"Two Second princess, why are you here? " Fox night full face startled speech way.

"What? Can't I come? Or You don't welcome me? " Ao Yi walked slowly to Fox night and said with a smile.

As soon as this speech came out, all the people who were close to Fox night felt an inexplicable chill.

The expression on Fox night's face is more embarrassed, "Er, second princess, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I just It's just... "

"Just what?" Ao Yi stands in front of fox night body, askew head to ask a way.

At the moment, Ao Yi, where there is a little bit of the past hegemony, good face combined with her gentle tone, actually gives people a very shy feeling.

But that's what makes fox night creepy.

Because he knew the second princess very well.

When she laughs like this, it's not good.

Sure enough.

When he saw that Fox night had nothing to say, Ao Yi's smile gradually converged, and Xiu Mei picked up, "hmm? Didn't you hear me? Or did you deliberately ignore me? "

"Cough..." Ye hanshang suddenly coughed, and then he said to tianzhana, "God, I suddenly want to start something. I'd better go to the sword palace and Xingyu first."

Tianzha immediately nodded and said, "yes, I have something to do. Go with me!"

Say, two people then want to go inside.

At this time, Aoqing, who had been silent beside him, suddenly sighed, and then said faintly, "you two, please stay first!"

Ye hanshang and tianzha stopped.

Then Aoqing turned to look at his sister and said coldly, "Yi'er, have you forgotten what I said to you before?"

As soon as the words came out, Ao Yi, who was already aggressively questioning fox night, immediately understood what he was doing and became gentle.

"Ha ha, look at your dumb tongue. I'm playing with you."

Fox night but wiped the cold sweat on the forehead, a face of helplessness.

Although Ao Yi said so, he didn't feel relaxed at all, because no one knew what the woman's mind was thinking, whose brain circuit was totally different from that of ordinary people.

And she suddenly appeared here, which was very alert to Fox night.

Did she come for the engagement?

Fox night heart is full of doubts.

Just at this time, I heard a laugh coming from the sword palace.

"I said, why do you always jump your right eyelid today? It turns out that it's the future granddaughter-in-law coming!"

With the voice, but see a face tired lazy color of Hu Huan appeared in the field, behind him also followed a face of life can't love Hu An.

In fact, he was dragged by Hu Huan. To put it bluntly, Hu an now looks like a pendant on the master who is not in tune. He takes it with him wherever he goes.

But no way, who let the identity and strength of Hu Huan in there.

So as soon as he appeared, no matter ye hanshang or tianzhena, including Ao Qing, they all saluted one after another.

In particular, the princess longer saluted Hu Huan, "I've seen Hu Zu!"

Hu Huan bared his teeth and nodded, "my granddaughter-in-law doesn't have to be so polite. She'll be a family in the future. Just call my ancestors."

People: "I'm not sure."

Aoyi's eyes and eyebrows are full of joy, but she has great respect for the Nine Tailed Fox ancestor who is extremely out of tune in the eyes of outsiders.

Because she and fox night's marriage is decided by him, now is in public to call his granddaughter-in-law, how can this not make her angry.

So she immediately called out, "ancestor!"

"Ah, what a granddaughter-in-law!" Hu Huan's eyes almost couldn't see with a smile. Then he stretched out his hand and took something out of his arms.

"Here you are!"

Ao Yi took it over and looked at the hairy little fox model curiously. She couldn't help sighing: "Wow, it's so cute!"

Then she asked with some doubts, "what's ancestor?"

"Oh, this is the fluff that I secretly cut off from Fox night when he was born. Now I give it to you as a gift!"

Ao Yi was overjoyed at the news, "thank you, ancestors!"

The fox night's eyes on one side were already full, "ancestor, you..."

But before he finished, Hu Huan patted him heavily on the shoulder, then said with a smile: "what? Do you have a problem? "

Fox night is bitter, about to speak, but listen to a soft voice from behind.

"Ancestor, this thing Rou'er wants it, too! "

As soon as the words came out, people turned their heads and looked around.

But see the crowd silently separate a road, and then see a dress rouer Lianbu light move, money walked in front of the crowd.As soon as I saw her.

The look on people's faces was wonderful.

Ye hanshang and tianzha couldn't help looking at each other. It would be better if they just walked away. It's just a nunnery!

Not to mention what people think, Hu Huan, the ancestor of the Nine Tailed Fox, was embarrassed when he saw that she was rou'er.

"Well This This... "

"What? What's wrong with rou'er? Isn't it worth your gift? "

"No, no, no, of course not. Of course, the gift is OK. Rou'er, just say what you want!" Hu Huan said immediately.

Rou'er gently shook her head, then raised her hand and pointed to the little fox in Ao Yi's hand, "I don't want anything. I want this made of my husband's fur!"

Rou'er specially accentuated the pronunciation of her husband, which implied a demonstration.

Ao Yi doesn't show weakness, but coldly raises one eye, two people's sight bumps together.

For a moment, in the eyes of many people, the void in front of them seemed to arouse countless sparks, which made people tremble.

At least from the nearest Hu Huan can not help but swallow saliva.

Even with his nine tail statue, he still felt a chill, because he forced a smile.

"Ha ha, it suddenly occurred to me that I had something important to do, so you talked first, and I left!"

Then he turned to go.

But at this time, a chubby hand grabbed him, and then he saw that Hu An, who looked like a little Zhengtai, had no choice but to shake his head at him and said in a low voice.

"Shizu, don't you feel guilty if you just leave? After all, it's all your fault! "

In fact, from the beginning, Hu'an knew that today was going to be a bad day.

Because he knew his master's temperament so well that he had to find something to do with nothing, let alone something.

Sure enough, three words did not finish, Hu Huan will be two women's contradiction to thoroughly intensified.

Now he wants to leave. It's not that easy.

Hu Huan's face was embarrassed, "I didn't know this would happen!"

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