At the same time, in the battlefield of Pure Land Buddhism, fox night fought hard to kill a wave of evil insects.

Then he came close to Xue an breathlessly, and said with some surprise, "old Xue, do you think there is something wrong with these evil things these two days?"

"Oh? What's wrong? " Xue an casually smashed dozens of white bone chariots, and then said faintly.

"I found that since you killed that double headed evil thing, there has never been a powerful evil thing on the battlefield. It's not as calm as it was at the beginning of the battle." Fox night said.

"Yes, I feel the same way!" Ye hanshang also gathered at this time, some doubts said.

"I think it may be that these evil things are slack because they can't attack for a long time!" Tianzha said suddenly.

"I don't think it's that simple, because the attack of these evil things is very methodical. Obviously, they have high intelligence behind them, so this kind of abnormality proves that they must be brewing some big conspiracy!" Ye Han's face is as deep as water.

And this inference also made all the people present shiver.

"The great conspiracy What great conspiracy could it be? " The sky covers that deep voice speech way.

Xue an's eyes also flashed a touch of strange brilliance, and then said faintly: "no matter what kind of conspiracy they are brewing, we just need to deal with it calmly and don't care too much."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

"What old Xue said is right. If the soldiers come to block the water and settle in the earth, we just have to deal with it calmly." Ye hanshang echoed.

Fox night white he one eye, "this still use you to say? Young master, I've never been afraid. I'm not like some people who think about big schemes all day long! "

"Oh, fox, are you itching? Shall I loosen it for you? "

"Cut, frighten who, young master, I'm half step Immortal Emperor's cultivation now, I don't have the same opinion as the only Immortal King!" Fox night full face complacent say.

Ye hanshang rolled his sleeve, "half step Immortal Emperor, right? Do you have the courage to fight with me, the only Immortal King? Let's see who is really powerful!"

Fox night rolled his eyes, "do you want me to fight? How can I listen to you so much! "

Two people once again began to daily quarrel, Chu Wuxiang and tianzha that this has been strange, and even did not stop, then each scattered.

Xue an stood in the original place and watched quietly, until they grabbed each other's clothes like children, ready to tear them up, he just said helplessly.

"Can you two be more mature? A half step fairy emperor, a top fairy king, how can he be like two idiots

"Don't worry about it, old Xue. I'll let him know my strength today." Ye hanshang said by the collar of fox night.

"Joke, if I don't clean you up today, my name will be written upside down!" Fox night is no compromise.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't laugh or cry.

He was totally helpless with the pair, so he stepped back a few steps and turned to leave.

But at this time, the evil insects on the whole battlefield suddenly receded like a tide.

Some of the strong men who were fighting could not stop and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

"What's wrong with these evil insects? Going back? "

For a moment, the whole audience was shocked.

Xue an naturally saw this scene, but his face was full of dignified color, slowly said: "something's wrong!"

Ye hanshang and fox night, who were just tearing, had come to Xue an, and then said solemnly.

"Yes, there is something wrong!"

At this moment, the boundless evil insects all gathered in front of the copper gate, and then worshiped it, as if they were welcoming their king.

And with their worship, the brilliance in the copper door is also crazy flashing.

This scene made everyone's heart rise to their throat.

Chu Wu Xiang, Hu ye and others looked at each other, and then immediately dispersed to form a battle array. The center of the battle was the huge copper door.

At the same time, the sound of singing came from the copper door.

This voice is weeping and sentimental, which makes many people's faces instantly appear the color of obsession.

He immediately stepped forward and said, "no Buddha in the south!"

His action also reminded the rest of the Buddhists that they all closed their palms and recited sutras and incantations, which shocked the audience and awakened the obsessed people.

When the chant was forcibly interrupted, the owner of the voice suddenly sighed.

"Why do you have to interrupt me? Isn't it good to die so happily? "

The voice of this talk is very cool and beautiful, at least fox night can't help whispering: "this small voice can be ah, should be a big beauty!"

At the same time, the brilliance in the copper gate suddenly began to converge, and then slowly emerged an existence.When it appeared in front of the crowd,

"what the hell is that?" Fox night, who just exclaimed that she would be a great beauty, could not help but say with astonishment after seeing this existence.

It wasn't just him, it was a shock.

Because the presence in the field at the moment is really incredible.

This is a huge centipede, hundreds of feet long, and like a snake squatting together, the dense feet are still crawling, it makes the scalp numb.

But if that's all, it won't make people so surprised.

What's really moving and frightening is its head.

Only in the Centipede's head, half of the beautiful woman's body grows impressively.

That delicate skin, delicate melon face, including a pair of water cut eyes, all prove that this is a big beauty.

But the problem is that no matter how beautiful the beauty is, when she grows on a centipede, it is no longer pleasing to the eye.

"Little fox, didn't you just say that you should be a great beauty? Now it belongs to you!" Ye hanshang joked.

Fox night complexion extremely ugly, "don't make a noise, I now some want to vomit!"

Just at this time, this beautiful centipede flashed across the audience, then covered her mouth and laughed.

I have to say that the sound of its smile is very good, like a silver bell, especially beautiful.

But the most beautiful laughter from his mouth will only make his whole body sweat.

"It's a little interesting. No wonder there are so many delicious spirits under the attack of evil insects. I'm so excited to think about it!"

Say, it still stretched out tongue to lick lip gently, that appearance is very enchanting.

Li Jingxing, who had been standing on the front line of the battlefield and didn't speak, could not help frowning slightly at the moment. "Where's the evil devil who dares to come here and die?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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