Two little girls drag fan Mengxue to the sword palace star field, fan Mengxue's face with a shallow smile, but the corners of her eyes are unconsciously wet.


Aoyi, rouer, fan Mengxue and other women follow Anyan.

A storm has disappeared.

Fox night gaped at, after a long time just looked up at Xue an.

"This That's it? "

"It's over!"

"That's it?"

Xue an shrugged his shoulders and wrote lightly: "it's so simple. Otherwise, how complicated do you think it will be?"

Then Xue an smiles again, "don't forget the agreement you just made. You owe me two things now."

Fox night is simply very chagrined, holding his head said: "you look at my elm head, I just how did not expect to find sister-in-law to help?"

Xue an stretched out his hand and patted his head and said faintly, "it's OK. I'll get used to it later."

Ye hanshang and Tian Zha, who were laughing, could not help but laugh.

"That's right. I'll get used to it later!" Ye hanshang said with a smile.

"I bah, little leaf, your IQ is not much higher than me. Besides, you didn't see it at that time, and you were confused when it was your turn!"

Ye hanshang shrugged, "don't worry, in order not to happen this kind of situation, I decided to be single all the time in the future!"

"Fox night".... "

After such a fuss, the haze that had been shrouded in the sky of the whole stadium was gone.

The Nine Tailed Fox ancestor Hu Huan, who knew that he had done something wrong, was embarrassed to say hello. He was just about to run away.

But Xue an suddenly stopped him, "wait a minute, don't hurry to go!"

Hu Huan stopped, then turned his head and said with an embarrassed smile: "Xiao Hong, what's the matter? What can I do for you


This name makes ye hanshang and others confused.

Yue Qinghuan, not far behind him, covered his mouth and laughed.

Xue an's eyes flashed, and then he said in a cold voice, "if you don't want to have all your hair pulled out, you can shout like this again!"

Hu Huan, with a smile, a very obscene smile appeared on his face. "I'm not joking with you. Look, how can you be serious?"

Looking at huhuan dressed up by a middle-aged man in poverty, Xue an could not help sighing: "I really wonder how you became a Nine Tailed Tianhu."

"What's wrong with my temper?" Hu Huan was stunned and looked down at his hand. He immediately understood what he had done and gave a smile.

"I'm not afraid that I'm too good to attract the admiration of girls. If you don't like this, I'll change it!"

Then he saw that the whole image of Hu Huan suddenly changed, and a fox boy with a beautiful face and two slender fox ears appeared in front of the crowd.

It is exactly the original appearance of Hu Huan.

"Well, that's more pleasing to the eye!" Xue an light way.

"Well, you should stop me not just to change my image. What's the matter?" Hu Huan asked in a deep voice.

After changing his form, he seems to have changed his character, no longer tired and greasy.

"It's very simple. I need your help on one thing!"

"Can I help you?" Hu Huan looked at Xue an suspiciously, "although your current strength hasn't completely recovered, it's almost the same as me. What else can I do for you?"

"Of course you can't alone, because it needs The joint efforts of the two immortals

When he said this, a sharp light flashed in Xue an's eyes.

And ye hanshang and others were in a commotion.

Because they really can't imagine what Xue an is going to do, or even need the joint efforts of the two immortal emperors.

Only Yue Qinghuan seemed to think of something. He was stunned and immediately showed a faint smile.

Hu Huan was naturally shocked, and then he said, "what do you want to do?"

"You'll know that by then. I'll ask you if you can help me or not."

"It's OK to help, but the key is that I'm the only Immortal Emperor in the whole sword palace. What should I do?"

Xue an light smile, "who said you a fairy emperor?"

"Isn't it Huh? You mean Li Jingxing Hu Huan understood immediately.

Xue an nodded, then stretched his eyebrows, looked to the deep of the star field in the distance, and said faintly: "I have a premonition that he will wake up soon!"

"How can it be that he has to be closed for at least three years to recover? Now it's just over a year since... "

Hu Huan's words suddenly stopped, because at this moment, Xue an's eyes suddenly burned up the great sword meaning.Then he saw Xue an step out and fly straight into the star field of sword palace.

"Hu Huan, follow me! The rest go back to their places. "

Although it's not clear what Xue an is going to do, Hu Huan also disappears.

In a moment, only ye hanshang and others were left in the field.

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately a bitter smile appeared on Ye Hanchang's face.

"This is the first time that I feel that I have failed as a fairy king, because even Lao Xue has no right to know what he wants to do."

Tianzha feels the same.

Fox night patted both of them on the shoulder, then sighed: "no way, we can't match old Xue. Anyway, I've been used to it for a long time!"

Just when fox night and others sigh outside the star field.

Xue an and Hu Huan had come to the place where Li Jingxing was closed.

There is no reason why the security here is not very strict.

It is because a strong man like Li Jingxing is often more terrible when he is closed than when he is sober.

If you are not careful, you may be directly broken by the terrible sword.

So naturally, no one dares to look for trouble.

Of course, Xue an and Hu Huan are not among them.

I saw Xue an come to Li Jingxing and stare at the endless sword above his head. It was thousands of miles away, and the end of it was the majestic sword that went straight into the void.

Then Xue an's eyebrows showed a trace of scarlet sword meaning, and then the silk sword meaning began to increase a little bit, but even when it grew to the maximum, it was only a small sword the size of a palm.

Hu Huan saw that he was shocked. "Xue an, what do you want to do?"

Xue an said faintly, "at this time, he has recovered the heart of his sword. All he needs is to recover the meaning of his sword. So now I will help him wake up as soon as possible with my body."

After that, the sword merged into the meaning of Li Jingxing's head.


Just like a little Mars ignited the withered grass all over the mountains, Li Jingxing's sword intention was detonated directly, and then it vibrated violently.

At the same time, the momentum of Li Jingxing began to climb crazily.

Hu Huan simply looked silly, "can I still play like this?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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