hand, a thin bloodstain appeared in Inoue's throat, and the blood gushed out. Inoue hung covered his neck with his hands and looked at Xue an blankly.

"Why Agree to kill? "

Xue an light way: "I asked who agreed, but didn't say agree, you don't have to die!"

Inoue in the throat issued a few cluck sound, angry at Xue an, and then unwilling to fall to the ground, died.

Absolute silence.

Many of the present were big men who had been in Tokyo for many years. You can see that Xue an killed two people in a row, and was reaping his life without warning.

Such means, let these big men are frightened.

Xue an once again looked around the audience, "now, who has any opinions?"

At this time, a man and a woman came to Zhunei's house.

The man's sword shoes are long sleeves, and his clothes are fluttering. He looks like a immortal.

The woman is only a teenager and is following her with adoration.

After entering Zhunei's home, the man suddenly frowned, and then his face became more and more dignified.

"Master, what's wrong?" the woman said in a respectful voice

The man said in a deep voice: "what a powerful murderous spirit!"

Then the man strides across the whole courtyard, directly comes to the door, pushes the door to enter.

His appearance, let these already fall into despair of r country big men all overjoyed.

Takeuchi's excited tears came down, and he hoarsely called out, "master swordsman, please help us! This man is a devil

But chunei Qingzi's face changed greatly and his heart gradually sank.

Because the man who came here is a sword sage named Qianshan Yiye who is wise in the mirror heart of r country.

The Kendo of r country can be divided into three major schools: Beichen one Dao flow, two days first-class, Mirror Heart wise flow, Juhe drawing sword technique, and Shinto mindless flow.

Among them, the most powerful is known as the swordsman.

The Daochang of Jingxin wisdom flow is in Tokyo, so this Qianshan Yiye also received the invitation, and this came to Zhunei's home.

A leaf of Qianshan looks at Xue an with a dignified look. "Chinese warrior?"

Xue an nods, light way: "who are you?"

"My name is Qianshan Yiye. As a martial arts practitioner, why do you want to kill these ordinary people A cold voice of a thousand mountains.

"Ordinary people?" A cold smile appeared on Xue an's face.

"You call these people ordinary people?"

One leaf of Qianshan Mountain was as heavy as water, because he could not see through Xue an's details.

The momentum of the man is plain, but his eyes are as deep as the sea.

What is his practice?

A ray of suspicion flashed in the heart of Qianshan Yiye, and then he calmed down and said in a deep voice: "even if they are people in the way, don't they? Are the Chinese warriors so savage? "

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "as far as I'm concerned, killing is only for a moment. It's useless to say more. Since you are known as the master of swordsman, you should stay today."

Said, Xue An Sen ran a smile.

All of a sudden, the whole person appeared in front of a leaf of Qianshan Mountain. Without any nonsense, he punched out.

A leaf of thousand mountains is shocked in his heart, so fast.

After being able to dodge the blow, Qianshan Yiye changed his pace and stood in a very wonderful position.

After standing still, his momentum changed, and a fierce sword spirit began to fill the whole room.

This is the characteristic of the intelligent flow of the mirror heart. It has extremely profound research on the pace, which is claimed to be able to kill the opportunity step by step.

Xue an's fist failed, but his face was not sad or happy. He said faintly, "good, come again!"

Having said that, Xue an is another blow out.

Xue an did not use his own cultivation at all. Instead, he fought against the thousand mountains with the strength of his body, and fought a close match.

At this time, a leaf of Qianshan tried again and again to avoid Xue an's fist, and his face was dignified and incomparable. He drank softly and said, "Qianshan is chopped with a sword!"

A bright sword Qi suddenly appeared.

The sword is so gorgeous that people can't help being intoxicated by it.Masao Takeuchi and others are dazzled.

And with a leaf of Qianshan that woman also emerged with a proud smile.

In her opinion, no one can resist this dream like sword.

But Xue an just looked up and flicked her finger.


This seemingly gorgeous sword is broken by the whole.

A leaf of Qianshan retreated a few steps, and his face finally showed a look of horror. Then he bit his teeth and slowly pulled out the real body of the sword from his waist.

Many people are moved by it.

Even the woman was shocked.

My master has not drawn his sword for ten years.

I was forced to pull out the real sword this time.

"The sword is called Dayong. You can force me to pull it out. It's enough to be proud of it!"

Xue An Sen ran a smile, slowly raised his fist, "come again!"

After saying that, another blow came out.

A leaf of a thousand mountains is standing at the moment. He shouts: "big dream!"

The sword disappeared, and the next moment appeared behind xue'an, and suddenly stabbed it.

Takeuchi Qingzi screams with fright, while Takeuchi Zhengxiong and others smile grimly.

Sure enough The master of swordsman won!

But at this time, the big dream sword which had reached the back stopped.

Xue an put his back on his back and held it with two fingers, then exerted a slight force.


The sword broke at the sound.

One leaf of Qianshan Mountain was shocked and took a few steps back.

Xue an shook his head. "Have a good time. Unfortunately, you are not strong enough."

After that, a mighty momentum suddenly emanates from Xue an's body.

A leaf of a thousand mountains is like a small boat in front of this momentum, which is in danger of capsizing at any time.

"Why How could it be? " Masao Takeuchi and others glared round their eyes.

Why is this man so powerful?

Qianshan Yiye looks very serious. He suddenly pulls a dagger from his arms and stabs his palm. Then a bloody sword appears in his hand.

"Turn the sword into blood!"

The girl muttered to herself, pale.

This is also the Mirror Heart wisdom flow of the last move.

But Xue an raised her eyes at the moment and smile.

"Big dream? Hehe, it's interesting, but... "

"The world is like a dream, but I am forever."

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