Just as everyone was talking and laughing, suddenly a light voice came from the void.

"What a pure temperament

With the voice, Yue Qinghuan suddenly appeared in front of Tang Xuaner. He was so close that he almost touched his nose.

Tang xuan'er was scared to step back, and then looked at the beautiful girl with a pair of lavender eyes.

"Who are you?"

Yue Qinghuan chuckled, "even the frightened look is like a deer. It seems that someone is really good at hiding in a golden house!"

What do you mean?

What is Jinwucangjiao?

Who is she talking to?

When Tang Xuaner didn't know why, she heard a sigh.

"Stop talking nonsense! This is my friend

With the voice, but see a flash of light, and then Xue an appeared in front of the crowd.

As soon as she saw Xue an, Tang Xuaner suddenly understood what Yue Qinghuan had just said. Her face turned red to the root of her ears, and then turned her head to the side.

But her coy appearance made Yue Qinghuan more and more excited.

As soon as her figure flashed, she appeared in front of Tang Xuaner again, and then looked at Tang Xuaner straightly.

"Tut Tut, I can't wait to see you!"

Tang xuan'er was thrilled by this look, and subconsciously stepped back.

The little sand on one side is not dry.

Some people dare to offend sister xuan'er in front of themselves. Obviously, they don't take themselves seriously!

Although Xiaosha also vaguely knows that this purple eyed girl is very mysterious, she is never afraid of anything. How can she care about these things.

I saw her angry hum, straight forward, and then blow out.

With Xiaosha's current strength, this blow with anger is enough to blow a mountain into powder.

But to my surprise, Yue Qinghuan didn't look at the blow with a straight eye, just a little lighter.

Xiaosha's fists stopped in the air, and her face turned red quickly. Obviously, she was under great pressure.

"Boss!" Zhang Xiaoyu screams and waves his tentacles to attack Yue Qinghuan.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly stepped forward and directly blocked Zhang Xiaoyu behind him. At the same time, he took Xiaosha's shoulder.

In an instant, Xiaosha was like unloading a heavy load. Her arms fell heavily and her whole body was sweating like a slurry. Then she gasped heavily.

But just like this, Xiaosha is still fierce and wants to continue to rush up.

Xue an light way: "small sand, retreat!"

Xiaosha stops helplessly, but her eyes are still full of fierce color.

Then Xue an frowned slightly and said to Yue Qinghuan, "what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. A little loach wanted to do something to me, so I gave her a little lesson." Yue Qinghuan's understatement.

As soon as his voice fell, Xue an stepped forward and looked straight at Yue Qinghuan.

"I know you have a big future, but what I want to tell you is that these heavens are my territory. If you want to watch, you must abide by my rules of the game, otherwise I'll let you know what a profound lesson is! "

Yue Qinghuan looked up at Xue an. He didn't have the slightest fear on his face. Instead, he licked his lips eagerly.

"Are you warning me?"

"Yes, and next time, it's not as simple as warning!" Xue an said coldly.

"Ha ha!"

Yue Qinghuan chuckled and did not speak. He just glanced at Xue an, then barefoot slightly touched the ground, and then appeared on the roof of the villa in the distance, far away from the public.

Xue an then apologized to Tang xuan'er with a smile, "she is such a freak, you don't have to pay attention to her!"

"Well, it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs." Yue Qinghuan's lazy voice came.

Xue an light way: "who said I carry a person, I this is not in front of your face to say?"

Yue Qinghuan poked his head out from the top of the villa. After a little thought, he nodded, "Oh, don't say it, it's quite reasonable!"

Then she laughed and shrunk back.

Tang xuan'er looked at the scene in dismay, and then asked in a low voice, "who is this girl?"

Xue an shook his head. "It doesn't matter who she is, just think she doesn't exist at all!"

Tang xuan'er nodded, then solemnly asked, "you come back suddenly, but is the catastrophe coming?"

"So it is."

Tang xuan'er immediately said in a deep voice, "do you want to inform everyone now?"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Don't be so anxious. After I finish the work, I will inform everyone naturally."

Tang Xuan Er immediately nodded, "good!"She didn't ask Xue an what to do or whether she could do it, because in her eyes, there is nothing Xue an can't do.

Just at this time, Xiaosha said: "sister Xuan, I would like to eat the roast chicken in my dream. Is there any more now?"

Tang xuan'er said with a smile, "of course, come with me!"

With that, Tang xuan'er leads Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu to the kitchen of the villa. Naturally, the two little girls are also followed.

Originally the desolate villa suddenly became lively, even fan Mengxue went to the kitchen to help.

But after she left, Anyan, who was smiling, suddenly became serious, and then came to Xue an's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Husband, I ask you, are you not sure about this catastrophe?"

"Oh? Why do you ask that? " Xue an said with a smile.

"Because you suddenly take us back to earth, it's like a farewell before the war! So answer me, is that so? " Anyan said solemnly.

Xue an chuckled, then reached out and touched Anyan's hair, "what are you thinking all day long in this cerebellar pouch melon? I'll answer you now. You're just worrying about nothing!"

"Nothing will happen with me!"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

Anyan finally went to the kitchen to work, but the smile on Xue an's face was gradually dignified.

Just at this time, a burst of fragrance came from his side. Then Yue Qinghuan said with a smile, "do you want to keep your wife from me? It seems that you really don't have much confidence in yourself! "

But Xue an didn't even look back, just said faintly: "it doesn't matter whether you have confidence or not, and you don't stay on the top of the building. Why do you run down all of a sudden?"

"Haha, of course, something happened. I just found something interesting on it, so I need you to have a look with me!"

"Oh? What's the matter? " Xue an glanced at Yue Qinghuan.

"Oh, I can't explain it to you for a moment. Just come with me!"

With that, Yue Qinghuan grabbed Xue an's wrist and disappeared into the living room.

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