With the sound of cold drink, a huge gold word flew straight in and printed on the pocket version of the blood doll.


The blood doll let out a very sad howl, and then it was directly flew out.

And in the mid air, its body also emitted a stream of smoke.

That's why the gold word is baking its body.

At the same time, a flash of light, and then a boy in white appeared in the field.

It's Sean.

At the moment, although he had been fighting for ten days, he was still better in white than in snow, and was not contaminated with any dirt.

In particular, the ethereal temperament of other people became more and more intense.

At the sight of him, Zhang Chu, who had already reached the limit, finally took a breath.

"Mr. Xue..."

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "don't say it. You should step back and have a rest. I'll deal with this evil thing!"

"Yes Zhang Chu stepped down immediately.

Then Xue an looked down at the blood doll in the distance.

Right now.

Because of the power of Xue an's word, the pocket version of the blood doll has been thoroughly baked, leaving only the body of the blood doll standing in the original place.

After feeling Xue an's eyes, the blood doll was shocked. Then he opened his mouth and roared vaguely.

"Xue an...!"

With the voice, but see endless evil reappearance, endless evil ghost is overwhelming toward Xue an.

Among other things, just because the blood doll can speak and call out Xue an's name, it proves that its strength is far better than those white bone chariots.

But when these evil spirits rushed to Xue an's front, Xue an didn't even look at these ghosts, just drank a word lightly.


Bang bang!

With this word out, the evil ghost who had rushed to the front of the whole body was shocked, even one after another exploded.

In an instant, the evil spirits in the sky turned into ashes under the chain explosion.

And Xue an slowly took a step, under one step, he came directly to the blood doll.

This sudden move shocked the whole body of the blood doll, and immediately he wanted to struggle.

But the next second, all of its movements stopped.

Because Xue an suddenly put out his hand and pressed it on the top of his head.

Because of the huge difference in size, Xue an is so humble in front of the blood doll.

But with a little press, the blood doll froze and couldn't move any more.

This is the pressure from the Immortal Emperor.

Seeing this, Zhang Chu, who had retreated to a distance, couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The monster who has been fighting hard for a long time, and even nearly lost his life, but still can't shake him, is like a mole ant in Xue an's hands, and can't even struggle.

What a strength gap!

When Zhang Chu sighed, Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Do you know me?"

The blood doll raised her white eyes like a nightmare and stared at Xue an with a hoarse voice in her throat.

"Of course I know you, because the adults have told me that as long as I see you, I must kill you!"

Xue an's mouth gradually raised, "Oh, right? I'm really honored! But unfortunately, you don't seem to have a chance! "

After that, Xue an's wrist turned, Tianzhu sword appeared immediately, and then stabbed into the eyebrow of the blood doll.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The blood doll howled in extreme pain, but no matter how it struggled, it couldn't make Xue an's palm move.

At the same time, the Tianzhu sword began to absorb everything crazily, and the red on the sword body expanded rapidly.

In contrast, the blood doll's figure began to shrink at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The extreme pain made it howl wildly.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. On the contrary, he turned his wrist and stirred it in the blood doll's body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The blood doll burst into a baby's cry.

But this kind of crying, which should have been pitiful, is so strange and terrifying when combined with the body shape of the blood doll, which makes people feel chilly.

"Xue an Adults have said that you will die without a burial place. This is your inescapable destiny

"Ha ha, my life has never been controlled by anyone, as for the adults in your mouth..."

Xue an's eyes flashed, "I'm waiting for them!"

Words fall, Xue an's arm suddenly a dint.


Tianzhu sword completely disappeared into the center of the blood doll's eyebrows."Ah, ah, ah!"

With the last scream, the blood doll's body quickly shrunk, and finally withered and broken, turned into fly ash.

As it turns into fly ash, there is also the wave of insects following it.

All of a sudden, this marginal battlefield was swept away.

Zhang Chu stood in the same place, looking at Xue an standing in the sky, his eyes full of awe.

At the same time, Xue an slowly dropped his sword.

After ten days of fighting, the original white and jade like body of the Tianzhu sword has turned pink. After absorbing the evil spirit of the blood doll, the color can't help deepening.

Not only that, but also the power has become more powerful and sharp.

But there was no joy in Xue an's face.

On the contrary, there was a deep dignified color in his eyes.

Because the strength of this blood doll is obviously much stronger than that of the white bone chariot. It can be said that it is the highest level evil thing since the beginning of the war.

Although it's easy to deal with such evil things, it's extremely terrifying for ordinary strong people.

The key is that the ability to break through the void and enter the human body, thus destroying the organs is overwhelming.

For example, this time, if he didn't arrive in time, Zhang Chu would be more or less unlucky.

This also reflects the seriousness of the problem from the side.

After all, the vast majority of the strong are worse than Zhang Chu.

If such evil things increase gradually, the pressure that people will face will increase several times.

At that time, people will have to draw a question mark if they can hold on.

Just then, Zhang Chu suddenly yelled, "an Ying, what's the matter with you?"

Then Xue an immediately turned to look.

I saw an Ying's figure in the scattered dust.

At the moment, the shining military talisman and armor on his body was already dim, and his body was covered with all kinds of scars, big and small.

One of the most serious injuries is the wound that runs through his whole face.

The wound seems to have been hit by something moving at a high speed. It enters from the left cheek and flies out from the right cheek, forming a terrible wound. The blood is dripping, and even the gums in the mouth can be seen clearly.

Seeing this, Zhang Chu came here immediately, and Xue an was faster than him.

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