But in one of the doors, there was Sanskrit, while in the other door, there were countless sword lights.

Looking at this strange scene, Xiaorui can't help turning pale.

At this time, Xue an chuckled, "open it!"


With a loud bang, the whole abyss began to shake.

All the people who were painting monsters in the abyss turned pale.

"What's the matter? Is it because of the earthquake? " Ouyang Xiaoman, who came from Haoran academy, exclaimed.

"Nonsense, this abyss is not a planet. How can an earthquake happen?" Shu Wenbin, the head of Haoran academy, retorted immediately.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, but there must be some major change!" Shu Wenbin's dignified expression.

At this moment, the vibration of the abyss is more and more intense, and Ouyang Xiaoman and all the people in Haoran academy have a dignified face.

At the beginning, in order to improve their cultivation as soon as possible, Xue an tailored a skill for them, named pingtianxia.

Since they got this skill, the people of Haoran academy have been soaking in the abyss day and night in order to understand it as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect this to happen.

Just as everyone was shocked, dozens of lights flashed by, and then the master of Qingyang Temple Liang Xing also appeared in the field.

"Wen bin, do you know what's going on?" Gong Liang Xing asked in a deep voice.

Shu Wenbin shook his head, "I don't know!"

"Mr. Xue is not here now. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse." Gong Liangxing sighed.

Just then, the vibration of the abyss began to subside.

Many of the earth's strong people who are frightened can't help flying up one after another, and then look into the void with astonishment on their faces.

Because at this moment, in the emptiness, two huge doors suddenly appeared.

The light on the huge gate is so bright that people dare not look directly at it.

"What the hell is going on? Has the abyss been invaded? " Someone cried.

At this time, I heard a soft drink.

"All listen to the order and get ready to fight immediately to prevent the invasion of evil things!"

The voice is cool and beautiful. It's a woman's voice.

They turned their heads and looked at each other. At the same time, they saw a figure rushing to the front with a very fast speed. When they got to their feet, it was Anqing.

Now that she has thoroughly integrated the Zerg heart, her strength is comparable to that of the top Darrow, but this does not satisfy her, so she comes to the abyss to temper herself almost every day.

I didn't expect to encounter such a situation today.

When people saw her, they could not help but bow down.

"Miss Ann!"

"I've seen Miss Ann!"

Without him, it's Anqing's strength and background.

Among other things, the title of Goddess Anyan's sister is enough to make people bow to her.

Therefore, when they saw her, they immediately arranged the defensive formation according to her instructions and made all preparations for the battle.

An Qing looks at these two huge doors with a heavy face. Her eyes are shining, and the majestic Zerg power begins to gather around her body.

She knew very well that if these two doors really led to the sky, it would be a big deal.

Maybe none of these people here can live, and they all have to die here.

But she did not have any hesitation and regret.

Because an Qing knows that if this place is lost, the earth will be destroyed next.

Because the home is behind them, they can't step back.

And this idea is also a common belief in people's hearts.

Just then, I saw two huge doors begin to open slowly.

People's hearts were raised to their throats.

In the void beside Anqing, countless ferocious insect shadows appear.

But at this time, I saw two doors open, and then there were countless figures pouring in from the two doors.

Among them, the golden light flickered and the sword Qi shrouded.

An Qing immediately yelled: "get ready, launch an attack..."

Can not wait for the last word export, an Qing will be stunned.

Because she was surprised to find that the figure was not evil at all.

On the contrary, they are all living people.

Not only that, there are many familiar figures at the front.

For example, the fox night that is laughing at himself, and ye hanshang on one side.

What's going on?

An Qing can't help falling into confusion.

Not only she, had been ready to fight all the earth's strong are all silly."Eh, isn't that the fox king who once guarded the earth?"

"Yes, isn't the old Taoist next to him Zhuge Daoye? I fought with him at the beginning! "

The screams came one after another.

As for Fox night and others, they also stopped after rushing to the front.

"Ladies and gentlemen, long time no see!" Zhuge Zang said with a smile.

Fox night is to rush an Qing Yi Yi tooth, "an younger sister, you how more and more beautiful?"

"You You... " An Qing's face is full of doubts.

Fox night hey hey a smile, "don't understand how to return a responsibility, don't worry, immediately you will understand!"

With that, fox night turned to the void and yelled, "old Xue, can you change your bad habit of not showing up until the last moment? Is it time to pretend to be mysterious? "

With the voice, only a laugh and scold came from the depth of the void.

"You just pretend to be mysterious. I just calmed the fluctuating space at the bottom of the abyss and strengthened the passage of time and space. No more nonsense. Be careful with your tail!"

With the voice, but see that void depth gradually emerged two figures, it is Xue an and Xiaorui.

After seeing Xue an's figure, an Qing can't help exclaiming.

"Brother in law?"

Xue an Chong gave her a smile, then nodded, "Qing'er, it's me!"

An Qing instantly understood what was going on, and then a smile appeared on her face. "You just scared me to death. We thought it was the invasion of extraterrestrial evil things!"

Xue an is also a smile, "I see, your performance is very good, at least not a counsellor!"

This praise also makes these strong people of the earth blush and excited.

Because this is from the legendary Mr. Xue's affirmation!

But in the crowd, Ouyang Xiaoman is several times hesitant.

She wanted to rush to the front to talk to the master as usual.

But somehow, when she saw Xue an in white, she was a little timid.

Because she felt that the present master suddenly became so strange!

In particular, the power naturally revealed between the gestures is even more frightening.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly turned to look at her, and then a smile.

"What? Don't you want to see me? "

Hearing this, Ouyang Xiaoman was stunned at first, and then the smile on his face was gradually brilliant. He nodded heavily and cried out: "master!"

"That's right!" Xue an replied with a smile.

"Oh, yes, Lao Xue, why didn't I know you had such a beautiful female apprentice? Do you still have many secrets to hide from us? "

Fox night close to the front, smiling words.

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