Suzhou and Hangzhou.

This is an ancient city with thousands of years of history.

Now, it is also an important city in China, and its development level is no less than that of Zhongdu and Beijiang.

At this moment, in the edge of this bustling metropolis, two figures suddenly appear.

Although the city is extremely developed, it is so remote that it is surrounded by large undeveloped farmland and woodland, which makes it extremely desolate.

Seeing this, Xue an could not help frowning, "what did you bring me here for?"

"Shh Yue Qinghuan made a silent gesture, then fell to the ground and walked forward with a solemn face.

Xue an didn't know why Yue Qinghuan suddenly went down to walk, but in order to find out, he had to come down to follow him.

There is a winding path in the forest. Yue Qinghuan walks leisurely, with his bare feet on the ground, which has a strange aesthetic feeling.

The more he walked, the more solemn Yue Qinghuan's face became.

In the end, her eyes were full of brilliance.


After passing through a dense forest, a huge mound of earth appeared ahead.

In fact, it looks like a big earth bag, covered with weeds, which makes it very desolate.

But when he saw the mound, Yue Qinghuan's face became extremely dignified and solemn, and his eyes were full of splendor.

"Here it is

With that, Yue Qinghuan rushed forward happily.

Xue an stood in the same place and looked at the mound strangely.

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he stepped forward and pulled away the weeds on the side of the road.

Sure enough, under the cover of the weeds, it was a small stone tablet.

There are several big characters on the stone tablet.

The tomb of Sun Wu!

When he saw the name, Xue an's pupils contracted instantly. Then he turned his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan, who was standing on the mound and walking around excitedly. His face looked thoughtful.

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan suddenly appeared beside him and said, "let's go!"

Xue an is tiny a Zheng, "don't see?"

"No, it's meaningless. As I guess, what's buried here is just a rotten skeleton!"

After Yue Qinghuan finished this puzzling sentence, he grabbed Xue an's wrist without waiting for Xue an to respond.

"Follow me to another place!"

The next moment, the two of them appeared in front of a mound again.

It's just that this mound is more magnificent than that Sunwu tomb, but there is a magnificent building in front of it.

In front of the building, on the huge square, there is a tall stele Pavilion. Three big characters are carved on the black basalt stele.

Huangdi mausoleum!

For this scene, Xue an was not surprised, but his eyes flashed, and then his mind covered their bodies.

Because the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is not the mound like Tomb of Sun Wu. There are many tourists here, and there are many visitors.

In order to avoid causing a commotion, Xue an directly concealed their bodies.

This time, Yue Qinghuan didn't even have a mound. He just walked around the pavilion a few times and said, "let's go!"

"No more

"What are you looking at? There is no dead bone here, only a breath of being buried! "

Then, Yue Qinghuan and Xue an traveled all over China in less than an hour.

But all the places she went to were the tombs of famous figures in ancient times.

After the tour, Yue Qinghuan's face was quiet, and he directly took Xue an back to Tianzi No.1 villa.

Right now.

Yan'er and Tang Xuaner are still busy in the kitchen. They don't know what just happened.

Xue an slowly sat on the sofa, and then a faint smile.

"Is that what you want me to see?"

Yue Qinghuan shrugged, "it was originally, but I found that these old people were more and more slippery one by one, so it was expected that they would be flying in the air!"

Xue an looks at Yue Qinghuan quietly.

Yue Qinghuan sat there with a calm face, without any sense of tension.

After a long time, Xue an just converged his eyes, then slightly turned his head and said, "I'm really more and more interested in your origin now!"

"Ha ha!" Yue Qinghuan leans comfortably on the soft sofa cushion, a pair of amazing legs directly on the tea table, and then stretches for a long time. The graceful and moving curve is so unbridled in front of Xue an.

"Interested? Then you will try your best to win the next war. Not only my background will tell you, but even me may be yours! "Yue Qinghuan tilted his head and said that his posture and expression were just like a lazy Persian cat.

In particular, her lavender eyes, when smiling at you, are even more breathtaking.

The most important thing is that when she said this from such a beautiful girl, it was full of fatal temptation, which was enough to make the stone hearted people moved.

Yue Qinghuan is also very confident. In her opinion, no one can resist the temptation.

But soon, Yue Qinghuan was disappointed.

Because Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids, he just looked at her with cold eyes.

In this vision, Yue Qinghuan can't read any desire, the only thing he has is a kind of condescending overlooking.

This kind of feeling makes Yue Qinghuan slightly stunned, immediately completely crazy.

Because no one has ever dared to ignore their own existence.

And what's going on with this aerial view?

Does this guy dare to look down on himself?

Just when Yue Qinghuan was about to attack.

Xue an slowly turned his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you at all!"

Yue Qinghuan's face was black and he was about to speak.

Just then, Tang xuan'er came to the living room with a large pot of fragrant roast chicken.

"Come on, let's try my craft!" Tang Xuaner said with a smile.

Xiaosha followed closely, rubbing his hands, saliva will flow out for a long time.

But then she noticed Yue Qinghuan sitting on the sofa. First she was slightly stunned, and then her face sank.

"Who made you sit there? Get up

Yue Qinghuan had been very angry, and when he heard this, he couldn't help sneering.

"Oh? Why should I get up? "

"Nonsense, the seat you are sitting in now belongs to me. Of course you have to get up!" Small sand face color not good words.

"Ha ha, it belongs to you. Do you call it to see if it agrees?" Yue Qinghuan said coldly.

With this question, the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

But just then, a figure suddenly burst into the living room like a whirlwind, and then rushed into Xue an's arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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