Finally, Li Jingxing slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Xue an standing in front of him, Li Jingxing was slightly stunned. Even though he understood, he said with a smile.

"No wonder I noticed that the sword meaning suddenly began to grow rapidly in the closed door. It was you who helped me secretly!"

Xue an also laughed, "how do you feel?"

President Li Jing rose up. Although it was only such a simple action, the power of boiling all over made the space tremble.

"Better than ever!"

Then he took a deep look at Xue an, "you are so anxious to wake me up, but is there any change in the sky?"

Xue an shook his head. "It's changed, but I didn't wake you up because of those!"

"What's that for?" Li Jingxing has some doubts.

Xue an's eyes twinkled and said in a deep voice: "I want you to do me a favor with Hu Huan!"

"What do you need me to do?" Seeing Xue an's attitude, Li Jingxing's face became serious.

Xue an took a deep breath and said slowly, "help me break through the existing realm and prove the Immortal Emperor."

With this remark, Li Jingxing and Hu Huan both turned pale.

For such a realm as xue'an is already extremely high among the heavens.

In particular, Xue an was born again from the immortal. Under the blessing of this background, he was able to kill all the strong men of the same level.

But with such strength, Xue an is still willing to take strange risks to break through the existing realm. What does that mean?

It shows that the coming catastrophe is extremely dangerous. Xue an's strength can't fight against it!

Aware of this, Hu Huan and Li Jingxing's faces all became very cold.

"Do you need to be in such a hurry?" Li Jingxing asked in a deep voice.

Xue an nodded.

"Because of the invasion of evil things, the seal time on the copper door has been greatly shortened. Now there are only three years left, and God knows what strange means these evil things have, so for the sake of safety, I have to take advantage of this time to try my best to improve my cultivation."

"But now I'm half an immortal. If I want to improve, I can only break through the realm of the Immortal King! Originally, this is not difficult for me. I can successfully prove the Immortal Emperor in ten years at most, but it's too late, so I need you two to help me break through as soon as possible! "

Li Jingxing and Hu Huan nodded one after another, "what do we need to do?"

"It's simple, as long as..." Xue an's eyes flashed a bright brilliance, "make me die and later life can be!"


After listening to Xue an's plan, even Li Jingxing and Hu Huan, both of whom are regarded as immortal emperors, can't help but take a breath.

"It's too risky. Is that really the case?" Fox Huan complexion dignified ask a way.

"Yes, but is there any other way?" Li Jingxing also asked.

Xue an chuckled and shook his head. "There's no other way, and you don't have to worry. Since I put forward this method, it proves that I must have full confidence, so just do as I say!"

Hu Huan and Li Jingxing wanted to dissuade him, but seeing the look on Xue an's face, they knew that it was useless to say anything else.

They looked at each other, sighed and nodded.

"Well, in that case, we'll take the risk with you."

"But if you and I do our best, there will be too much noise. I'm afraid this sword palace will be affected, so we need to find a quiet place!"

Xue an shook his head. "No, I'm ready!"

After that, Xue an's eyebrows flashed, and a desolate and simple building appeared in front of them.

They were shocked by the power of the building.

"This is..."

Xue an said faintly: "this is the armory I found by accident in those years. Later, I got the underground palace of xuanming mausoleum. The two are combined to form the present situation. Its quality is very strong, and it can bear the power of the three of us!"

Hu Huan looked at the building and couldn't help exclaiming: "this thing Is it that amazing? "

"Do you know if you have a try?"

After that, Xue an smiles a little, and then the three of them are involved in it.

There is no difference between this arsenal and the outside world.

Hu Huan only felt a flower in front of him, and then he had no strange feeling.

He looked around and said, "Xue an, is this in the arsenal? Why do I think it's no different from outside? "

Before his words, the darkness and void in front of him quickly receded and was replaced by a vast wilderness.

On the wilderness, there are white bones like mountains, broken flags and swords everywhere. It is a desolate ancient battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield stands a mountain of skeletons.But see dense skull is piled up, forming a pyramid like mountain.

And these skeletons are arranged in a specific direction, black eyes straight ahead, chilling.

Even the most out of tune Hu Huan immediately closed his mouth behind the scenes, and his expression became more dignified. Then he whispered: "Jingguan!"

"Yes, Jingguan!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

Li Jingxing suddenly exclaimed: "these skeletons It's weird

"What's weird?" Hu Huan asked.

Li Jingxing's face was as heavy as water. "The breath of these skeletons is very solemn and powerful. It's obvious that they were not mortals before they died!"

Hu Huan's face also changed, "do you mean that these skeletons were all strong before they died?"

"That's right!"

"My God, how many strong people are needed to build such a huge Jingguan!" Hu Huan is just amazing.

Li Jingxing turned to look at Xue an, "Xue an, do you know the origin of this arsenal?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't know, but at least it's not from heaven!"

Li Jingxing and Hu Huan were all silent.

Li Jingxing suddenly sighed, "as expected, I should have thought of it!"

"OK, no matter whether it's from heaven or not, the most urgent thing now is to help Xiao Xue ascend to the Immortal Emperor first!" Hu Huan said.

"Yes, too!" Li Jingxing nodded.

Then they both looked at Xue an together and said, "do you want to start now?"

Xue an SA ran a smile, light way: "start!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fox tail was drawn straight to Xue an, accompanied by the power of rules to completely condense the surrounding void.

But the next moment, the tail was shaken out.

At the same time, Li Jingxing's sword also arrived.

The sword, like the river of heaven, came straight to Xue an's face.

Xue an was not afraid. He didn't even blink his eyelids. He cut out his sword and directly shattered Li Jingxing's sword.

After that, the three men became entangled.

But see the light all over the sky, the sound of the earthquake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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