The whole audience was stunned, because it was a girl who rushed into Xue Anhuai.

Xue an is also slightly a Zheng, spin even if light smile, then patted the back of the person in the arms.

"Well, Xiaorui, don't be so excited. I'm back, aren't I?"

That's right!

It was the ill fated Qian Xirui who rushed into Xue Anhuai.

Before that, she had joined the fire phoenix special forces, but when Xue an took the fire phoenix to perform the mission, she did not take her, but left her on the earth.

I didn't expect that Xue an would come back this time, but she was the first to know.

At the same time, Yue Qinghuan suddenly let out a light voice, and then whispered, "hmm? Alchemy life? incorrect! Why are there people's souls mixed up in them, and they actually integrate human and alchemy life into one? "

Speaking of this, a look of sympathy suddenly appeared in Yue Qinghuan's eyes, "tut Tut, what a pity!"

With that, Yue Qinghuan suddenly flashed and disappeared into the living room. At the same time, a word came from Xiaosha's ear.

"Little loach, I'm too lazy to fight with you. I'll give you your seat now!"

But Xiaosha didn't feel any joy. On the contrary, she clenched her fist.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus?

How dare you call me little loach?

It's unforgivable!

At the same time, Xiaorui finally let go of her hand, and then silently looked at Xue an, eyes full of resentment.

Before she had been ready, she planned to carry out the task with the fire phoenix, but she was left by Xue an before she left.

For this reason, she did not know how many times she cried behind her back.

You know, because her soul was badly damaged, this little girl, who had some inferiority complex, became more and more lonely.

In the whole earth for so long, only a few people can really talk to her.

So Xue an's "abandonment" is a heavy blow to her.

However, she did not give up, but has been hiding in the shadow, waiting for the return of Xue an and others.

Besides, she has no other goal.

Kung Fu does not fail those who want to. Finally, on this day, she suddenly felt a strange breath.

Although very slight, but extremely sensitive Qian Xirui came immediately, so she became the first person to find Xue an's return.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't help laughing bitterly, and then patted her head helplessly.

"Well, well, don't look at me with this kind of eyes. I promise I won't leave you casually in the future, OK?"

Xiaorui nodded silently, and then automatically stood in the shadow behind Xue an, just like a silent guard.

To this, Xue an can only have no choice but to smile bitterly, and then turn to an Yan and say: "Yan'er, wait for me here first, I'll go back!"

"Where to?" Anyan said,

"go and do something!" Xue an light way.

"Let's go after dinner." As soon as an Yan's expression changed, he immediately spoke in a deep voice.

Xue an said with a smile, "don't worry. It's not too late to eat after I've finished my work."

Anyan nodded without hesitation, "OK, I'll wait for you!"

Xue an smiles, turns his head and says to the little pistil: "follow me!"

After saying that, Xue an grabs Xiaorui's arm and rushes up into the sky, then turns into a streamer, and disappears into the sky in the blink of an eye.

This time, Yue Qinghuan didn't follow. He just sat on the rattan chair on the top of the building and looked at Xue Anyuan's direction with a faint smile.

"Let me guess, how long can you finish it? A day or a month? "


As the earth's exclusive "brush strange copy", here seems to have become a paradise for the strong.

Even in some popular areas, the production speed of demons can't keep up with that of the strong.

So in many places, there is a phenomenon of robbing strange people.

But no matter what kind of means, everyone abides by one principle, that is, friendly competition can, but can not use any despicable means, otherwise they will be punished together.

In this atmosphere, the abyss became hotter and hotter.

But at this time, in the depth of the abyss, a flash of light suddenly appeared, and then Xue an and Xiao Rui appeared.

It is located at the very deep bottom of the abyss. It is inaccessible and surrounded by darkness.

But Xue an just stopped a little, and then took Xiaorui to continue to go deep.

With Xue an's current strength, the speed is extremely fast.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the darkness in front of him became more and more sticky, and the resistance to moving also began to increase.

But all this could not hinder Xue an's progress. His eyes flashed, and then a bright light of the sword cut off, directly splitting the darkness in front of him in two.Then, Xue an took Xiaorui to walk through it, and then suddenly became bright.

It's a vast screen of light.

The light curtain emits light fluorescence, and the whole space becomes very strange.

When you stand in the middle of it, you can't tell up, down, left, right, and there's no boundary.

That is to say, no matter where you stand, you are the center of the light curtain.

But at this time, Xiaorui suddenly screamed, and then pointed to the light curtain.

Because there are so many images just above the boundless light curtain.

Some of these images are empty, while others are full of strange creatures. The reason why Xiaorui screams is that she actually sees familiar faces in some pictures.

For example, the image of fighting in the abyss with the Fire Phoenix team before.

She was shocked.

Because she really couldn't understand why she could see the past here?

If someone recorded these images, who is the person who recorded them?

Just when Xiaorui couldn't figure it out, Xue an just gave a faint smile.

"Isn't that surprising?"

Xiaorui nodded.

"In fact, it's very simple. This is the most fundamental place of the whole abyss. All spaces and creatures are bred from this thin light curtain, and everything that happens in it will leave a mark on it. Therefore, it's not surprising to see the pictures of your fighting!"

Xiao Rui's eyes gradually widened, as if wondering why Xue an came here.

Xue an smiles.

"The abyss is a natural cave. Although it is dark in nature, it can be used as a transit station to connect other spaces! So

Xue an stomped his feet, and there was a violent shock wave above the light curtain.

The whole abyss vibrated violently.

But at the same time, Xue an tongue blooms spring thunder, "void orders!"

After that, Xue an suddenly saw two bright lights like jewels in front of him, and a huge jewel appeared in the light curtain at his feet.

Three immediately connected together, and then, representing the abyss of the Pearl quickly darkened down, the two pearls are madly increased.

However, after a few breaths, the two jewels turned into two doors, behind which two distinct scenes appeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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