Hearing this voice, the eldest princess Aoqing and the second princess aoyi were all stunned.

Then a faint smile appeared on Aoqing's face.

"Ye hanshang, the king of the ghost world, didn't expect to meet him here!"

With that, Aoqing stood up, arranged his clothes, and said solemnly, "go outside with me!"


Words fall, the two sisters have already flew out of the chariot, to the void before.

Sure enough.

In the void not far from the chariot stood a group of people.

The leader was a man in lavender. He was very handsome and powerful.

It is ye hanshang, the king of the underworld, who has never been seen since the earth left.

Behind him, in turn, stood Jinjue, the Bodhisattva of the alchemy hell, and Meng Yao, the head of the exorcism department.

When he saw them, Aoqing could not help but feel frightened.

Because she and ye hanshang just had a chance to meet each other, but I didn't expect that after seeing ye hanshang again, ye hanshang's strength has reached such a terrible level.

The Immortal King's momentum has almost overflowed, and the monk standing behind him is as bright as a sea of gold, and seems to be a great Bodhisattva above invisible.

Such a combination is enough to shake one side of the star field.

But soon Aoqing was steady, and then he stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Aoqing, have you met Mr. Ming!"

Ye hanshang laughed and quickly returned a gift, "Princess Chang is so polite. I just happened to pass by here and see the princess Chang's car, so I just said hello."

Even so, ye hanshang's eyes drifted to Ao Yi.

After feeling ye hanshang's curious eyes, Ao Yi couldn't help sighing. Then he stepped forward and said, "long er, Ao Yi, I've met you

Ye hanshang's smile was even stronger, and then he nodded, "you're welcome to the second princess, we'll be a family in the future!"

This statement is very ambiguous.

At least Aoqing didn't know why.

Ye hanshang seems to feel her doubts, and can't help but explain with a smile: "don't get me wrong, I mean, isn't the second princess engaged to Fox night? And I happen to have a good relationship with Fox night, so I will be a family in the future! "

Aoqing suddenly realized.

She did hear about it.

In fact, although fox night has a wide range of friends, it seems that it can get along with everyone.

But only a few people can really be called friends.

Xue an is definitely one of them, and ye hanshang is also one of them.

"Lord Ming, do you want to go to the sword palace Aoqing asked.

Ye Han Chang nodded, "that's right! How dare I not go when Lao Xue himself orders the assembly? "

In fact, ye hanshang, who was guarding in the alchemy hell, did not delay for a moment after receiving Xue an's summoning order, and immediately began to clean up.

But the reason why he's here now is that he's not only here himself, but also brought the alchemy hell with him.

This is because this alchemy hell now seems to be a super artifact level existence.

We will certainly be able to play a great role in the coming catastrophe.

"In that case, we will go together and go together." Aoqing said.

"Well, anyway, it's not far away. It seems lively to go there together!" Ye hanshang said with a smile.

So ye hanshang and others boarded the chariot of the dragon family and sped away towards the sword palace.

At the same time, the master and apprentices of tianzha and the young swordsmen finally arrived.

In fact, in recent days, people who come to Xingyu of sword palace have reached a new peak.

Every day, countless strong people come to us for the sake of the coming calamities.

Night sky Ming, who is in charge of reception outside, has been very busy recently, but he is also fascinated by the feeling of being reused.

Until he saw the gang of sword repair youth.

"Oh, yes, Xiao Ming, you've done a good job. You've become an envoy!"

"That's right. It's really interesting that an old sow wears a straw hat."

These young swordsmen got off the star boat and began to make noise one after another.

In particular, Tao Zhuxing and other people who have the closest relationship with yekongming surround yekongming in the middle. If you punch me, I'm not intimate.

Yekongming can only smile bitterly about this, but he is very moved that these good friends can all arrive.

"Roll ya, you are also a sword mender, how can you speak so vulgar?" The night sky says with a smile.

At this time, Tao Zhuxing gently tugged at the night sky for a moment, and then glanced at the distance.Night sky bright lift Mou to look, what the first eye sees is fan Mengxue standing there.

The reason is that fan Mengxue is so cool and beautiful that she attracts people's attention.

Although night sky has changed a lot during the time in the star realm of sword palace, there is still a little dandy habit in his heart. Therefore, after seeing fan Mengxue, he can't help but subconsciously say.

"I wipe, Lao Tao, you can. Where can I find such a beautiful girl?"

As soon as the voice fell, fan Mengxue raised her eyes and glanced at this side.

It is this eye that makes the night sky swallow all the words behind.

Then tianzha came forward with a smile, "brother, are you in charge of reception?"

Although night sky Ming didn't know tianzhena, he could guess that he was definitely an outsider from his imposing manner, so he immediately said solemnly.

"That's right. If you dare to ask the name of the elder, I'll give you a notice!"

But the sky covers that but at this time light smile a, then turn a head to see toward the distance, light way: "don't need, a short while should someone come to pick up!"

With the voice, I only heard the rumbling sound from the distant void, and then I saw the chariot of the Dragon Palace dragged by dozens of dragons appeared in front of the crowd.

This extremely shocking scene stunned everyone.

"Wocao, there are so many dragons. Who is it?" Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

After that, the chariot of the Dragon Palace rushed to the front, and then saw Ao Qing, Ao Yi, ye hanshang and others floating down.

The smile on tianzha's face could not help but be more exuberant, and then said in a high voice: "little leaf, you come late enough!"

Ye hanshang had noticed tianzhana for a long time, and he laughed when he heard the words, "God, you still say me, you're not too early!"

With laughter, the momentum around them became stronger and stronger, and the power of the two immortals shocked the whole void.

"I'm sorry, this elder is a fairy king!" Tao Zhuxing murmured with a face full of shock.

As soon as the voice fell, there was another laugh coming from the star field of sword palace, "ha ha ha, Xiao a Piao, God, we meet again!"

Say, then see a light flashed, fox night appeared in the field.

But the next second, the smile on his face solidified.

Because at this moment, he saw aoyi, Princess of the second dragon standing not far away.

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