Right now.

The player has been dragged in, most of the body, only the shoulders and head are still exposed.

Anying grabbed his hand and pulled it out with all her strength.

But the player didn't move. In any case, the speed of his sinking accelerated a little. Anying staggered forward and nearly fell to the ground.

But anying didn't give up. Instead, she tried again.

"Ah, come out for me!"

His armor all over his body creaked because of excessive force, trying to pull his teammates out.

But it still doesn't help.

Just at this time, I saw the member of the blood Unicorn who was about to be dragged to the bottom of the earth suddenly chuckled.

"Brother ANN, don't bother. Let go of your hand!"

"Xiao Wu, what the hell are you talking about? Come out, I don't believe I can't pull you out! " Anying's eyes burst because of excessive force, and blood flowed down.

"Brother an, my lower body has been gnawed away, and it's useless to drag it out, so I'd better have a good time!"

Xiao Wu said with a smile, but his face was full of tears.

"I don't know!" Said anying, almost hysterically.

But at this time, the little five's face appeared a color of determination, and then suddenly released his hand.

"Little five!" At this time, several other players also broke free from the shackles and rushed over immediately.

"Brother ANN, everyone, thank you, next life We are still brothers Xiaowu said with a smile, and then raised his eyes to look at the evil ghost full of waste.

"Evil things, I'm your grandma!"

Words fall, see small five that eyes suddenly burst out extremely bright brilliance, where, evil ghost all disappear meteorite.

"No!" Anying let out a cry of despair and then fell to the ground.

Because he knew that the last light was the most powerful blow from Xiao Wu's burning all his soul and cultivation.

But it also means that he will disappear completely, even the possibility of reincarnation is gone!

"Son of a bitch, Xiao Wu, you son of a bitch, didn't you just say you would be a brother in your next life? Why are you so stupid! " Anying's tearful murmur.

At the same time, the boundless evil spirit pounced on the people again.

"Ango, get out of here!" Someone tried to lift anying from the ground.

But unexpectedly, an Ying suddenly raised her hand and pasted a seal on these people.

"What are you doing, Ango?" The players were shocked.

"This is shenxingfu. You should leave now. As for me..."

Anying looks up at these evil spirits with a murderous face, "I want to avenge brother Xu and Xiao Wu!"


Before she had finished speaking, anying had already started shenxingfu.

This talisman was specially made by Zhuge Zang before the war. It is powerful and most suitable for running.

Anying originally intended to use it to save his life at a critical moment, but now he has changed his mind.


When shenxingfu started, resplendent Guanghua immediately coerced these people and flew away in the distance regardless of their struggle and shouting.

Then anying slowly stood up and looked at the evil spirits, with a sneer of disdain on her face.

"Brother Xu, Xiao Wu, wait for me!" Anying said silently in the bottom of her heart, and then rushed up directly.

At the same time, Zhang Chu did not know what had just happened on the ground. Even if he knew, he could do nothing.

Because at the moment, he has also fallen into a bitter struggle.

In the face of this endless evil ghost, even if he is the contemporary master of Tianshi mansion, he also feels a bit of despair at the moment.

Because the number of these evil spirits is too much, and they are derived from the evil spirit. If you kill one, you will soon gather three.

It seems that there is no end to it.

In the face of this situation, Zhang Chu knew that if he could not eliminate the source of these evil spirits, he would be trapped in it sooner or later.

Therefore, although he seems to be aimlessly rushing left and right, he is actually moving a little towards the direction of the blood doll.


The shadow of the blood doll can be seen clearly in his position.

Zhang Chushen takes a breath, bites the tip of his tongue, and spurts out a mouthful of blood essence of his own life on Laojun's sword.


Lao Jun's sword, which was originally dull because of continuous cutting, burst into flames, and then swept away the previous decline.

But Zhang Chu's face became very pale.

After all, that mouthful of blood essence at least damaged his three years of hard work!Nevertheless, without any hesitation, Zhang Chu cut down the evil spirits in front of him.

Then, like an arrow away from the string, he rushed to the blood doll in the distance.

The speed was so fast that he almost rushed to the front in a moment, and then stabbed the blood doll's heart with a sword without hesitation.

The blood doll is 100 Zhang tall, and Zhang Chu looks like a mosquito in front of it.

But Zhang Chu's sword just pierced into the blood doll's skin, not more than half an inch. A terrible Qi made Zhang Chu flash to the side subconsciously.


A virtual shadow was drawing from the position where Zhang Chu just stood, shattering the space.

Zhang Chu broke out in a cold sweat, so he moved a little slower. Now he has to die and can't die any more.

At the same time, the virtual shadow slowly turned around and was a pocket version of the blood doll.

He grinned like a child.

But the smile is not half cute, on the contrary, it is creepy.

Because of this smile, the pocket version of the blood doll's mouth directly grinned to the back of his head, revealing the sharp hacksaw like fangs below.

Then he heard a vague voice in his throat.

"He's a smelly Taoist, Jie Jie. He's just taking you as a sacrifice!"

Then it pours on Zhang Chu again.

As soon as Zhang Chu flashed, the blood doll went straight through it.

But before Zhang Chu was relieved, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Then he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, he saw the blood doll's sharp smile, and a bone appeared in his hand.

It is a rib of Zhang Chu.

"Smelly Taoist, it's useless. You can't escape my pursuit. I can take off your heart at any time if I want to!"

But in the face of such a strange attack, Zhang Chu's face was as deep as water. Then he slowly took a deep breath and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood essence.

After absorbing the essence and blood, Lao Jun sword's power soared again, and then cut off a sword towards the blood doll's body.

"Obstinacy is really a group of stubborn old ways!" The pocket version of the blood doll gave a sneer, and then rushed to Zhang Chu again.

This time, its goal is Zhang Chu's heart.

But Zhang Chu didn't even pay attention to it, and the sword didn't slow down at all.

See blood baby's hand through the void directly into Zhang Chu's chest, ready to pick his heart.

From a distance came a cold drink like thunder.


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