With this sound, the blood sword in the hand of one leaf of Qianshan Mountain suddenly broke.

The supreme pressure makes Qianshan a leaf even have no time to resist, so he was crushed into flesh and mud.

Sword master, die!

There was a dead silence.

With Qianshan Yiye, this female apprentice, Qianye is shaking all over.

In her mind, the master, like a God, was invincible.

But who could have thought, but could not hold up in front of this man for a minute, then died miserably on the spot.

At this time, the sweat on Takeuchi's face dripped down. Seeing Xue an look up to himself, he quickly stepped forward and said with great humility.

"My Lord, I would like to let Qingzi be the head of the Zhunei family."

Xue an a smile, looked at Takeuchi Qingzi, "he gave it to you!"

Takeuchi Zhengxiong shivered all over and said in horror, "my lord..."

And Takeuchi came over with a murderous face.

"Qing Qingzi, I'm your father anyway. You... " Takeuchi wants to play emotional cards.

As soon as the words fell, Takeuchi Seiko picked up a dagger and stabbed it into Takeuchi's chest. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "in your eyes, am I not as good as a pig or a dog?"

Then he pulled out the dagger and stabbed it.


After a few cuts, Takeuchi has been made into a sieve.

But Takeuchi Qingzi still does not get rid of Qi, red eye is still in crazy drawing knife, stabbing!

Xue an slightly frowned, "OK."

In front of her, Xue Nai'an's face was wet, but Xue Nai'an's hands were wet.

"My Lord, Qingzi is willing to be your servant and serve you all your life."

Commit to slavery.

This is the highest respect a woman in R pays to a man.

Xue an but a faint smile, not to say yes.

"These people..." Xue an glanced at the rest of them.

All of them were silent and bowed quickly.

"Miss Qingzi's hand is against the enemy. Congratulations. We wish the new master of Zhunei

A smile appeared in Xue an's mouth.

It seems that there are still many smart people.

Even if not smart, in the face of blood and death, will learn to be smart.

There is another Takeuchi that has not been cleaned up.

But when Takeuchi wanted to find him, he found that he didn't know when to run.

Only a large pool of blood was left on the ground.

Chunei Qingzi was worried, but Xue an laughed.

Run on the run, you will be related to a mole ant's life and death?

Then he turned to look at Nakata, who was still kneeling on the ground and did not dare to move.

"My lord Spare my life! I... "

Xue an goes up to touch his head and searches his soul and memory directly.

A lot of pictures inside let Xue an slightly frown.

Relying on the power of Baqi shrine, these three deities did a lot of angry things.

For example, kidnapping young girls for living sacrifice.

Therefore, he directly and simply waved his hand, so that the dead bodies of these three people all turned into nothing.

So far, the Baqi shrine, which has existed in Tokyo for hundreds of years, has lost its heritage.

That night.

After the collapse of Takeuchi's family, the news that one leaf of chiyama, the wise flowing swordsman of Jingxin, was killed spread all over Tokyo.

Xue an to the supreme prestige, so that all the Hedao family for its shock.

Even the place once occupied by other families has been quietly let out at the moment, and dare not do the idea of dyeing fingers again.

Many people are quietly discussing the origin of Xue an, and they are curious about the mysterious and powerful man from China.

It's when there's a lot of noise out there.

Xue an is soaking in a hot spring.

It has to be said that the people of Zhunei family enjoy it very much.

Actually, a hot spring was chiseled out in this Tokyo area.

Originally, Xue an wanted to have a mandarin duck bath with Anyan.

Can an Yan thin skinned, adhere to refuse.

Xue an had to enjoy the beauty of the hot spring himself.

Just then, outside the door came the voice of Takeuchi Qingzi.

"Master, I have information about what you asked me to investigate!"

Since the first World War in the venue, Takeuchi Ching Tzu has always said that he is the master. Xue an has corrected it several times. However, Takeuchi is not willing to change his mouth, and Xue an has let it go.

"Good!" Xue an answered.

But Takeuchi Qingzi actually lifted the curtain and walked in.

At this time, Takeuchi was dressed in a maid's clothes, with a short hem and long, white legs.

"Master, I'll pinch your shoulders." Chunei Qingzi said softly.

Xue an's face was calm and nodded slightly.

Takeuchi Qingzi walked to the hot spring pool, kneeling on the board, gently rubbing his shoulders for Xue an.Xue an slightly narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "what have you found?"

Takeuchi Qingzi's heart rate is a little faster at the moment.

Because she saw Xue an's body in a hot spring, wearing only a pair of shorts.

Unlike those exaggerated body after fitness, Xue an's figure is extremely symmetrical.

It can be said that one point is thin and one point is fat.

And the skin is white.

But under this skin, there is an explosive force.

Those muscle lines are just like those carved by knives, chisels and axes, full of shocking beauty.

This kind of impact let also for the virgin Takeuchi Qingzi, can't help but some blush, heart rate acceleration.

So I forgot to tell Xue an that she was here.

She didn't wake up until Xue an asked, "master, I just found a message. It seems that there are demons worshipped in Tianyi Temple of yuntuoshan in Saitama county. Some people have seen strange things, but this has always been a secret story. But in recent years, there are a lot of missing people near yunchushan! If I feel suspicious, I'll tell the master! "

Xue an listened and nodded, "go out, I'll get dressed!"

Takeuchi Qingzi stopped massaging, and then said respectfully, "master, I'll wait on you to change your clothes."

Xue an smiles, "no need!"

"But as a servant, it must be done!" Takeuchi is still insisting.

Xue an shook his head. "I said no, that's not necessary."

"Yes, master," he replied with a disappointed nod

When Xue an comes out dressed, Takeuchi is still waiting outside.

"Is there anything else?"

Chunei Qingzi lowered his head and whispered, "master, my mistress has already taken two young ladies to sleep. Do you want me to serve the bed?"

Xue an listened to some of the tears and laughs, waved, "no need, you go!"

Chunei Qingzi raised his head, and his face was a little frightened.

"Master, I'm innocent, not a fallen flower!"

In such a night, a beautiful 28 girl said to you that she was innocent, but also to sleep.

This temptation, the general man simply can not bear.

But Xue an is not an ordinary man, he said with a faint smile, "I said no, that's not necessary. Go down!"

"Yes Chunei Qingzi had no choice but to answer and retreat.

When she came back to her house, Takeuchi was a little depressed. Her mother, song an Zhen, sighed.



"As I said, Mr. Xue is not an ordinary person. You can't use this method!"

"But I'm afraid the master will abandon me in time! " Takeuchi said worried.

"I can see that Mr. Xue is a real big shot. Since he has helped you, he will certainly help you to the end!" Song an Zhen said seriously.

Chunei Qingzi lowered his head, and his heart was still a little lost.

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