But it's too late.

I saw a few players standing in front of a sudden scream, and then the eyes will burn up a blue ghost fire.

The flame had no temperature at all, but it melted the faces of the team members in an instant.

Then, the flame spread at a very fast speed,

in the blink of an eye, these team members were cremated by the blue ghost and disappeared!

"Brother Xu, old seven!" Anying moaned, and then she rushed forward with her eyes splitting.

You know, when he first entered the blood Qilin special forces, because of his special status, everyone was polite to him, but this kind of politeness actually meant deliberate estrangement.

Because no comrade in arms who fought side by side would be polite like a stranger when they were together.

At that time, anying was very depressed.

Only the two players who died gave a helping hand to anying at that time and took the initiative to accept him.

Therefore, anying has been very grateful to him!

But I didn't expect that these two people died in front of themselves in such a cruel way today.

Anying naturally couldn't accept it and rushed forward hysterically.

But as soon as he took a few steps, he was grabbed by Zhang Chu, and then roared: "you're not going to die? Is that something you can handle? "

Anying trembled and burst into tears. "But Captain, brother Xu and old seven..."

Zhang Chu's face was livid. "I know you are very sad. You are even willing to give up your life, but it can't solve any problem!"

"Yes! Lao Xu and Xiao Qi are dead, but we are fighting now. As long as we fight, we will die. Do you understand? "

Speaking of the end, Zhang Chu almost roared.

Anying finally calmed down, then nodded, "I understand, Captain, what shall we do now?"

"You and others step back first, this evil creature's level is not what you can deal with!" Zhang Chu said in a deep voice.

Without hesitation, anying immediately led the crowd back.

At the same time, Zhang Chu raised his head and looked at the chariot in the distance.

At the moment, the blood doll is slowly turning her head, looking at Zhang Chu, and then the corner of her mouth is gradually raised, showing a very strange and terrible smile.

With this smile, the evil spirit sent out from it is like a raging wave towards Zhang Chu and others.

In the middle of the journey, many ghosts appeared.

Zhang Chu's face was as deep as water. Then he slowly pulled out one of the three magic weapons of the Tianshi mansion, which had been handed down for thousands of years.

Although Zhang Chu's strength is probably far better than that of the founder of Chuang Pai, he still cherishes this sword and carries it with him all the time.

There is no other reason!

This sword of Lao Jun not only symbolizes the thousand year old orthodoxy of the Tianshi mansion, but also is different from the other two magic weapons, Yangping zhidu Gongyin and the twenty-four secret books.

The symbolic meaning of those two magic weapons is far greater than the actual meaning. However, after thousands of years of incense worship and the sacrifice of heavenly masters, the old Jun sword has been transformed from an ordinary soldier to a sharp weapon for cutting demons.

In particular, the spirit of Zhongzheng Haoran contained in it is the killer of all evil spirits.

But in general, Zhang Chu would rather fight hand to hand than use the sword.

After all, it was the only thought his master left him. One use might make one less.

But at the moment, Zhang Chu did not care about that much.

I saw his sword lying in front of him. Inspired by the evil spirit everywhere, the desolate and simple old Jun sword suddenly radiated thousands of rays.

At the same time, the majestic spirit surged into the sky and directly collided with the boundless evil.


After a loud noise, countless evil spirits were immediately shattered.

But then the blood doll gave out a very sharp strange laugh, as if mocking Zhang Chu's overconfidence.

Then these ghosts, which had just been shattered, immediately gathered together again, and both their form and strength were stronger than before.

Then this boundless ghost would rush at Zhang Chu and others like locusts.

Zhang Chu's face is dignified, "do a good defense immediately!"

Then he flew up to face the boundless ghost. At the same time, his tongue burst into spring thunder and roared.

"Lord Laojun, with our God side!"


Lao Jun's sword sweeps by. Wherever he passes, the evil spirits melt away.

But compared with the boundless ghosts, the evil spirits that have been eliminated are not worth mentioning.

There are many more directly around Zhang Chu, towards an Ying and others rushed over.

Anying and others are not afraid, immediately start the talisman armor, and then arrange the battle formation to meet the evil spirits.All of a sudden, all the members of the blood Kirin fight together.

Zhang Chu tried his best to kill him, and rushed left and right. He was barely surrounded by these evil spirits, but with the passage of time, his space was gradually shrinking.

As for an Ying and others on the ground, they are even more clumsy in the face of these ghosts, and they are completely passive.

Seeing this, Zhang Chu could not help but be in a hurry and roared: "fight and retreat, save your strength and leave here as soon as possible!"

"What about you, captain?" Cried anying.

"Don't worry about me, I have a way to break out! Come on, wait a little longer, and you'll never leave again! Do you hear that? It's an order Zhang Chu roared.

Anying and others were reluctant, but the captain's order was unconditional, so they began to retreat while facing the evil spirits.

But at this time, a lot of ghost claws like bones suddenly appeared on the ground, grabbed an Ying and others' ankles, and then dragged them to the ground.

Caught off guard, a member of the blood Unicorn Team was directly dragged to the ground, and then half of his body was dragged in by the ghost claw.

This sudden change made an Ying very anxious, especially when he saw that his comrades in arms were about to be completely dragged in.

"Open it for me!"

Under the fury, anying's armor suddenly began to change madly, and completed the deformation in an instant, becoming a new armor which was much stronger than before in shape and defense ability.

Battle a promotion!

An extremely rare phenomenon, only a very small probability can be excited, once it appears, it often means that its own strength will go to a higher level.

It's something that many people dream of.

I didn't expect that it happened to anying at the moment.

But at the moment, anying has no time to think about it. He just stepped on the ghost claw.

After the promotion, he broke free from the shackles of ghost claw, and then immediately ran over and grabbed the team mate's hand.

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